Colon cancer symptoms and signs of bowel cancer

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Learn colon cancer symptoms and signs of colon cancer or symptoms of bowel cancer in this video!

If you’re looking for scientifically backed information on colon cancer or bowel cancer symptoms then you’ve found the right video. Now Keep in mind that experiencing these symptoms doesn't necessarily mean you have colon cancer, but it's crucial to get checked by your healthcare professional. Remember, early detection can make a big difference in any treatment.

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Symptoms of bowel cancer may include:
- Changes in your poo, such as having softer poo, diarrhoea or constipation that is not usual for you.
- Needing to poo more or less often than usual for you
- Blood in your poo, which may look red or black
- Bleeding from your bottom
- Often feeling like you need to poo, even if you've just been to the toilet
- Tummy pain
- Bloating
- Losing weight without trying
- Feeling very tired for no reason

Non-urgent advice: See a doctor if:
- You have any symptoms of bowel cancer for 3 weeks or more
- Try not to be embarrassed. The doctor or nurse will be used to talking about these symptoms.

Urgent advice: Ask for an urgent doctors appointment if:
- Your poo is black or dark red
- You have bloody diarrhoea

Immediate action required: Go to A&E or call 999 if:
- You're bleeding non-stop from your bottom
- There's a lot of blood, for example, the toilet water turns red or you see large blood clots

All content in this video and description including: information, opinions, content, references and links is for informational purposes only. The Author does not provide any medical advice on the Site. Accessing, viewing, reading or otherwise using this content does NOT create a physician patient relationship between you and it’s author. Providing personal or medical information to the Principal author does not create a physician patient relationship between you and the Principal author or authors. Nothing contained in this video or it’s description is intended to establish a physician patient relationship, to replace the services of a trained physician or health care professional, or otherwise to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should consult a licensed physician or appropriately credentialed health care worker in your community in all matters relating to your health.

About this video: Searching colon cancer symptoms and signs of colon cancer? In this video, Advanced Medical Practitioner Abraham Khodadi, MPharm(Hons)IPresc MScACP shares symptoms and signs of bowel cancer!
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I had blood once this happened on Christmas Day, 2013. I went to my GP. And he told me it was due to piles. I was very relieved I can tell you. Always get yourself checked out, I say.


Thank you for this awareness video. Awesome vibes Abe’s ❤❤


Dear Abraham fantastic video with excellent tips. Very useful. Thank you


Thank you for the video,
A lot of this sounds like IBS.


Doctor please answer i just need your help your advice


My poo is always narrow peices they detected blood in it but I cant see blood.


In July I had a colenoscopy with 3 polyps removed and a biopsy done on something else they found. My stool was normal for 3 weeks after but its been back to pencil shaped little strings again. I might go 4 or 5 maybe 6 times in a day and then not be abke to go for days. It never feels like I empty my bowels either. Im praying its colen cancer so I dont have to be around for too many more years. My life is garbage anyways. I should find out in december before christmas.


Hey doc please answer I’m very worried I have blood on the tissue after I poop sometimes and headaches and nausea I’m scared I haven’t told my mom


I have flat stools but it varys on how flat it is. No blood but i do feel like im not emptying my bowels all the way. But no blood like is said. Not loosing weight either and not real tired. Bloated some but take probiotics


doctor is there any way we could get in contact ?


We can't afford doctors visit you gotta pay one doctor to get them to see another doctor. Had the wright loss shot only could afford 1 months worth lost 15 pounds. But since have had almost constant diarrhea. Pain in right handside lower. after eating mostly. Doctors only want money. I just went for a pap smear told her of right side pain she said make a appointment with the PCP for further imaging. They literally do nothing. I want to have all these doctors to do all these different things and no one wants to keep up with anything and no one wants to put two and two together. 40 years ago we had a doctor that did daggum near everything one doctor. He knew everything about you.


When i go to toilet doctor every morning same time i poop but some times i see blood in toilet paper when i wipe out i have anal fissure and hemoroids i am young man and i see change in stools of course i have constipation, gas, sometimes pain but not everyday it may be muscles, i have a lot pain in my anal fissure sometimes after masturbation and it takes some minutes for pain to go i am in bed when pain happening i never done colonoscopy and i don't want i am afraid i want other test maybe blood test, of course i don't eat everyday fiber i have to eat banana, a lot of water and beans or legumes for my poo to be soft and it's very longer when i have constipation is different shapes the same time very small pieces and longer thicker i don't understand what is going i mean i just want to be okay i am just young man
