Why Siberians Want to Secede from Russia

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Siberia has a truly dark history. And its present isn't much better.

As Russia's war with Ukraine continues, it is now coming to light that Russia has disproportionately targeted Siberians for conscription in the Russian Army under Vladimir Putin's leadership. But this is just the latest in a long line of troubling episodes of Russia's dark history with Siberia.

In this documentary on the history of the Russian Empire and the Russian Federation, we'll explore how - and why - Russia conquered the vast wilderness of Siberia, how it made their leaders unfathomably rich, and how it forever changed the lives of the Siberian people.

*Selected Sources:*

Russian false flag attacks and creating division in Eastern Ukraine prior to the invasion:

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I remember a Artic Nomadic Tribe being re-discovered in the 1970's. They asked if the Tzar was still alive. That's how badly connected Siberia is the the rest of Russia.


Siberian is not an ethnicity. In Siberia there are numerous different ethnicities.


There is a huge grammatical error in this program. The Russian Tsars did not become "benefactors" from the fur trade. The word you were looking for is "beneficiary'. A benefactor is someone who hands out benefits. A beneficiary is someone who receives them. Otherwise, an interesting take on the subject.


I lost you at 'ethnic Siberians.' There are literally over 40 ethnic groups in Siberia, none of them identified as 'Siberians'.


A very interesting video, though I found the title a bit misleading. It seems like the video is more about Why Siberians SHOULD want to secede from Russia. At no point does the video actually establish whether or not secession is actually a popular idea among Siberians.


As a Buryat born in Buryatia, I can say that no one from my entourage wants to leave Russia


I feel the term “Russian” has so many definitions. There’s ethnic Russians, there’s Russians who are proud Russians but hate Moscow’s or don’t feel that Moscow represents their interests, there’s also Russian citizens who don’t identify as ethnic Russians but have roots that have always lived on the territory of Russia, Russians who live in ex Soviet republics but identify as Russian, Russians who are from Russia as a former republic of the Soviet Union but now no longer identify as such due to living in another ex Soviet republic, people who speak Russian but don’t identify as Russian nor have ever lived in the territory of Russia, etc…. The examples go on forever.


Major cities in Siberia are pretty damn Russian, they dont even have their own dialects which is impressive for such a country.


Russian got Stalin and Putin, Chinese got Mao and Xi.


I wouldn't call a non-Russian Russian from Siberia, an "ethnic Siberian". That'd be like calling a Navajo person an "ethnic Native American". There are Native American ethnicities, but no ethnic Native American whole. To call them that would be to paint them as a monolith, which is inaccurate and offensive. One of the two Russian men you described fleeing, according to the Guardian, was probably white; the other was likely Siberian Yupik. I'd just say "Yupik" for the reasons outlined above.


Russia's attitude has always been "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"


Вы хоть одного сибиряка спросили что они хотят?


"Siberians" in Russia are all people living in the east from Ural montains. I'm german born in Nowisibirsk, I'm siberian per definition:)


I’ve had friends from Yakutia Siberia for about 10 years. We’ve had many cultural exchanges in our community. Last year I was given a Yakutian flag.


"But back to the topic", "But back to Siberia", back, back, back. This had so many detours from the actual video that I really have no idea why the title is even called Succession.


Как Сибиряк, я очень удивлен, что мы хотим отделиться. Мы и есть Россия))


Нам надо снять свой фильм. Почему Техас хочет отделиться 😂


no one wants us to leave the Russian Federation, this is all untrue. I live in Siberia, and everyone around me doesn’t want this.


Никто из нормальных людей этого не хочет, кроме поехавших сепаратистов вроде Ярослава Золотарева (кстати, где он?). Впрочем это не имеет особого значения. Важно понимать, что полу-мифическое желание сибиряков отделиться гораздо менее реально, чем аналогичное желание обитателей Техаса, например. Что там с Техасом-то?
Как там по святой Конституции? Вроде им гарантировано право на самоопределение, ась? Ну то есть, если Сибирь отделится, то пускай тогда и Техас станет независимым. Я полагаю, так будет по-настоящему справедливо.
