3 OF THE BEST WAYS TO DIFFUSE CURLY HAIR (for definition, volume or elongation)

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In today's video, I am sharing 3 different ways to diffuse curly hair for less frizz, definition, volume, or elongation! Did you know there are different ways to use a diffuser depending on if the desired look is defined curly hair, big curly hair, or stretched curly hair. Keep watching to see 3 different techniques that can be used on wavy, curly, and coily textured hair PLUS my pro-hairstylist tips and tricks for keeping your hair healthy while blow-drying. My professional tool of choice for the last 31/2 years has been my Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer and its iconic Diffuser attachment. I am so honored to partner with Dyson to create this video and hope you enjoyed it! Be sure to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to see the next one!

Dyson Supersonic

Dyson Supersonic Supersonic Wide-tooth Comb Attachment

Dyson Supersonic Gentle Air Attachment


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👯‍♀️Amanda’s Instagram @amanda__guido


3 Different Ways to Diffuse Curl Hair 0:00
How to Diffuse Curly Hair Without Frizz and for Definition 1:35
How to Diffuse Curly Hair for Volume 6:18
How to Elongate Curls with a Diffuser 12:29
How to Blow Dry Fine Curly Hair + Tips for Refreshing Curly Hair 16:19
Bloopers 18:56

#diffusingcurlyhair #curlyhair #manesbymell

DISCLAIMER: This video was made in partnership with @dyson. I have been using the Dyson Supersonic since I first became a hairstylist, over 3 years ago. That being said, all opinions are honest and my own, as always. The description may also contain affiliate links. This helps support the channel and allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you for your support!
Рекомендации по теме

Mel, I have been watching your videos for a couple of years. I have thick curly hair similar to yours. I am 34 and I always wore it straight until 2 years ago, when I started wearing it natural. After watching your videos and following your advice my hair grew exponentially, it was beautiful and healthy. Just as I started loving my curly hair I was diagnosed with an aggressive type of breast cancer. I went through many different treatments for a year and a half and I lost all of my hair. I finished treatment, cancer free, 2 months ago. My hair is coming back very curly and hard to manage. I started watching you again. I have bought most of your recommended products and I am following your routines. It has changed my world post cancer. It is helping my hair grow back and look nice and healthy while it grows back out. I watched your video last week where you were questioning your career choice. Please know that your making a difference in people’s lives in a way you may never know. You have helped me when my confidence was at its lowest. You are very knowledgeable, vibrant, and helpful. Thank you for helping all the curly girls find confidence in their curls 👏🏻 That has been on my heart to say I hope it gives you a wide perspective of the difference your making. 🙏🏻


I dropped my Dyson hairdryer on my foot today. Wasn't a fun experience, but still the best hairdryer I've ever used!!!


I'm a wavy to curly girl over 50 with very long, mostly natrual gray hair and what's left of colored hair towards the bottom, and I've been watching Mel's videos since the pandemic. And I've half-assed her and other's suggestions on my hair. I know Mel knows what she's talking about, but I get lazy with my hair. I also get into a rush and want it done and dry NOW. I hate air drying because it takes hours, and I also wash more frequently than I should because of summer heat and menopausal night sweats. This morning I made a pointed effort to do things the "right" way after watching this late last night. I also don't own a Dyson and never will due to the cost, and use drug store products that I can afford. I have a decent dryer I got on Amazon along with a diffuser. I started with the detangling in the shower and applied my leave in and gel to sopping wet hair. Scrunched with a t shirt. After a few minutes I went in with my dryer using the techniques above, and I'm having the best curly day ever, with little to no tangles in my length. I was literally going to cut off about three inches of hair. Even my wirey grays are behaving as best they can. And it didn't really take any longer than when I rough dry my hair and finish it with a warm flat iron or curling wand. Bottom line, if you're like me and you've watched her videos, use her information! If she can take the time to make them, we can take the time to do our hair the right way!! Thanks Mel 🌹


I recently started seeing a curly trained stylist. She gets MUCH more definition at the root when diffusing. I have super fine curly hair and I asked her what she was doing. Instead of pushing the hair to the root and holding the diffuser for a few seconds, she picks up the hair gently and places the hair in the diffuser off the head a little. I know you are “hands off” but since I have been doing that I have more definition and less frizz at my roots!


I like my dyson but I prefer a bigger diffuser bowl with longer teeth to get to my roots without squishing the curls and dry more of my hair faster, sooo… I ordered an extra concentrator attachment from dyson, then had my husband cut the magnet part and high heat glue it to my Black Orchid diffuser. I’m in love. Best of both worlds.


You're a goddess! And a hoot! I'm 61 and still learning about my hair. You're a joy to watch, and how you explain the products and methods and results are simple. I am sharing your videos on FB.


Amanda's natural makeup look is so pretty in this video!


Happy texture Tuesday!!! It’s been a while since we shared a diffusing video so I’m excited about this one🥰


I never once thought to use the comb attachment for backcombing. Also using the cool to cool down. You're a genius!!!!


Dude…I never thought about back combing my roots. That is SO smart. Tomorrow is my wash day and I’m VERY excited to try this!

Also, I adore you, your seester, and your channel. I have psycho non porous, dense, thick, very dry 2b-3c (yes, every single one of those patterns) hair and before I found you, I couldn’t get it under control. Now I get compliments everywhere I go. Thank you, curl mom!!! ❤️❤️❤️


Tip and trick that I do is to use a rotating space heater. I sit at my vanity while it sits behind me on top of a folding table and let it do it’s thing. First I start in the back for 15 minutes, then both sides and last I’ll move my hair by doing the swaying technique. There is no crunch afterwards. It’s just shiny supple curls.


The Infiniti pro by con air works well for me and it’s only like $35 on Amazon. For those of you who are saying you can’t afford a Dyson. You just need a diffuser, and this one comes with one too! Just be mindful of the heat settings. Don’t use the hottest setting. I usually use warm and cool. It takes a bit longer of course but my hair is healthier for it ☺️


It's always a good feeling when you forget that it's Tuesday and then you get a little notification reminding you that its TEXTURE Thank you so much Mell and Amanda!!!


What would my curly life be without you!!!! You are just the best! Thanks for all the tips and tricks and for being haaairrrr for us!!!!


I love my Dyson blow dryer. My hair has gotten finer and fizzy as I have gotten older. Getting the Dyson blow dryer, has been my saving grace, in my curly hair journey. Thank you so much for all your videos.


What? Dyson sponsored this video and they couldn’t gave her a discount code for her subscribers?! Rude.


Literally LIFE CHANGING! I just stumbled upon these videos and I am now a forver fan! I've DESPISED my curly hair all my life because it never looked defined and always came out frizzy. I did the whole routine with the products and the hovering with the dryer and have achieved LOVE for my hair! FINALLY! Thank you Mell & Amanda!


How on earth have I lived this long and not known ‘bout Mell and her seester Amanda?!? 😱 Thank you so much, ladies, for knowledge a la curl and for doing so in a fun, entertaining way! Y’all rock! And so does your hair! 👍🏻🤘🏻💁‍♀️😄


i’ve been following you for so long and i grew my hair all the way down to my waist!!! BUT!!! i recently got a bad haircut and they cut off 7 inches. I’ve finally stopped crying about it, but now i get to start all over again!!! can’t wait to see how much length i get. but the elongating tip really helps!!! love you mel!!!


Being informed and entertained at the same time.. my little me time. 🥰
Happy texture Tuesday!
