Why John 6 DESTROYS Calvinism! - Dr. Gene Kim

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Dr. Gene Kim (UC Berkeley & PBI)
Resources: Hi, I'm Dr Gene Kim (UC Berkeley & PBI) and I pastor a church at San Jose Bible Baptist Church. My channel publishes videos that focus on wrong doctrines, dispensationalism, end times and KJV as the only word of God. If that sounds like it could be helpful for you, please subscribe!

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Pastor Gene Kim
San Jose Bible Baptist Church, CA
#BaptistChurch #Dispensationalism #KJVOnly #Endtimes #Christianity #BibleStudy
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Thank God he drew me to him. Thank God he drew all of us to him.


You know i got away from a church that had Calvanist leanings as I did not agree with their doctrine so pls do not think I am on their side. HOWEVER I am led to issue REBUKE against Dr. Kim. What type of teacher or pastor calls other ppl losers? If ppl are following a wrong doctrine or belief aren't we to pray for them to see the truth in God's Word? They are after-all, believers, just with mixed up views. Hence they are your brothers and sisters that you are calling losers. You need to repent publicly. We are to love our brothers and sisters, neighbors etc...even when they are in error...just as you are in error. I speak this in love to you but was very taken aback at you doing this. God Bless and may truth and love reign in your life by the grace of Jesus. Shannon.


Thank you Pastor Kim! for sharpening our swords for effective battle. Helping us reap a better reward for the glory of God! God bless Pastor Kim may you receive a double portion of God’s Grace in Jesus mighty name I pray!


Praise to Our Lord God Jesus Christ for bringing me down to my knees surrendering to His Holiness. I am forever and ever grateful to The Lord. Thank you for this sermon Pastor Gene. God bless you more and more. God bless my online BBC church and all my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, Amen.


idk but Dr. Kim is like a magnet, it just sucks you into his world and ofc whatever he says it actually makes sense... it became a ritual for me every night before bed I have to watch at least one of your videos... it feels so good to listen to your teachings! We are truly blessed to have access to your lectures!


This guy is like a duck in water...you know he enjoys explaining The Word, when he makes it look so easy, the way he does. I like listening to him, makes it plain and simply. Wish his church was here in Kentucky, I would sure go.


Also when in doubt and desperation people ask:

I don't know if you exist God, but if you do, please manifest into my life!!!

Then God will draw you to Him, because one is seeking for the truth!

I belive you are totally true in what you say upon the scriptures.
And our first quest is to know if there really is a God independently of the faith.

So God will draw us first, then He will guide us to salvation, His Son Jesus!

If we belive the Father, which we first came into contact, then we will believe His word which command us to believe in Jesus!


You did not explain Romans 9:11-23 -Calvinist use this text mainly as God electing whom He wants for salvation.
11 (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;)
12 It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger.
13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.
14 What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God forbid.
15 For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
16 So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.
17 For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.
18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.
19 Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will?
20 Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, Why hast thou made me thus?
21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
22 What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction:
23 And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory,


I think the bigger issue today is a large amount of people do NOT believe in dispensational salvation and combine all Gospels and Doctrines citing, Father never changes as the reason i run into.


Thanx again Pastor.. That is why it's imperative to be a Bible Believer, Study & meditate daily & compare everything anyone says before consuming it, including all sermons, to the KJV! We All Have Free Will!! It cannot get any clearer. The reason Jesus harped on believing is because His first chosen ones forgot all about that part and instead added a tremendous amount of man made rules & heavy burdens to begin with. Building a relationship with Jesus shouldn't be a marathon nor a bar exam! Those guys are the reason we have verses like this👉 The wisdom of men is foolishness to God!! Its plain as day for those NoT PuffeD uP. Its also conditional, once one Believes they still must Accept the Free Gift and Submit to the Holy Spirit.. There is simply no hope nor winning (souls) with the big fat white lie doctrine they push, no matter the age group, it will really mess with someone's head and God is Not the Father of confusion. If the person needing salvation is a senior, elder, or kid especially those going through puberty b'cuz they're already very confused as it is. They're going to automatically assume negative or the worst. Thing's like; well I guess I didn't get chosen after all, who cares I'm not one of the chosen ones I'm doomed anyway, or God never loved me. They will beat themselves up over it, its just not right. People are looking for Christ for something better, positive & life changing and usually find him at their worst, at the bottom, hopeless, drowning in sin, but there is no positivity if He's to blame for not choosing them or at fault for all the negative there consumed with. They will ultimately settle for dancing with the devil drowning in sin and ultimately death. If there is no reason to look up because they're not chosen it actually forces them in the opposite direction, directly into Satan's hands. Shame on them, its absolutely disgusting!! Like Jesus said Woe to you hypocrites! Ye blind guides! for ye, "shut up the kingdom of heaven against men" & "making them twofold more of a child of hell than yourselves". Makes one really wonder who they are really working for or whose side they really are on with those nonsense doctrines. I honestly don't know what's worse, Catholicism or Calvinism!! We need more Bible Believing Jesus and way less religion!! These religions are the reason pews are empty and the majority of churches are bat caves!


never known of this calvanism..i always all my life thought u die u go to heaven or hell so believe in JESUS to get saved


Thank you, Dr. Kim for giving us more fire power to expose the false gospel of Calvinism.




Makes perfect sense. TY Pastor Kim, for another teaching to rightly divide and understand Yaweh God's Word.


Thank you for making learning the Bible so fun. You always make me laugh lol. These people and their goofy man made doctrines look so silly when you explain it.


Hello Pastor Gene, I love your teachings of the Bible, you make everything so much easier to understand. I have a question though, is eternity like forever and ever or is it just a place without "time". If you know what I mean 😂


Brother Gene don't these folks get the verse in the Bible where it says the Lord God wants all men saved. I believe the word all is in there not predestined. Faith free will the Lord gives many gifts that are just that free. You have to want it. You've whip those Calvinists so bad the shed fell down. God bless you brother Gene. I not only believe you're right I know you're right good preaching. The thief on the cross he believed and he was in Paradise that day. I don't think he had ever met Jesus before that day


Mate I appreciate your gift of teaching. Recently I have become awake to the truth of the doctrine dispensationalism. This video however was hard for me to digest. I was troubled by the spirit in which you presented. If Calvinist are damned, and you know the truth and how to debunk, why would you hold your secret nuclear bomb insight for two years. Calvinism is cautious about giving power to mans own strength because let’s be honest, that is what the devil would like to manipulate and for us to believe . It hard for me to conceptualize that a creation can dictate the will or outcome of the creator. Because once your start to believe this dispensation (mans belief, Gods salvation) you do assert some sort of control over the outcome of creation.


Pastor do u have a vid on disasters happening and people saying God not doing anything


Pastor: Would Alan Horvath (YT Hebrew Roots Teacher) be considered Calvinist because he teaches we do not chose repentance or Jesus, but Father choses us to be born again... essentially not all can be saved by God’s choice
