2 Haunting CASES OF PRECOGNITION Science Can't Explain

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Precognition is the psychic phenomenon of seeing, or otherwise becoming directly aware of, events in the future. The power to foresee the future has been with us throughout history and the act of foretelling was known to the Greeks, Egyptians, Sumerians and Romans. The following two cases took place in England where two people inadvertently encountered future disasters.


#precognition #futureevents #weirdworld


Outro Credits:
Greenscreen Thunder Storm HD

Rain Drops on Glass Window -1080p Green Screen

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I'll watch any weird world video if this gentleman is the narrator.... top shelf!


Personally i think energy signatures are real, that's why certain places give us the creeps (that have had sinister things happen before), and so the future incidents can also imprint sometimes bc time is relative and has "already happened"

Edit : a little bit of constructive criticism : if you could create a placecard in between the two stories that would be great. Ik you had the little white banner but i totally thought we were still in the first story when you started speaking about the tower lol


Precognition is real.. I've experienced myself...!!


One of your best! I'd love to hear more on this subject, I was mesmerized.


I’ve been psychic since I was a little girl. I’ve known when my family members would die, plane crashes, celebrities dying, phone calls with bad news, etc. Not one was something good; all we’re about death. Many were extremely vivid with lots of information, but missing a key piece of info, but everything else is always absolutely correct. I’ve always wondered what is the purpose of this “gift, ” as I cannot change the events and why is it never ‘good news?’


Here’s my theory…. Before we are born, our spirits reside in another plain of existence. We choose in this spiritual place to come to this earth to enjoy living in the physical form, much like a fun vacation.
We agree to serve a purpose while in the physical form, something which too many of us forget soon after being born. Regardless, preconceptions are memories of the pre-life review that we witnessed before arriving here on earth.

“We are not humans in search of spiritual enlightenment, we are spirits immersed in the human experience”


I have these visions into the future at random but never can I tell when they will happen.


Same here naration is excellent and yet more great storys as usual perfect for a Sunday...


Uh, science can't explain everything and shouldn't even try.


OMG!! The soldier circled looks JUST like ME in my 20’s!!!


In the Armory I thought it was the Ghosts of the Two Princes that died in the tower that reaches the third had killed, supposedly. But it does kind of make sense, the universe rule of three so if something should happen like that again we should anticipate either three days three weeks or maybe even three months something should happen.


I predicted the death of my father. He wasn't even ill. He died from a heart attack in his sleep few days after the predictions stopped.


About once every 2 months or so I seem to have these strange insights but it's usually of something very minor or trivial. I wonder why I get them. It usually happens as a daydream and then the next day or the day after, the event will happen. Quite often it would be of a famous or semi- famous person dying. One of the most memorable ones was the 2005 Boxing Day tsunami. A couple of days previously I was daydreaming about 'tidal waves'. I even looked up tidal waves on google images. I was also at the beach taking my dog for a walk and I looked out at sea and imagined what it would be like to see a giant tidal wave coming towards me. Two days later I saw on the News the tsunami disaster.


4 years ago I rang my sister and told her uncle Edwin had died of a diabetic heart attack...
What I didn't know was it was the week before.
Around the same time I was an addict.
And I received a message whilst meditating what would you do in the event of having to survive a Nuclear bomb.
The Kaos created in the after math
Thought nothing of it at the time.
But I'm starting to think about it now.


It might be just a feeling of recognition of what the girl heard. but I feel like I remember hearing that too when I went there with my Mum. For I think I remember saying to my mum, can you hear children? But not when I took my son there. I don't remember hearing anything then.


I have had a few premonitions and each one I acted upon, I managed to saved a few lives (including my own) but the first preminition I had I hesitated to act on and it led to the death of my cousin. Some people are not able to act on what they see but I am ... the premonitions I have are random, I wish I could understand how it happens. They are a few hours to a few seconds ahead of time, so they are within my abilities to act on.


Precognition is more likely to happen in dreams. These stories sound more like time slips.


In 1998 I was stood at the base of the twin towers with girls I was travelling with. We were all going to go to the top. I looked up and 'saw' a plane flying into the side. I felt very sickly and panicked. I said to the girls that I didnt want to go to the top. They were a bit frustrated with me not wanting to go up. I said about the plane, saying ' all you would have to do was hijack a plane, fly it into it (tower) and it would all come tumbling down.' I said we would get stuck on the top.
They were all very angry at me as they were then too scared to go to the top.
Fast forward to 2001. I had finished a night shift and slept all day, coming down to the news of what had happened. My friend rang me and asked me if I remembered what I had said that day. We were both completely horrified by the conversation in the context of what happened on 9/11.
Apparently there were hundreds of premonitions of the events of that day. It does make you wonder though if it could have been prevented.


The first one has to be he was given vision of his future without the terrible sight of dead soldiers. so that in the future when he see the view he will remember it as beautiful to help him cope with seeing it all with so much death and destruction. He was given the vision by ? Who knows? a part of the brain we do not know how to use which got activated for him. Or given it by his guardian angel ? By God? By coincidence? By nature? Goodness only knows.


Ah, two local cases - I'm from Staffordshire, and not far from Birmingham (for those of you who are not from England - Staffordshire is a county that is next to the West Midlands, the county where Birmingham is).

Very interesting indeed, since I have premonitions of future events quite regularly. It's just upsetting that I can never do anything to prevent the disasters that I foresee. I know they are about to happen - sometimes I know a lot of details, sometimes it's only a vague knowing - but they unfold anyway. It's very upsetting to know something terrible is about to happen, or even what is about to happen - and to be unable to either prevent it, or even just improve the situation once the disaster is unfolding!

It's also upsetting that one cannot talk about such things. Nowadays, if one shows the slightest bit of an emotion, whether this is upset or happiness, one gets confronted with wild shrieks of "mental illness", so those of us who are not emotionally stunted zombies are having to keep very quiet about the fact that we are highly sensitive, have normal emotions, and feel upset when terrible things happen or are about to happen.
