Is cursing 🤬 a sin!? #christiancreator #christianity #biblestudy #cursing #profanity #church

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In the Bible, it is advised in Ephesians 4:29, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." So, as Christians, it is encouraged to speak words that are uplifting and edifying to others, avoiding coarse language or swearing. It is important to remember to use our words to glorify God and to show love and respect towards others. And if we mess up and make mistakes we need to repent of that.


While the verses shown are true, the things he says in the clip do not automatically show he intentionally is cursing on the pulpit. He may have passionately accidentally said that, and only 3 seconds of a clip arent indicative. A video like this doesnt help anyone, it comes off badly to non christians.


Cuss words are not nice to say well in the way you used it. It is a sin to use it against people to offend them if you stop your toe when you say oh damn, I stubbed my toe. You’re really saying send the object that I stubbed my toe it doesn’t have feelings you’re not offending it in anyway
