11 Things to do in Oklahoma City

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As the capital of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City has a ton of charm and lots of fun adventures to explore. I got a chance to spend a few days there with my dad on our drive along Route 66 and here are some of the spots we found in the city. Let me know what your favorite is in the comments.

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I live in Oklahoma City and there is also the Kirkpatrick Planetarium within the Science Museum, Firefighters Museum, Remington Racetrack, Oklahoma City Zoo, Sam Noble Museum in Norman as well as the University of Oklahoma and the Sooners, The Womb, a psychedelic arts center, American Banjo Museum, 99s Museum of Women Pilots, Riversport Adventures and Rapids in the Boathouse district downtown OKC, as well as Toby Keith's I Love This Bar and Grill in Bricktown. OKC has LOTS of stuff to see and do, this is just a sampling and doesn't include the myriad of attractions from surrounding towns.


Being from Oklahoma I'm always wary when people "rate" oklahoma city because we normally arent viewed the best. I think this was beautifully done I love my city and state and I think it should stopped being over looked we have plenty here :)


I live in Oklahoma and I didn’t even know about a bunch of these things


Paseo and plaza district if you are into art. Especially during festivals or art walk nights.


I live here and I love it. Born and raised. My dad was suppose to go to that building on the same day that the bombing happened but his alarm clock didn't go off. But I been to about 75% of the places mentioned and I love it all.


Lived in OKC all my life. Just wanted to say thanks for highlighting our town, and thank you for the respectful shout-out to the OKC Bombing. I was in school that day and felt the blast from several miles away!


I'm from Germany and my Famliy and I have friends in Oklahoma. Its very nice there.


I'm Japanese. I live in Japan.
I've been practicing for Broadway Musical "Oklahoma!"
so I became to love oklahoma city!
I wanna go oklahoma.
and then I wanna go cowboy museum.
and I wanna sing oklahoma ! with oklahoma's people.


I have been Oklahoma City in 1988 after that living Los Angeles to now. I feel Oklahoma people very nice and that City so quiet, I hope in Future some time to Visit this City again.


I've lived in okc for 25 years and this guy was almost spot on for all of his stuff! Come visit my great city and experience the Oklahoma Standard!


You forgot just talking to people. I love being from Oklahoma because everyone that I know from out of state (trust me, I lived in Anaheim, CA as a kid) tells me they love the people. You walk by anyone and they smile at you. Very friendly and very helpful if you need them. Every time I’ve ever been in a sticky situation on the road or just in general someone will offer to help in no time. We aren’t considered the south but we sure do have the best southern hospitality type.


Was doing research on things to do in OKC. Your video was the best I found by far. The editing, the places you chose to feature, everything. Amazing work!


I love in Oklahoma City well in Edmond but I would say you got some really great places and missed some better spots. Great video though. Shows Oklahoma in a better light than most people see it in.


You forgot about Scissortail Park that is opening in September.


I live in Oklahoma and I often go to Oklahoma City and there is alot to do


This was a great video! Many people see Oklahoma as a fly over state but we actually have a lot to offer. We have some hidden gems! I am proud to be an Okie! Thanks for such a great video showcasing some of our iconic spots!


I live in Oklahoma City and this place is the best!!


Oklahoma City also has many venues which feature a wide range of live music any given night of the week. 🎼


I was ready to criticize your picks. But this was a great list. Some other great place to visit would be 45th Infantry Division Museum and train museum, the science museum is more kids oriented but actually very impressive. Cafe Cacao is a Latin cuisine brunch place in central okc that is amazing and was featured on the travel channel. Guthrie has cool shops and historical homes.


Living in Oklahoma City is the nicest place
I’ve been to the top of the Devan tower
Went to the art museum ( some kid pulled the fire alarm trigger lol )
Ate at the bottom of the Devan tower
It’s a wonderful place!
