How To Astral Project In 9 Seconds (Astral Project Tonight)

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Astral travel (means the same as astral projection) is something that's quite elusive, but in this video I'm going to show you HOW to astral travel in just 90 seconds or less. If you get this right, you'll be astral projecting in 9 seconds or something similar.

Astral projection means separating your physical body from your astral body and floating around in the astral plane or in the 'astral realm'. This enables you to do ANYTHING, and it will feel incredible. To really learn how to astral project, you'll need to learn the right things, and learn them SAFELY.







What is Lucid Dreaming? Lucid dreaming (sometimes called astral projection although they're not quite the same) is the ability to become SELF AWARE in your dreams, meaning you can control them and experience whatever you want. You can live out your fantasies and be, do, see or feel ANYTHING.

There are also many benefits to lucid dreaming, such as improved sleep, more energy, more confidence, and more restorative sleep. Not to mention the fact you can become more CONSCIOUS, and experience the impossible!

I'm Stef, the guy behind HowToLucid, and I'm dedicated to helping you learn how to lucid dream. I've been lucid dreaming for over 8 years now and I have a passion for dreams, personal development and travel. Follow my journey, and please leave a comment now, if you've read all of this, letting me know your best lucid dream experience!

If you want to know how to lucid dream tonight or really quickly, check out my other videos on my channel. I have tutorials on how to induce lucid dreams easily and sleep better. Explore lucid dreaming with me!

#LucidDreaming #HowToLucid #Dreams
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How to astral projection in one month and 90 seconds


Lucid dreaming and Astral projection is becoming more and more recognized each day😲


"Wake up at 3-6 am"
*hast slept and it's already 2:35am* well sounds good to me


- Claims 90 seconds in title
- Claims 30 seconds in video
- Video is 12 minutes long



I've done this before, and it WORKS! I once woke up in the middle of the night, and I rolled onto my back and just laid there. I then felt the rush of intense vibrations, but I chickened out ....


"might see shadow"
Me: ok debating if I wanna do this or no


Did you really just nonchalantly say everyone has shadow beings messing with us in our sleep??


Juice WRLD: i have these lucid dreams where i cant move a thing

Me: thats called sleep paralysis bro 😅
U aint having lucid dreams


HTL: you should be asleep at 3 am
my messed sleep schedule: am I a joke to you?


This works! Back in the day I used binaural beats (no music) to meditate... did that every day... also studied astral projection methods for many years... The way I managed it was... I'd take long naps on a Saturday or Sunday and when coming awake (not moving a muscle!) from these naps I would realize I was in the perfect state to project... I did so many times over the course of a year or two... often I would use the roll out method... Just rolling over off the bed... Other times I would literally step out of bed!... These experiences were HYPER REAL... I'd walk around my apartment... Then start flying around.... I could only stay out of body for under a minute or so.. because I would get so excited about the experience... He's right... surges of any sort of emotion will stop the experience immediately. And fear will PREVENT it for SURE. Takes time, focus, patience, and firm intention!


How to astral project in 90 seconds or less
With a 99% chance of meeting Dave the sleep paralysis demon


He forgets to mention how when you are separating from your body there’s a noise, like static but it gets loud, loud like a jet engine loud. As soon as you hear that hum, because it starts out as a hum, think into it and it will take you into the tunnel which then turns into the place where ever you want to go.


The vibrational stage is so hard to by pass, feels like my rib cage and back are being attacked by bees or electricity, only last like 20 minutes


I left my body 2 times in my life by accident and both were when I was wide awake. The first was during school recess, I jumped off of a slide and my spirit left my body, I turned around saw my physical body floating in mid air- saw all my soroundings around me then flew back into my body. This happened in the middle of the day on a playground. The second was wen I was 12 and my mom caught me smoking weed for the first time. As she was yelling at me I just wanted to be somewhere any where else’s and sure enough my spirit left my body - but this time I didn’t go anywhere I just seen my body hit the fridge as it fell and my mom trying to hold me up - then I came back into my body and got my ass beat. . . I say all that to say TO ME a lucid Dream and spirit LEAVING the body are similar states at best but deffly not the same. Keep it up tho I like your channel so far - I’ve only watched 2 vids but I’m not disappointed 👍🏽 🙏🏽 (Thankful)


My weird shapes are countless red and/or blue dots.


There was a shadow demon in my room and in my sleep paralysis state I managed to raise my head and growl at it and yell and it went away. I'm not even joking. It was scary af but I have dealt with them on more than one occasion


To be honest I've done this in the day time. It really just depends on the person


One night when I was laying down the lights were out and covers over the windows and everything was quiet. I saw an image of myself going across the ceiling towards the kitchen and then for some reason I returned and then I became aware of what was happening and I open my eyes and it was all finished


Has anyone actually met entities like a floating head trying to talk to you during these astral projection? I'm always surrounded by black and the only thing I can see is a head clear as day it takes a different form and color every time and I'm only able to talk to it for about 10 seconds, only enough time to ask it ONE question. And its answers are legit.


You lost me as soon as you said get up between 3 and 6 a.m.
