ADAM and EVE Bible Story | The Creation and The Fall

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Discover the Profound Biblical Story of Humanity's Origins

In this captivating YouTube video, we delve into the timeless tale of Adam and Eve, exploring the pivotal events of "The Creation and The Fall." Join us on a journey back to the beginning of humanity as we unravel the profound teachings and lessons hidden within this iconic Bible story.

In this informative video, we present a clear and concise summary of the biblical account of Adam and Eve. Witness the creation of the world and everything within it, as the Almighty brings forth life from the void. Follow Adam and Eve's footsteps in the pristine Garden of Eden, where they enjoy a blissful existence in harmony with nature and their Creator.

As the story unfolds, we encounter the serpent, a cunning creature who tempts Adam and Eve to disobey God's commandment. Witness the heart-wrenching moment of their fateful decision and the consequences that follow. Discover how humanity's fall from grace leads to a world where sin and suffering become a part of the human experience.

If you find value in this video, don't forget to hit the like button, share it with others seeking spiritual insights, and subscribe to our channel for more engaging biblical content. Let us grow together in wisdom and understanding as we journey through the profound stories of the Bible. See you in the video!


Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
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🌟 "Your journey is a living testament to the miraculous power of divine intervention. From the depths of despair, you ascended to a life filled with the harmonies of love, family, and newfound identity. May the music of your life continue to resonate with the chords of redemption and gratitude. 🎵✨"


Here’s the thing. Would they have eaten the fruit if God didn’t say anything? And if he’s all-knowing, he knew what their choice would have been before they even made it.


A story describing the disaster of putting FEELING over LOGIC


I hope you take the time to read through.  I know when someone see alot of typing, they tend to skip past. But I really do believe this would answer your question and doubts.

As human beings our purpose is to know God and to make Him known.♡

God could of created (Adam and Eve)( creation ) without free will, yet I'f HE did, we would not freely come to know Him.  Instead we would just worship, serve, and love Him, because we were created that way.

He wants us to love Him freely, worship Him freely, and serve Him because we want to serve Him..God gave us free will, which Is how sin was able to enter the world, because we chose to disobey Him.

Evil shows the existence of God's love. GOD allows us to have free will and to use the free will to have a relationship with Him.
The 1st sin actually happens with Satan.
he's pride led to his downfall.
Ezekiel 28 "you were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you"
From here Satan is cast out of heaven to earth, where he tempts Adam and Eve.
And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their propper dwelling  - these HE had kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day Jude 6

Therefore, evil existed before humanity sinned.

The focus should not be thinking of evil as a noun or thing. Evil is an aspect of relationship

In other words, if God creates creatures with free will, this allows for the possibility for evil, for the possibility that they will choose to entrhone something other then God in the center of their lives .

Meaning this includes angels, when God created heaven and the angels, beings who worshipped Him, this allowed for the possibility of angels choosing not to worship God - to instead worship themselves.

God knew all of this ahead of time, but He still chose to create them. Even though God knew Adam and Eve would sin, He also knew He was going to send He's Son to die for the sins of the world. Even though mankind sinned, God still had a plan to save us from ourselves because He loves us.
Romans 5:8

We all have sinned, and all disobeyed God. Infact any act of sin is disobedience towards God..
Romans 3:23 we all sin and fall short of God

Without a savior we are all DEAD in our trespasses and sins. Ephesians 2:1
"We were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind " in other words the things we have done to bring the wrath of God upon us, we have done by nature.
We need a savior not just because we have sinned  but because we have sinned by nature.

"We are the sons of disobedience " disobedience is in our spiritual genes.rebelellion runs in the human is part of our sinfill nature.

Being alive to disobedience, we are dead to obedience . Being alive in rebellion, we dead to submission.
In being alive to unbelief, we are dead to faith.

We had no spiritual nature to incline us to do anything for the Glory of God and in radiance on His Power.
Lacking that spiritual nature, we we're dead, dead to righteousness, dead to holiness, dead to obedience, dead to faith.

The most loving thing I can do for you is to help you REMEMBER and feel your need for a savior
GOD Saved us by grace through faith
Ephesians 2:1 -10
"Remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated
from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenant of promises, having no hope and without God in the world.
What you were and would of become without a savior

Without a savior we have no rights to heaven, no promises applied to us, we had no hope, no part in God

Sin makes us guilty before God.Not just that we are in the doghouse with God and we need to be forgiven for offending He's Glory. We need a savior because we are in the morgue.
In the doghouse you might might say you are sorry, you might make some might decide to cast yourself on the mercy of God.
Spirituality speaking I was dead.without a savior I had no Spiritual inclination at all.for there was no Spiritual life at all. And therefore I needed a savior  not only to forgive my sins, but also to give me Spiritual life, so that my heart would incline to trust Him and obey Him.

"For we are His workmanship, CREATED in Christ Jesus for good works"
To raise us and CREATE Us as NEW

Romans 8:6-9
For the mind of the flesh is death, and the mind of the Spirit is life and peace. Because the mind of the flesh is enmity against God, for it does not submit to God's Law.and those who are in the flesh cannot please God..and you are not in the flesh but in the spirit, I'f the spirit of God dwells in you.

An encouragement

The Lord encourages you who are still dead in your sins." Truly, Truly I say to you, he who hears my word and believes Him who sent Me has eternal life;he does not come into judgment, but has passed from death to life Truly, Truly I say to you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live (John 5:24 -25)

If you have any spiritual life inside you, you owe it to the sovereign voice of the savior. And if you don't yet have life in Christ, the voice says,

"Let him who is thirsty come
Whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely
Revelation 22:17


The video does an excellent job of vividly narrating the timeless story of Adam and Eve, capturing the essence of creation, temptation, and the profound consequences of disobedience. The visuals and storytelling effectively convey the powerful messages of God's creation and His unwavering love, even in the face of human frailty.

A thought-provoking question to consider: If Adam and Eve had resisted the serpent's temptation, how might the course of humanity have been different?


This story happens to all of us in the modern form when we disobey god


(Former evangelical street preacher, now atheist.) So god creates Adam and Eve with "love." Tells them not to eat his apple, and they get tricked by the devil. Instead of reacting like a loving father would react and teach them the error of sin and disobedience. Why not fix the potential mess up rather than hsving to fix things afterwards, such as putting the swords around the tree before going on your grinder date, god? He overreacted and cursed all mankind thereafter. Yet he's supposed to be this loving god that will forgive you for anything. Yet, won't forgive Adam and Eve. And you think he'll forgive you for having a dirty thought? Also, why would an all-knowing God ask questions? "Where are you, my children? Why do you hide?" Your imperfect creation makes a mistake and you instantly go into eternal punishment mode. 🎶🎵"You're a good good father"🎵🎶 Huhmm..."Love me or burn"...yep thats LOVE. GTFOOH!!


That makes no sense. If Eve had no knowledge of good and evil she had no concept of doing wrong, so she couldn't have understood disobeying God was wrong. Punishing her would be like punishing a baby.


What is curious in the creation of humanity in the Bible is that God made humanity in "our image" (Genesis 1:26 and "his image" (Genesis 1:27). Then again, while God created humanity in "our" and "his" image, he also made them men and women, which seems a little confusing. However, God is perfectly unique in His holiness -- as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who is One God [i.e. Elohim in Genesis chapter one or Yahweh Elohim in Genesis chapter 2]. God is spirit as Jesus said (John 4:24), so how does that apply to God's creation of men and women? In God's holiness, that is his decision. In Genesis chapter one, Elohim is God's first name in the Bible, which is a plural name for the One God of the Universe, which is the reason that God says both "our image" in the plural form of God and also "his image" in the singular aspect of God. The physicality of men and women is not about God's image in the physical realm because God is spirit (John 4:24) -- God gave mankind, both men and women, a conscience like Him unlike any other creature in the universe. In our human conscience from God, Paul explains this further in that "[f]or since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities -- his eternal power and divine nature -- have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse." -- (Romans 1:20).


In the first part it says when Adam open his eyes he looked around with wonder at the beautiful garden and also after eating the fruit that Eve shared his eyes were open "again" to realized that they were naked. Kinda complicated but okay


GOD have mercy on us the way we made it was not good for give us 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


The story of Adam & Eve is metaphorical to illiterate how the vices are born through the consciousness of the body, the illusion of the false self (the body), and how sin is the expression or the consequence of that illusion. It's a story how Body Consciousness (the fall) defeats Soul Consciousness (who we truly are). The first vice is Ego. This is the false recognition of humans as male or female as oppose to a "soul". This was the first mistake human beings made, so we became body conscious (sinful) and all other vices took birth from that first vice of Ego. And the rest is history....


So many different versions this is the one I remember


Thank you God 🙏 l like the video we have to listen to God voice and do what he tells us Lord Jesus Christ almighty God for give us our sin's for we are sinners


What if

Genesis 3:1

"Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he asked the woman, has God indeed said, you shall not eat of every tree of the garden? "

(The woman prays to the Lord about this, the Lord tells her Matthew 5:37 "But let your yes be yes, and your no be no. For whatever is more than these is from the evil one.")

And the woman said to the serpent, yes.


We could still live in Eden but men built a city over it.


Seriously. This is ridiculous. 😂😂😂
Nature goes on forever for everyone and everything to return as everyone and everything an infinite number of times through evolutionary processes. 🌌


I know this story I just download but this is story make me cry😢


Imagine how the world would be if Adam and Eve never sin #Disobeyed / wrong 🫤


God walked and searched ... What a joke! God is greater than that. He's the all knowing
