Thyroid Belly Shape Explained (Get Rid of it FAST)

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What is a thyroid belly?

It's the characteristic shape of the abdomen that many patients with hypothyroidism end up with and it's caused by 4 things:

1. Visceral fat.
Visceral fat is the fat that surrounds your organs. Thyroid dysfunction increases your risk for developing this type of fat. The more you have of it, the more it will push outward and cause a thyroid belly.

2. Subcutaneous fat.
Subcutaneous fat is the fat that wiggles and jiggles and is found underneath your skin. This type of fat can also be caused by thyroid dysfunction.

3. Gas and bloating.
Thyroid patients often end up with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and constipation which can distend the abdomen and result in a thyroid belly.

4. Fluid retention
Lastly, hypothyroidism and the low thyroid state can cause fluid to accumulate in the abdomen which, once again, causes a protrusion of the belly.

Can you get rid of your thyroid belly? Absolutely, but it will require that you figure out which of the 4 causes I just mentioned above are contributing in your case.

For most people, it will be a combination of all 4, but, sometimes, one will play a more important role than the others.

Recommended thyroid supplements to enhance thyroid function:

See ALL of my specialized supplements including protein powders, thyroid supplements, and weight loss products here:

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This video is for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Childs and you. You should not make any changes to your medications or health regimens without first consulting a physician. If you have any questions please consult with your current primary care provider. Restart Medical LLC and Dr. Westin Childs are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or any other information, services, or product you obtain through this website or video.
#thyroid #hypothyroidism #hashimoto's
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Endocrinologists are 4:35 ignorant of this sadly; they know overactive causes weight loss and frequent bowel movements. But with hypothyroidism they blame the patient as if it's our fault, even though we eat and exercise bettee than our piers.


Your video title is deceiving. You explained what belly fat is, and even said it’s hard to lose but not impossible. Let’s face it, there’s no way to get rid of belly fat fast. You shouldn’t lie when you post your video titles; this is very unfair to your viewers who took the time to watch them. You’re title should simply be: Understanding Types of Belly Fat (In A Nutshell). As a doctor I’m surprised you would even state, get rid of fat fast, however, I suppose you would need to define what you consider fast. But, your video didn’t say one thing about that.


The title of the video says "Get Rid of It Fast". It doesn't say how in this video.


I started pulping full lemons, taking half a glass morning and after dinner. No more constipation or gas.


Sad part is it's very hard to hear from an endocrinologist that you are fine when you're not. Most of the time, the blood test comes back normal! Thyroid cancer runs in my family. All women in my close family has either Hashimoto, Hypothyroid, or goitre. One one my 1st cousin has thyroid cancer. I have a nodule (related to thyroid) that we are monitoring. I sure have the thyroid belly, but my endocrinologist keep saying I'm fine! My older sister (who has hypothyroidism) had same issue for a long time. Endocrinologist would say to her"you are fine"! but her neck was swollen (sign of thyroid issue). At the end, she finally got her diagnostic with I don't trust endocrinologists, as to me, they are NOT listening to our symptoms, and are just good at saying "you're fine" despite the fact that we are falling apart.


I have thyroid belly and hot cross bun belly right now. Good timing


I fit all of these descriptions until I quit all processed foods and sugar and eat very low carb diet and now 5 months later I am off my thyroid meds, lost 20 lbs, no inflammation, sleep so much better, have so much energy, no bloating, and so much more benefits, highly recommend this diet!


I used to love my body before I had thoiord problems now I've taken all my mirrors down in my home because I hate my body so much.😢


I have a belly bloat I'm trying to get rid of. I can't stand looking at myself anymore. I don't enjoy eating anymore. I only do it because I have to eat.


This video is an utter waste of time. Spends the whole video explaining what we already know and add no solutions.


I went on a carnivore diet 16 months ago and in the first 6 months I lost my visceral fat. I have Hashimoto's and have had the thyroid belly for 20 years. Sugar and carbs, and seed/vegetable oils, are what put fat on our bellies. Having thyroid disease seems to make that happen faster. I eat less than 10g of carbs/sugar per day and my visceral fat is gone. I'm losing weight and my belly is going down. I'm no longer bloated. The Standard Diet put this visceral fat on me and it's been wonderful to reverse that and get rid of it.


I no longer have a thyroid and have gained so much and look prego alot of times going to bathroom for me is hard my body don't function right and docs don't care


Although you provide great info…your title is very misleading. I thought when I clicked on this video you were going to actually tell me an actual method to do like a drink or a certain exercise just for example. I have been dealing with hypothyroidism for almost 15 years and I have every symptom of every type of fat you named. I have done everything possible to improve my condition and still I have this thyroid belly you speak about…I don’t believe even if you address and attempt to treat the condition that weight loss will disappear quickly which made this video very disappointing to me.
PS:I take 135mg Synthroid…I was originally put on 150mg, but it caused too much anxiety and other negative side effects.


Mine is definitely fluid retention in my belly. It’s frustrating because one day I look great, and the next I can’t button my pants. But I can feel the slosh/jiggle, so I know it’s fluid and not fat.


You gave the why but left out all the details on how. I don' t think you really know what you are talking about. You are just trying to sell some useless product.


I have Hashimoto's and eat a carnivore diet. I RUN to the bathroom 15 minutes after eating every single time. Even so, still feel bloated and constipated most of the time


Optimizing thyroid function, reverse metabolic syndrome, improve digestion, remove gas, improve gut bacteria, cut out processed foods. How to reverse: "it can be difficult, but not impossible." None of these are "fast."


I was diagnosed in 2011 with Hypo. Had a nasty allergic reaction to 3 different meds they gave me so I found ways to go without. Intermittent fasting, a mostly carnivore diet, eliminating all gluten and daily exercise keep my blood work in the normal range and I check it every year. I’m still doing great and the belly has been gone for years. No meds. I wish more doctors didn’t just throw meds out at people. Explain stuff like this guy did and help them come up with options that might work and a plan.


I have HYPERTHYROIDISM and instead of losing weight I gained weight. My endocrinologist said I'm in the 3% that gain not lose! I hate my life!!!


I would like to hear more about myxedema / hypothyroidism induced psychosis. For some percentage of people, correcting Thyroid hormone levels doesn’t completely resolve the psychosis. Are there specific factors that are helpful to know about in this situation?
