The Thyroid Body Type Explained (And Debunked)

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Is it true that everyone with a thyroid problem will ultimately end up looking similar in body shape and size? Absolutely not.

But is it true that some will share certain characteristics and features? Definitely!

But this doesn't mean that there is such a thing as the thyroid body, which is what I want to explain and debunk today.

According to some experts, here's what makes up the thyroid body type:

Claim 1. Thyroid Body Types are Prone to Weight Gain in Their Hips, Thighs, and Waist

Claim 2. Thyroid Body Types Should Eat Less Protein
Claim 3. Thyroid Body Types Should Avoid Cruciferous Vegetables
Claim 4. Thyroid Conditions are Secondary to Estrogen Disorders or Liver Problems
Claim 5. Thyroid Body Types Have Cravings for Sweets, Caffeine, and Starches
Claim 6. Thyroid Patients Have a Characteristic Body Shape and Size

While some of these claims may have an element of truth behind them, for the most part, they can be easily disproved and are blatantly false.

But that doesn't mean you should throw away the baby with the bathwater, as understanding commonalities among thyroid patients is a helpful exercise.

If you want to learn

Recommended thyroid supplements to enhance thyroid function:

See ALL of my specialized supplements including protein powders, thyroid supplements, and weight loss products here:

Want more from my blog? I have more than 400+ well-researched blog posts on thyroid management, hormone balancing, weight loss, and more. See all blog posts here:


This video is for general informational, educational, and entertainment purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, treatment, diagnosis, prescription, or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Childs and you. You should not make any changes to your medications or health regimens without first consulting a physician. If you have any questions please consult with your current primary care provider. Restart Medical LLC and Dr. Westin Childs are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or any other information, services, or product you obtain through this website or video.
#thyroid #hypothyroidism #hashimoto's
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Even though I'm down to 117 lbs. (I'm 5'3" tall), I still fit the stereotype. The MAIN way I've been able to offset it is by sleeping later into the morning (I work evening hours), then eating a little dab of Redmon's or Baja Gold salt right after brushing, flossing, scraping (obsessively), and sipping around 40 ounces of spring water over the course of the first 4 hours after I wake up. Then I wait for at least one hour after my last sip of water before eating my afternoon "breakfast" of pasture-raised eggs fried in a LOT of real butter with bacon or pork sausage. Then I wait at least six more hours before eating my evening meal - usually good steak or ground beef from Whole Foods with Reeser's microwavable mashed potatoes (the plain buttered ones with only a few ingredients), and Birdseye Steamfresh broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots. For dessert I try to have a small dish of well-rinsed organic blueberries. It feels pretty easy to follow that diet UNTIL later in the evening. It's those late evening hours where I start craving the sweets and starches, and sometimes I'm successful at distracting myself away from eating them, but sometimes I'm not!


I've been diagnosed with Hashimoto 6 years before. I indeed mainly gain weight mostly around my belly and butt, but it's been so all my life, long before I had thyroid problems. Also while losing weight, my thighs become slim much faster than my butt and belly. I lost about 20kg (45 lbs) recent year and now most of the remaining fat is around my waist and hips while my legs are almost pure muscle.
I've also had a strong sugar craving most of my life and was binging from time to time. I'm not sure it was connected with my thyroid condition, most likely with psychological traumas and ADHD. After I drastically changed my lifestyle (going out of home almost every day, walking around 7.500 steps daily, weight lifting 2-3 times a week, eating more protein and vegetables, drinking about 2 liters of water every day, having at least 7 hours of sleep) my sugar and salty cravings almost disappeared, even during my period. A few years ago I couldn't stand a pack of chips just lying in the basket on the table, I immediately wanted to eat it, but now it can lay here for a week and I will not bother at all. Now most of my cravings are about vegetables, which is funny. Fortunately, for most of my life I had no craving for coffee (maybe because I'm very sensitive to caffeine), but I drank a lot of black tea before.

Thank you for mentioning insulin resistance and the impact of muscle mass. I've been struggling with high insulin resistance for about 5 years and ONLY after I started to walk a lot there were some positive changes in my insulin levels. After losing some initial fat with a lot of walking, I was able to begin to build my muscle mass (it is almost impossible to do a simple push-up when you're overweight, we all know that). Now my endocrinologist finally thinking of taking me off metformin medication, because my insulin levels dropped almost twice.

To everyone reading this, who is struggling with insulin resistance - stand out your freaking chair and go for a walk. About four to five times a week, even if the weather is bad and you don't really want to go anywhere and prefer to take another cup of coffee with chocolate. If you run out of ideas for where you can walk, go to the supermarket which is far from your home. If your heart condition allows it, walk back with a heavy backpack full of groceries (please choose a good backpack to not hurt your back). Yes, such small things can have an impact.


Thank you Dr. Westin for all your precious infos. I’m 60 years old and have been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism/Hashimoto 35 years ago. I’ve been taking a Desiccated Thyroid compound made by my pharmacy for the past 10 years and feel much better since.
Synthetic T-4 had never made me feel truly better.
I recognize myself perfectly in the thyroid body type described in this video! As far as I’m concerned, the description is an accurate one!!!


Listening now to your podcast about Thyroid problems. I’m hoping you will mention any known issues for people without a Thyroid (100% removed surgically), but take Levothyroxine every morning. Para Thyroids remain intact. Thanks!


Diagnosed for 14 years but probably been sick for 20+.
Even when I was thinnest about 10 years ago and could wear S-M in tops, I still needed XL in pants.


Hypothyroid - always gain weight in belly, butt, and thighs but I have weight in other areas too.


Cravings come from having a low potassium level!


I gained weight on my hips, tights and belly.


Diagnosed Hashimoto's in March. Since I can remember (age 6) I've had extra weight around my waist. It was also in first grade (age 6) that I had my first hypoglycemia experience, so I've been pretty much pre-diabetic since first grade. I'm 67 now and have been on keto since 2017. I'm now taking progesterone, doing estrogen cream, I'm taking a slew of supplements for Hashimoto's, I filled the prescription for NP Thyroid in the last week or so, and I'm on Thyrotropin PMG. I think the PMG is helping. In high school I lost a lot of weight, and was also in marching band, and that's probably the most exercise I've had in my life, so I know if I exercised, that would help. I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to exercise. (I also just quit dairy, and notice that I'm not sniffling and post-nasal-dripping like I used to.)

My older brother had hyperthyroid in the late '50s and had his thyroid irradiated; he's taken levothyroxine since about 1960. My niece also has hyperthyroid issues. My grandmother had a goiter and was taken to the hospital in Toledo in the 1920s by my dad, who at 8 years old drove her there. Today it's a 2-hour drive to and from. I don't know how he did it in the '20s, but he did. My grandmother's hospital bill at that time was over $3, 000, which stayed with them until both of my grandparents died and my dad inherited the farm -- and the unpaid medical bills. It took him another ten years to pay off his mom's thyroid bills. At least they didn't lose the farm because of it. Pretty sure she was experimented on then, because they didn't know what they were doing or how to treat hypothyroid in the 1920s.


I was skinny as a kid (5'11" 135lbs) with a high TSH. I have been medicated with 100mcg of synthroid for the last 20 years. My TSH has been 1 to 2 ever since. Synthroid definitely increased my metabolism even more. I couldn't gain weight if my life depended on it (155lbs now). Maybe I have a multi factor issue I'm not aware of but the slow metabolism was never a thing for me. Every other hypothyroid symptom I have though.

I eat mostly Meat and veggies with rice and quinoa these days as lactose and gluten bother me a lot.

I've had every blood marker you could imagine checked and everything is in range. 🤷‍♂️


I see this all the time also as the insulin resistance/Prediabetes pattern. Central adiposity is a killer of organs, often caused by our ultra processed products and sugar bombs... Lack of exercise


I have Hashimotos, and yet if I AVOID cruciferous vegetables- all my symptoms flare up.


Weight in stomach, butt and upper thighs and face/eyes.


i don’t fit that stereotype- happily on Tirosint, and take vitamin D, selenium, and myoinositol - antibodies are going down, TSH in healthy range. I exercise very regularly and do intermittent fasting.


I have had hashimotos in my 30's and now I'm 60. Trying the carnivore diet to put it in remission. What do you think about taking thytrophin by Standard Process? It's suppose to stop the attack on your thyroid.


You left out the feedback loop brain type, I would not have low thyroid if it wasn't for being overtreated with cortisol steroid that put my brain on a feedback loop.


I happen to have the described characteristics/ body type. I’m sure there are other people who do not. I mostly eat meats and fats, with some vegetables. Sugar, wheat, dairy, and coffee have been removed from my diet, and I feel so much better!


You described my exact build Dr Childs and I have Hashimoto's😁


Was diagnosed with hashimoto's when I was 16 (now 28) and I answer none of the above mentioned conditions, on the other hand ai struggle to gain weight for years since and I am also energetic and active and I am was told to be an extremely energetic child, teen. And I do not drink coffee, not eating unhealthy foods, I avoid chocolate (maybe only hot chocolate sometimes but not cravings) I dont eat gluten for few years and it made me in my best shape and health ever. I do avoid raw croccifers but I just cook them or make sourcrout.

I want to start iodine to add even more energy!


I have weight gain around my belly, and hips 😢
