Every Gifted Kid Goes Through THIS

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When you accidentally write songs that already exist:
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This video was 100% the story of how the script for this video was written


It’s all fun and games until you start hating yourself for being lazy, which ends up compounding into an inferiority complex and leads to you *actually* not getting any work done.


Don’t forget the overwhelming guilt that follows your every waking moment even though you’re in “rest” mode because of how unproductive you are


"What a stupid way to live"


"Always feeling underestimated, but rarely having the energy to prove anyone wrong." HOLY SHIT HE PUT IT INTO WORDS


This has made me feel more understood than months worth of imaginary conversations with the therapist I never scheduled an appointment with.


he forgot to mention one consequence: the slow degradation of our mental health as the pile of unfinished projects grows taller… and taller… and taller… all the while creating a feedback loop whereby the list of tasks feels insurmountable, so we procrastinate, so the list grows longer, so we procrastinate, and so forth until finally we are FORCED to use every bit of energy we have just to clear the pile. and even if we know better, some little part of us still whispers that it was all our fault, and that we’re just lazy and have a terrible work ethic that we simply can’t bother to fix.


And here I am, procrastinating on an essay, while watching a skit that perfectly epitomizes exactly what I'm doing.


The "background processing" part was only briefly mentioned, but most of the time it's really the key to be able to pull off this kind of feat at the last possible time. It's only because we've allocated some resources and time to roughly outline what we'll do that it's possible to put everything together in a short time.


The fact that the video's length is the exact time he got left to turn in the thing is just perfect


In 4th grade or so, we all were assigned to write persuasive speeches on a topic of choice. The other kids all got to work scripting and researching, and by the end of the three given weeks, I hadn't even picked a topic. On the morning when I was supposed to give my speech, I managed to end up 3rd last in line, and about 3 speeches before I had to give mine, I was allowed to take the laptop to ready my script to read from. Within 20 minutes of time, I decided to write about dolphins in containment, and wrote the whole thing from facts I'd memorised. I got an A. It's like I was charging up my power the entire time.


this is so accurate. i feel seen and attacked. ty daniel


Bro the worst part about this is the fact that we still do good on whatever project we're doing at the last second as if rewarding us for our procrastination issues prompting us to keep on procrastinating projects.


3:16 That bee shot is so perfect. Making the animal analogy speech and superimposing the bee over the fighter when he punches is just accurate enough to be completely anime, yet stupid enough to be a parody. That was perfect lol. And making the sound an eagle sound was the chefs kiss.


that one random burst of motivation at 1 AM when you're tired


the worst part is narrowly pulling it off (though pulling it off well) each time and telling yourself “that was so stupid; i should learn and shouldn’t ever put something like that off again” and then putting everything like that off again forever


I had an experience in HS during senior year. I am not only lazy but chronically fatigued, so I slept through class every day. During the first week of Gov/Econ I was being lazy and sleeping; as my teacher passed out the first exam he handed it to me and said "This is your opportunity to prove that you can sleep in my class and still pass."

I took the test and turned it in. Next week as he handed them back out, giving correction as he did, he walked up to my desk staring at me. Wordlessly he slid the paper onto my desk, and I looked down.

In red pen in the top right corner was a 100.
He shook his head and walked away.


You forgot the part when you just realise a simple mistake in that task weeks or months later (probably in toilet) and when you tell it to someone they say "told you to start it early so you can review it" but you never listen to it and the cycle continue


That background processing is such a perfect was to explain the Feeling.

I'm convinced that my brain literally never stops working on any problem and is just waiting on me to consciously remember it to give me the answer.


The fact that this video is exactly 6 minutes long is such a good attention to detail
