The Challenges of Being a Gifted Child

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We may think being incredibly smart makes life very easy. In this 'Maggie Moment', Australian parenting author and educator Maggie Dent talks about some of the challenges that gifted children face. Maggie urges us to remember that even though our gifted children are incredibly intelligent, we must also remember that they are still kids.
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As a grown up gifted kid, I'd like every parent to know that support and challenge is important, yes, but the most important thing is to teach us to self-regulate, how to deal with ourselves, etc. I grew up being pointed out and pointed at. As a grown-up, I have many struggles concerning loneliness and accepting I will always stand out in the fields I'm good at and also the ones I'm NOT YET good at but I have a high drive to learn new things which once again makes people point me out. It's terrifying. And the psychological needs behind that are so important to deal with.


I grew up gifted and was even placed in Gifted and Talented classes in school. I was kicked out of the program st around 10 because I was so depressed about my father's job of doing overseas contracting in war, that I failed to meet the grade and participation standards.

I struggled in school from then, on.

My 20-month old son is showing signs of being gifted. If he is I will do everything in my power to ensure he has the support he needs to maintain his self-esteem and allow him to grow naturally. It's partially why I want to homeschool him. And anything I cannot teach him I will get a tutor to stand-in.

-American in Australia


I'm 12 and I'm gifted. I've always been told that it's a blessing, and that I should be happy and proud of myself. I am also really sensitive to other people's feelings and emotions and always try to help. I don't say this to boast about it, but because it has made me struggle a lot throughout my life. Even though I get along with everyone and am popular at school, I've never felt like I fit in or have an actual connection with anyone. Yes, I have good friends and we have things in common, but I always feel like deep down, I'll never be like them. And I know that it's true but it's hard to accept. Understimulation has always been a struggle as well. It made my life really exhausting and meaningless, I couldn't concentrate on anything and I felt that I was getting physically tired, like, reallyy tired. Just walking up the stairs got my legs feeling heavy. It's difficult for me to cope with and often I wish that I wasn't gifted and high senstive. I've been told that it has it's pros and cons but I don't know many things that have benefited me yet. I hope that I will meet people who understand how I feel in the future because I feel very alone.
(I hope this comment made sense, English is not my first language!)


My child has just been diagnosed as highly gifted (IQ test by psychologist). He’s really like a little lawyer…. I’m always fascinated by his thoughts but he really struggles with knowing when he should stop talking!!! It creates so much trouble for him in school! 😅😅😅🤣🤣

I keep thinking he sure isn’t a model student but he sure will make a good litigator!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Hello, I am a grown up gifted kid and everything I want is to be normal. I´ve been punished for being "not right", harassed and bullied by everybody 24/7. I didn´t knew why people did this because I didn´t do anything wrong. Now I avoid talking to others wherever I could because I can not stand it anymore. It´s not a gift to be gifted - in german "gift" means "poison". Yes, it´s poison to be gifted - no one needs it, no one wants it and it´s completely useless 🤷‍♀


My child is 5, can read, do maths is socially confident and is good at sport. I need to get her to somewhere that she can develop at a pace that suits her. Her class are a bit thick.


Also I'm crying reading all the comments because I relate so so so much but I've never found someone like me in real life. Can we establish a support group or something? 😭😂


Any resources for my highly gifted son who also has emotional disturbance? He’s been gifted his entire life and now in 4th grade. Trying to find help. The schools are just wanting to drug him up.


As a gifted student I an becoming depressed and anxious