When The Narcissist Goes Silent

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I don't care if they stay silent. I'm not the Bank.


This happened whenever I addressed his unreasonable behaviour . He would go silent or take himself off somewhere.. just like the child.. that they are. As a normal person you try to appease the situation in order to get things back to normal because that’s what normal people do in a relationship. But with the narc this is both ongoing and exhausting. Let some other fool put up with it.❤️❤️❤️


At one time, the "silent treatment" was a regular part of my life experience. If I did anything to which she objected, she would shut down and stop talking to me for days at a time. One time, she moved into the spare bedroom, laid in the bed and never came out (except if everyone was gone) for two years. TWO YEARS!


When ex narcs went silent on me, so did I and they got so pissed!! They don’t expect that response from empaths. Serves them right. They’re so evil 👿


I can't count the times I was given the silent treatment. He was so emotionally abusive. This is so horrible on your nervous system.They constantly keep you off balance. I think they truly hate you. Thank God I am free!


My ex would go silent and it was a blessing, I never had to deal with his nonsense anymore. I then started to do the same thing for my own sanity, and now he’s blocked and no contact. If I run into him I will ignore him and walk the other way. I no longer need this toxic devil narc in my life.


Silence for me is golden, was an oasis of peace and joy!!!! Was the only good thing of that relationship !!!


They will stop talking to you too when you stop giving them your money.


My highly narcissistic family operates w/ silent treatment. I ask why, I get no answer…I REFUSE to play their toxic games anymore. 2 of my siblings are attempting to force me back in line…No More


The narcissist I know said he knows how I think but he really didn’t 🤣


Yes, the "Oh you didn't know?🌩️


The silence and pouting is so much about how they want to continually enforce that you are their emotional caretaker and that you are falling down on the job. TY NS.


the way you shut they Shit Down, Check your Emotions, Do you to the fullest and Give them the same energy they give you& a little bit Less / switch it up and make them question themselves and Never give them your business, because they Already watching how you move studying you, so they can wear your Ass out if you let them, no personal info and always act like you booked& busy& if you decide to give them anytime don’t go out your way and still act like you on the clock ⏰ and you you would show them, I’m still Eating & time ain’t waiting or Playing with you & keep God first, because you can’t fight these Demons in the Flesh they would kill y0u if you let them.


They are pouting, or plotting their next evil deed.


When they can make one phone call only, they'll become chatty. ;-)


I ended it with my ex narcissist sent him a long message, he messaged me back, saying and ghosted. But he's doing me a favour by ghosting. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My wife has been moody and given me the silent treatment for 25 years, as of today its been 2 weeks with not talking, not even to the kids.
I've been trying to work out if its a bipolar problem or narcissistic?


I don't care lol. My narc mother has always given me the silent treatment and I grew up not to give a shit about her or what she says or thinks


Please research James Robert Clark iii. He stalked a woman online for seven years. When he was exposed, he began to accuse everyone including his stalking victim of being narcissists and links to videos like this in his community tab. Do it now.
