When A Narcissist Stays Silent, This Is What's Inside Their Mind??? | NPD | Narcissism |

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When A Narcissist Stays Silent, This Is What's Inside Their Mind??? | NPD | Narcissism |

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Narcissists who choose to remain silent are the subject of our discussion today. What is it about people that causes them to remain mute or act in a nonverbal manner toward others? As a word for it, it is called "the silent treatment."

What motivates a narcissist to treat another person in this manner? There are primarily three explanations for this development. First, when discussing something they despise, narcissists will not speak. It's a situation we've all been in the past, I think. In spite of this, there's still a lot to discover. There are a number of factors that can cause narcissists to isolate themselves from others and cease communicating with them.


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His silent treatment, what a blessing. After 7 years of his abuse I divorced him 3 years ago and 16 months no contact.


It's not just a silence there's a huge EERINESS about it, like the calm before the storm,


When my cruel narcissistic husband of 19 years now, starts getting quiet it makes me very anxious because I know something's coming. And it usually comes after he takes a long shower. It's like he stays in the shower and thinks of things to come out and just rain upon me with anger and cruelty and harsh words and evil words and just some of the stuff he says is just a shocking and amazing I don't understand it it's like I'm in the freaking Twilight Zone. I remember telling him at the being with him on his short while, there is something seriously wrong with you. And boy oh boy, was I ever right on that. His own father she even tried to warn me. Unfortunately he passed away before we was together even close to a year. But he tried to warn me to get out of it. He knew there was something wrong with his son and he knew I was too nice of a person and what his son was going to do to me. But I had no idea. Unless you lived it you can't have any idea. It is mental and emotional Warfare. It's horrific and it should be a crime and I'm sure it is against God's laws. God says to pray for our enemies and do not receive retaliation. To pray for them and wish the best for them and he will lay them in our feet like a footstool and that's what I keep doing. Until I can get out of here that's what I'll continue to do. And I pray for you all that's in the same situation.


I can't count the number of times that I've gone through the silent treatment. He was testing me to see if I would abandon him.


It is so spot on : it was so sadly overwhelmingly stressing to be experiencing silence and distance again and again, when all I wanted was to find a compromise to any situation. To be left out in the cold, when all I wanted was to figure things out and to become closer….……..


My husband is a narcissist and i think has really underestimated me. He goes off and yells and everyone and insults us all daily. And i let it affect me for years. Two years ago i broke, or God hit me deep. I finally realized it doesnt matter what my husband sais or does because nothing but lies come out of his mouth. God taught me who i really am. And to me what God thinks of me is all that matters. I developed an inner strength i never knew i had. I now call him out on his lies, when he wakes up and starts going off and yelling at us telling us what we did wrong and insulting us i stand up to him and sternly inform him that "just because he is miserable it does not give him the right to take it out on every one else" i remind him often that " it doesnt matter how much he insults me it no longer affects me because i know the truth, and his opinion of me doesnt matter" my favorite one was the day he was insulting me and i turned to him and reminded him that "his opinion doesnt matter and that if i had to lose weight just for him to be attracted to me, it just prooved how shallow he really is" i then walked out of the room and went to work.
I found out later that he went wining to my daughter that i called him shallow.
With my situation i may have abit of the upper hand. We live on a farm and My husband was diagnosed with a muscle and nerve disease called CMT. He has slowly been loosing all feeling and muscle in his legs. Coupled with a work injury that has caused him to lose almost all strength in his dominant arm. He has started realizing that he has alienated everyone else in his life and recently expressed to my daughter that if i ever leave him he will have no one. And he is right. With out us here feeding animals and taking care of the farm, doing laundry and dishes (he can has very limited use of his hands because of the lack of feeling and muscle in them) cleaning, gardening and along with me working two jobs he really couldnt survive. He has only attempted to raise his hand to me once. And i stood my ground and told him that if he EVER touched me like that i would call the cops and have him arrested. I think he knows im serious. So now when he gives me the silent treatment i think he uses it as a way to try to bug me, which istead i find as a relief, i walk around as if i dont care that he is quiet and go about my day as usual. And he gets to dwell in his own self pity, in the realization that i have places and friends who know the real him to go to and we would be welcome at any time, where as due to his disease and how he has allienated himself from everyone he has no one to help him.


My wife gives me the silent treatment every day, she only talks to me when she wants something


So sick that a mother can abuse a little girl that is her daughter. Taken me 5 decades to feel a little self love. My hand to God I will NEVER see her or talk again. I deserve a life of peace


I have a narcissist friend since 11 years who was very lovely in the first 3 years of our friendship and started to be silent and selfish 7 years ago. I tolerated and respected her but now I discovered why she behaved like this...because she is a narcissist. Not a malignant one, but surely she is very selfish and she had probably used me as a love supply (more frequently in the first years).
Now she is almost always silent because she has surely found another supply over the years.
So last week I decided to give her the silent treatment. And it worked.
She realized I was not depending on her affection and already retaliated.
But I don't hate her. I want good things for her.
I just don't want to talk to her anymore because I can't stand silent unrespectful people.
There's no way of caring someone BEING SILENT. She was probably a hypocrite all of this time and I realized it only after 11 years, after having told her all my things.
What a naive idiot I was!


When you ask if anything is wrong or why are they acting funny and not talking they say "nothing " when there's obviously something. My sister drove over 3 hundred miles with barely speaking to me. Insidious behavior. When we got where we were going she spoke to everyone except for me.


I don't know where I'm at with the narricist. This is the longest silent treatment. 2 months..we were just friends but I got feelings. It sure hasn't helped. I don't know if he discarded me, or if there's a hoover in the future. I'm lost.


I and myself for cleaning services everything you say is absolutely right what can I do to get help


They have to be the center of attention when my son bought me a birthday dinner she went crazy and left him. I guess her new supply didn't work out she was gone 2 years 🤷 😕 now she moved back in with him and im being treated like crap again. Lol.


I am a victim of a narcissist.
i would like get revenge..
hope to hear from you..
thank u


I strongly disagree with this description of behaviour. I'm a victim of a narcissistic mother. she is covert malignant and killed my father and brother and I suffered in silence for years. by the time that I discovered her and her flying monkeys 🐒 it was too late. she smeared campaigned me for years behind my back and not a single family member bothered to tell me or alert me.
she is evil 😈 and the only way I could do is say that I was too ill to communicate and gradually disappear to protect my self and my children who she wanted to put her hands on.
I'm not the narcissistic person so the video is not strictly accurate in terms of the behaviour mentioned. with all due respect 🙏
thank you


its a good channel
narc is biggest topic in whole
i love you my younger


You can only let them do what you let em I suggest before they kill you get out run and never ever can you look back 🙏🏽💯🙌♌️I went no contact and silent 😊


A summary of the 4 reasons would be helpful. Thanks for sharing.


Hello brother
I just joined your Chanel
And I’m ready humbled by your wisdom
I really love how you start this video by smoking your cigarette
I’m doing the same I’m not hiding anything
I enjoy smoke my tobacco
And it’s me and my life still
And if some one thing they know better for me I just love them with they judgment and moving forward… 👌🏼❤️‍🔥


My narc clients caretaker was quite yesterday, I stayed away from her and I worked and left. I don't care if she ever talks, bye Felicia.
