CA Gov. Newsom Vetoes Bill That Would Have Supported Safe Injection Sites

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California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed a bill that would have allowed safe drug injection sites to open in three cities across the state. NBC News’ Jake Ward reports on the controversial experiment which would allow people to use illegal drugs in a supervised manner.

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Encourage "safe" drug stupid.


There mere fact this bill made it all the way to the Governor’s desk is LAUGHABLE. It’s like Californians are trying to destroy their state.


Injecting drugs does not help harm reduction; injection sights will enable drug use. Drug use is the reason cartels are rich, our border with Mexico is not secure, and us citizens losing their minds which showcases this chaos within our major democratically ran cities across the Nation.


As the mother of a recovering addict, I have mixed feelings about this. They aren't ready to seek help till they are ready. I know that fear of dying on a sidewalk was part of why my son sought help. The line between being a lifeline and an enabler is one I walked in constant doubt for 3 years.


I'm sorry but I'm used to zero tolerance countries when it comes to drugs. It brings too many issues such as violence and gangs etc, not just deaths from overdoes


Good! That crap is ridiculous. Clean up the streets.


Injection sites may solve the issue of individuals overdosing and injecting drugs on the street…

However, it doesn’t solve the issue of where addicts go after they get high (anyone who has seen individuals passing out while standing up on the sidewalk or screaming and yelling as they go into a meth rage at the corner of 9th and Market knows what it like to have to share the streets with people who are high off these drugs …what? Their gonna sit in the injection site all day?)

It doesn’t solve where addicts get the money to purchase drugs (these aren’t trust fund babies, many engage in criminal activity to support their habit).

It doesn’t solve the issue of people coming in from out of state to “do drugs and live on the streets of CA” because they feel they can do this more freely in CA than in other states where homeless encampments and open drug use are banned.

Safe injection sites may be good for addicts, but the only thing it does for those in the community who aren’t drug addicts is stop them from having to see individuals inject drugs - and that’s only for those who choose to go to the injection site. Those who want to inject on the streets, still can. CA isn’t going to force these individuals to use the site, just like it doesn’t force these individuals to go into rehab.

Forget a drug injection site. Create a drug injection compound. If CA is going to let addicts inject hardcore narcotics, buy a huge plot on land in central CA and let them inject there and wonder around high AF. Pitch a tent and live on that land and commit whatever crimes they want to support their habit, at the compound. That way, the rest of CA can live lives without having to work around or deal with the issues that come with hardcore drug addicts and the addicts can live whatever drug fueled life they want.

There. Everyone’s happy 😊


Hurray for Newsom. This is an idea not well-thought-out. I don’t have the answer to the drug problem, but giving out drugs does not fix the problem in my opinion. I don’t want our government supplying drug addicts with drugs while seniors can’t afford their drugs. That is just crazy.


I don't know how they do it. I don't even like getting blood drawn. I despise needles.


I agree with safe injection sites on principle, but everytime that I pass one in Seattle, my heart sinks a little.


I dont think this was the best move.. These people are going to get high no matter what, why not just make it safe for them. Instead of on our streets ?? Really bad move...


It facilitates drug use. It’s a terrible idea.


Keep it on the streets where children can see


Arrest people when in possession of a controlled substance, when locked up get them off with suboxen or methadone …. Don’t give them a place to use … to even consider that is beyond idiotic!!


Heroin isn't a drug it's a poison - to make that available is odd... But I do think we need to decriminalize all drugs - if people want to do that in the privacy of their own homes, they should have the right to!!


I live in Canada, safe injection sites are a failure without involuntary care. Our laws don’t allow involuntary care. It’s not working.


I agree we need treatment not enabling.


It is a good decision in my opinion. Leave it to California to even think about the Idea of safe houses for drugs users instead of targeting the actual addiction.


Some ironic words from the Sheriff. I’m sure they were lost.


How is college more expensive, but the students going aren't getting any smarter...? Have you seen what these colleges are turning out now?
