Why are gays sinful if they were born that way?

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Dr Mohamed Ghilan answers the question "Why is homosexuality sinful if they were born that way (i.e. it is not a choice)?".

By way of statistics, and clear charts he is able to show how homosexuality is more-so a product of social conditioning.

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What some people don't want to understand is that whether it's natural or not doesn't matter. However, a Muslim must resist these impulses, like everyone else. As is done with zina, and with any other sin. There are people (kleptomaniacs) who say they feel the urge to steal, it doesn't give them the right to steal and so on. Being a Muslim means trying to fight certain instincts


*'Haram is haram even if everybody's doing it! Halal is halal even if nobody's doing it!'*


LGBT people number is raising because now they feel safe about sharing it and not hide as people used to do. That is so simple to understand


Haram has been so normalised in this dunya that halal is seen as "too extreme."


When we say la ilaha illallah, our feelings don't matter. Only Allah's command matters. May Allah make it easy for us to follow the path of the ambiya


I was abused by my female cousin sexually as a child and when I grew up I had an attraction to women but knew it was wrong. I sought help and I discovered that due to this early abuse it evoked certain feelings and emotions due to this. To this day I fight this within me and I know Allah is all wise and he guides me everyday to heal and get better. I pray for all children who are in these disgusting abusive environments and for Allah to punish those who subject such evil to those who are helpless. Just thought I would share this as sometimes I think when abuse happens it damages a lot of the brain development especially if you are young and still mentally and emotionally developing. I am happily married to my husband and happily share a son with him. Alhumdulilah.


Salaam walaykum
"It's not about how you feel but it's about what you action you do"..

Alhamdulillah Almighty Allah has blessed us believers with guidance - the greatest gift for any human..
May the Almighty Allah keep us on true guidance till our last breath.


1:14 Incorrect. As society has evolved, more people feel comfortable talking openly about their orientations and identities. There's also the fact that this is largely Western-focused media statistics, and people of other genders and sexualities have existed among Indigenous tribes and other ethnic groups we rarely hear of for many thousands of years, suggesting there is something very innate about our sense of being. It is only monotheistic faiths like Christianity and Islam, especially when they are aligned politically, that have sought to suppress LGBTQ people.


Subhan Allah definitely an interesting perspective and answer Jazak allahu khayr


This was my response to someone in the comments below about LGBT being a trend:

We live in an age where the mantra is, "human dignity for everyone". This is a good thing. There is no dignity in living a life of shame and secrecy. It, "human dignity for everyone", is a superior value to anything that has been on offer throughout history. LGBT of course is an acronym and has a very recent social and political history as far as social and political aims are concerned. Your particular understanding of this as a "trend" is short-sighted.
But don't see the trees and miss the forest.
If today, "young people", as you put it, are feeling that there is less shame in being who they are (and sexual orientation and gender is just ONE component of who we are), then this is why, when asked, people are being more honest about this. This is important in polls and surveys. It is absolutely the case that people in the past who were bisexual would always report themselves to be heterosexual, if asked. If that is no longer the absolute case, then this is a good thing..
If there were other parts of ourselves (NOT sexual orientation) that people have been made to feel so ashamed about for so long, then a new social and political climate that is less punishing would let these parts of ourselves express themselves too. An obvious example is mental health. Another example from the recent past is poverty. Poverty had to stop being a source of great shame for people, and this allowed society to mobilize far less privileged people to ask (without shame) for state support and programs.

Another thing you might be missing is: who really is to blame here? Well, it is prejudiced people with bullying abilities who have made the lives of LGBT people hell in recent memory, and probably the forgotten past too. This led to a reaction by people ON ACCCOUNT OF WHOM their sexual orientation is such a wild, terrible, sinful, demonic thing to behold. That discourse had to be combatted head-on. AGAIN, this is a good thing.


Very clear explanation. So to all my "gay" brothers and sisters, seek help from Allah SWT and your Islamic community. Insyaallah He will guide you the right path. Just don't give up.


No ! There not born that way it's there choice it's going against Allah swt creations. Its a sign of judgment day


as an atheist, i might be biased, but in this period there are more gay people because they feel more comfortable to come out, i also have plenty of lgbt friends and i'm still cishet :)


I wish this was more spoken of. This was one of my primary and lingering questions when trying to understand this issue. The reasoning of being held responsible for your actions rather than being held accountable for your feelings is what made the most sense to me.


*"تركنا الأمر بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر حتى خرج علينا أهل المنكر ينهوننا عن المعروف ويقنعوننا بالمنكر !! "*

*"We left enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil until the people of evil came out against us, forbidding us from good and convincing us about evil!!"*


I think since Homosexuality are often such a taboo topic for Muslims, we fail to pray enough for the sisters and brothers who suffer due to their natural inclinations. Please don’t forget to mention them in your duas and ask Allah to make the test easy for them and to reward them greatly for their great sacrifice. May Allah protect our Ummah, our teens our children from the teachings of the west who cause our ummah to go astray


I am bornly Muslim but i have like same attraction to other male but i understand and i was make dua every day that can ALLAH release from this sin or attraction from my heart alhamdulillah now i am a practical Muslim


The statement: “It’s not about what you feel but what you act upon” can be misconstrued. The fact is: If people don’t ward off evil sexual feelings toward the same gender, toward their sibling, toward a toddler, etc., it can lead to action. If they accept these evil impulses, it can lead to acting on them. Therefore, I don’t believe it’s entirely okay to feel that way, as long as the person is warding it off and not accepting those feelings.


people here are hating on the community and i just wanna say that you all are wrong and being LGBT is not, so stop trying to hurt those who are by asking them to change. because no one can change that. they arent doing anything wrong, why should they be punished for loving another person with their whole hearts?


That is probably one small part of the answer, however and more importantly people are being created with so much different challenges in their lives since life itself is a test, so we're being tested differently, some people with mental illness, some other with physical disfunction, and all are required to have self control and discipline... And obey Allah regardless, and if one succeeded in that he/she will pass the test...
