Committing VS Normalizing Sins in Islam (Homosexuality & Islam)

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A Muslim cannot identify with a lifestyle that is considered sinful in islam.
Yes someone could have homosexual tendencies and yes this could be their struggle in life.
But for someone to identify as a gay muslim. This means they are endorcing unaccepting a sinful act according to islam which is contrary to a core belief system which is to submit to the commands of Allah.
#hakeemblog #islam #muslim #commands #Allah #belief #sins #homosexual #tendencies #gay
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I sin, I hate doing it.

I acknowledge i went against law of god.
I repent.
I try to change.
I am ashamed.

No one should embrace sin.


I’m not Muslim, I am a Christian, but I agree with you one hundred percent


May allah reward you for telling the truth, and i wouldn’t be surprised if your lay off was because your clear stance on this subject and your publicly practicing islamic character والله اعلم.
من ترك شيئا لله عوضه الله خيرا منه.
