'Human Beings Are Evil' - Murder Detective Gives His Insight On Human Nature

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Patrick Bet-David sits down with Paul Maleary. In this clip they discuss the evil nature of human beings.

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Humans will consciously and deliberately set out to hurt, harm, or demean the dignity of others (including social aggression and exploitation). In fact, they usually condition another person's "respectability" on their ability to *successfully* resist or retaliate against one who attempts to do those bad things against one's self. Still worse, most people will have more disrespect for the unsuccessful resistor than for the successful exploiter or aggressor. If that isn't evil, then tell me what evil means.


"The depravity of man is at once the most empirically verifiable reality but at the same time the most intellectually resisted fact." - Malcolm Muggeridge


"Human beings are animals" would be the more sensible deduction. It's no great breakthrough that we're all evil on some level - we invented the concept of "evil" to explain aspects of our own nature.


What holds most back revealing their true colors, are consequences. That's about it.
Take that away, it would be much worse.

It just that some don't care about the consequences, they can avoid or reduce the consequences, or they accept them.

Most people want to be evil, but to them it's being "good." They will hold their real intentions, and beliefs, so they're not affected by social consequences


I highly recommend people read, "Meeting the shadow, The hidden dark side of human nature", you will learn more from this book about yourself then you are prepared know, and that knowledge of the shadow self will greatly benefit you. I promise you that.


When I started trading stocks a few years I ago i was awoken by how evil people is..the market is an EVIL world


It's all based on survival. We evolved in an unforgiving universe on an even more unforgiving planet.

We evolved to be dog eat dog. While social cohabitation has benefits, we are all still weird to care about ourselves.

Even if you help others, you do it because its makes you feel good. Still being selfish, just selfishness that benefits.

All our rules and laws are contradictorial to the nature of reality.


This is why software will end up controlling humans. In the end it’s the true factor and eventually humans will be trained to rely on software more than people.
They kind of already do


Human Beings are not "Evil", nor are they "Good", we all possess every possibility, that is all. If Evil exists, then Goodness exists, two sides to the same coin. It is just we are egoic, narsasstic, we feel exclusive, separate from everything and one another, therefore we feel insecure, unsafe, and are unAware, and Evil actions come out of t his! If we were Aware, Connected to everything and one another, we would feel Inclusive and Oneness, then Goodness would come out of us..So the key is Awareness, not Goodness or Evil as a morality! James


When all you see and deal with are the atrocities of the world, its inevitable that you'll have a myopic view.


I call my wife out if I know she's lying. She returns the favor. Just being real .


You barely can hear the guy I love your show but can't watch this


True most does just play they good. They love evil


Considering the fact he only deals with the worst people, at the worst point in their lives, his opinion might be skewed. A lot.


(FACTS OVA FEELINGS). Most PPL Don't Know That They R Being Cruel If They Did They Couldn't Keep Doing What They r Doing Most PPL Aren't Doing Things Deliberately to Hurt EU Instead They Got One Thing On Their Mind Themselves and Their Needs and Their Pain


I lost half of what he said in translation.


Matthew 7:11 where Jesus Christ tells people they are evil, all my life people have been evil to me for no reason, hence why i despise most humans!


He said a bunch of everything buy a whole lot of nothinv


There is no evil animals will eat their babies to survive some animals kill for fun are they evil? It's just life it's brutal it's the fire that needs to burn for it to survive in this universe that's just one big explosion


Squid games add kids and no money is going on. Jenna the pstar says they hunt 4yrold witn Dobermans
