How to Start a Epoxy Flooring Business ($37K a Month)

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#epoxy #businessideas #startup #entrepreneur
Looking to learn how to start an epoxy flooring business? Before so, listen to this:

Can you afford the start up costs? You will need:
- Work Vehicle, Van, or truck
- Grinders
- Shop Vacuums
- Mixing Equipment
- Rollers
- Spiked Shoes and More!
All in, I would conservatively say you will need $20K-$25K in start up costs.

Think of all the ways it WON'T work, then create strategies around minimizing their possibilities.
- You don't get enough jobs. You need to create a sales and marketing strategy. Reach out to general contractors, create a website, facebook page, google page, etc.
- You work isn't high quality. You need to go take a course, shadow an expert, do something so you can provide great work.
- You lose jobs because you don't have time to perform them. You need to know how to balance your calendar and your capacity
- Money and Equipment Problems. You have bad pricing on jobs so either don't make enough money or your pricing is too high. You also could run out of money which puts you out of business.

Demand and Opportunity Analysis:
- Is there a need in your community/city?
- Are there too many epoxy flooring contractors?
- Are you in a nice part of town which has money to improve their garage?
- Is there commercial work?
- Are you near a bigger city?

Legal Up: Create an LLC, buy insurance, enforce a client contract.

How to make $37K a month or $444K a year.
- An average garage epoxy floor costs around $2K - $3K (Average $2.5K)
- To make $37K a month, you will need 14.8 jobs (15) a month.
- That is 3.75 jobs a week!
At a 50% profit margin, that puts you at $18,500 profit per month and $222K profit per year.
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Getting ready to start my business doing this. Been accumulating the equipment over the past half a year or so. Going in with no debt.


Thinking about starting this type of business, first i was looking into paying for training, thanks for the info this helps alot


You Dropped INSANE knowledge and i took notes the whole video. My Cousin does Epoxy and he ended up touching half a mil this past year! Cant wait to see where this year takes me. Thank you for this Video 👍🏼


Add the expense of: General liability insurance, Workers Comp, grinders (10-20, 000), wires and plugs, a truck big enough to haul it all, plus a lift gate - those grinders are very heavy, a generator, hand grinders, marketing, the time to go on and conduct sales calls needed for every single job, time to write the bids, and time to call and negotiate every bid - they don't just throw the money at you, dealing with the dozens of competitors all offering to beat your already low price, the cost of fixing repairs due to peeling, water vapor pressure, hot tire markings, epoxy failing - yes, manufacturers screw up too, employees learning on your dime and then setting up their own competing are many other things to remember and the guys conducting the classes....they are doing that because a sucker is born every minute...if installing was so great, that's all they'd be doing.


Going to Miami next month to learn this trade at a week long class. Very excited.


I didn't hear the most important question, maybe I missed it somehow, but it seemed nothing was mentioned about obtaining a contractor's license. On the west coast, these states require a contractor's license if doing jobs over $1000 and that's combining labor and material. In California, you need one for anything over $500. The best question is to ask and answer what state is the most friendliest to epoxy application.


Do you think it is feasible to use rental equipment at first until I have enough capital to purchase the real equipment?


I feel like the numbers are slightly off material alone for a 2 car is close to 2k. But still overall good info


Hey thanks for the info I am here In Jamaica and want to start a business in epoxy application


I want to start this business here in south Florida I need help to start any chance I can talk to you personally


I have all the equipment for sale to anyone interested. 2 floor cleaners, 7 scrubbers, a burnisher, a 20kva 3phase generator (diesel block, runs on propane), 12000 w 1 phase generator, 3 grinders, 2 3phase dust collectors, 5 horsepower 3phase air compressor, a shot blaster, scarifier, a few dozen sets of diamonds... also a 1998 isuzu NPR with 14ft bed (brand new tires and a new engine). And that is just the equipment that sells for more than a thousand dollars a piece new, there are a half dozen shop vacs for instance along with tons of other miscelaneous bits and accessories. I can sell everything including the truck for the 30k mentioned in the video.


good video. Do I have a question about this business? Is it a good idea to start in 2024?


Start up cost could be even lower something around 10-15K


What CRM system is best for this business?


How do you go about hiring and training helpers?


How much do you believe without a vehicle (I have a personal large vehicle)


Great info Nate, Im looking for a partner in the North Houston area to start this type of business, is anyone is interested please send a reply.


looks cost is more like 6-8k a per garage


How do I find a place to learn. I tried google. I work a full time job but would love to pay to learn


Please can you mentor me ill work for you in return
