5 Signs God Will Show You When Someone Is Leading You On

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What are the signs when someone is leading you on? How will you know when someone is playing games and trying to lead you on? How can you avoid being led on by someone? Here are 5 signs God will often use to warn you that someone just leading you on.




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In Christ and with love,

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” -Ephesians 3:20-21
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That awkward feeling when you watch this video and you realize you’re the one leading someone else on 😔
Sometimes God exposes your wrongdoing just like David with the prophet Nathan.. We’re quick to expose characters flaws in our neighbors but we should also check ourselves regularly and ask Him for help lest we fall in the same failures.
1 Corinthians 11:31-32


Sadly, I learned this the hard way. However, I moved on from this person and now they're the one trying to get my attention. I am much happier & better off without them.


“Some people love to be liked but they hate to be loved” 100% true.


The Lord sent me this video right on time….I was feeling pain and now that pain has turned into comfort. Walking with the Lord can be rough sometimes, you gotta be a true believer and a true rider for Christ. I’m not giving up on what God has for me, I thank him for keeping me to himself in this hour❤️ Thank you Jesus for loving me, even when I can’t love myself…..


Spot on. Met a couple men like this and there Christians


I think a godly man and woman should not be leading people on. It is very hurtful and evil


Principals apply in all aspects of life...business, personal etc..


Been there done that the first one was definitely my situation for 3 years. Use discernment my advice is really seek God before going any further, first BIG red flag please go with it might save you a lot of time. My motto is he’s a FRIEND until he starts expressing his intentions.


So good. Thank you for this video. It’s never easy to “see” this but grateful for the truth.


These are some true signs not just for lovers but also friends, family and customers... Anyone who doesn't introduce you to their friends and family is not a friend, let alone a potential life partner. Same goes with social media public recognition. Thank you for sharing and reminding us, Mark@


God gave me a strong vision/ dream of my wife and how we would love each other to the fullest and how great our life will be ! I was filled with Joy for 2-3 days after the experience 😅 it was too real !


Nothing will happen in your life unless God almighty allows it to happen I believe in it .
Jesus is The Way The Truth and The life
Nobody enters the kingdom of heaven unless Jesus allows him or her
Trust him
He is the only way
He is the only truth
He is the only life
He is our husband
He is our head
Talk to him daily


this is a great message to ponder on especially for single people out there to guard heart. thanks for this.


wow not going to lie the timeliness of this video and number 1 just answered a question I've had for the past few days about someone I was talking to; she doesn't want commitment


This literally happened to me! I was talking to a guy for almost a month, hung out with him once and then when I realized he was not eager to make more plans and was seemingly losing interest I told him I missed him after a week of no plans and he snapped and asked if I was joking. I pretty much called him out right there and we ended the flirtation-ship right there. The only thing was he took over 3 months to unfollow my personal Instagram and he still follows my photography page. I was completely baffled and I know I’m not perfect but this video described that whole entire situation to a T! I don’t doubt he could be a good person when he wants to. Still though, it’s the one foot in, one foot out for me…


For my “situation” that isn’t really a situation, the guy I like (the seminarian currently at my church) is super outgoing and funny, goofy, etc., but we’ve only talked when it’s just us. Most of that reasoning is because of me and me being introverted. I don’t really want people thinking that something is going on.

He knows I like him because I told him back in May (we had only talked briefly before I told him). Then we didn’t talk/see each other during June or July. I kind of wanted to give him space, but I also missed seeing him. If we did see each other, we might do a head nod. We actually talked a little more on September 19th. He came over to me and asked how I was and everything. We had a decent conversation about when he was preaching next before we were interrupted, but we definitely talked more than in the previous months.

We don’t talk at the high school youth nights or when others are around. I’m okay with it because 1) I never know what to say, 2) I don’t want to interrupt his conversations, and 3) I always assume he doesn’t want to talk to me. Which isn’t usually the case. I think sometimes he doesn’t know what to say either


Faith, love, and hope are everything. Love being most important of all. It’s sad there are people out here who can’t give or receive love.


Wow, I struggle big time and my ex had a serious commitment issue. He was constantly in and out of my life and his children's life. Till this day it is still happening. I do feel bad as well because at one point I became so disappointed and fed up I told him to leave, to leave the home, to leave our lifes because he was constantly walking out on his family. His words never matched his actions. And he would tell me, you do not give me attention, you do not love me nor do you say it. I had resentment due to all the hurt. Sometimes I question if I did the right thing. My lord is with me and I feel that he did reveal alot of things to me to take action. Thanks for this video Mark :)


Wow thank you for this! This is exactly the girl whom I was talking to.


Something I’m really trying to come to terms with is that I can be just as useful to the world or for God whether I die alone or have ever married.
