5 Proven Ways to Build Muscle (5x Faster)

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Over 20 studies reveal the 5 proven ways to build muscle faster. If you're looking to learn how to gain muscle mass fast then you'll get a lot out of this video. Even if you're a struggling hardgainer or just a skinny guy looking to gain weight & bulk up you'll discover proven solutions that can help. Learn about the best food, exercise methods and strategies for men trying to get bigger faster growth while bulking. You won't find better muscle building advice than these proven methods. Build bigger arms, chest, & legs.

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i speed up the video 2x so i can build muscles 10x faster


Here's the summary
1. Increase frequency, intensity, & volume (train body parts more than once a week)
2. Progressive overload (mix up your rep ranges, periodization)
3. Blood flow restriction (no way I'm doing that!)
4. Eat more protein (0.8-1 gram per pound of body weight)
5. Creatine and Protein Powder (Whey is the best)


"5 ways to build muscle faster"
"Number one: train more"
I couldn't have thought of that myself


Moral of the story: The more difficult your workout is, the more gains you make.


Waiting for a comment which lists all 5 ways so I don’t have to sit through the video..


6:39 What if I want to work my neck? Do I strangle myself then?😂


*clicks on video and sees “takes years to build muscle”*

Me: Ight imma head out


This was an extremely well spoken, informative, and clear video. Genuinely, thank you.


The 5 Ways:

1) Increasing training frequency - intensity - volume per session 0:42
2) Progressive overload 4:10
3) Blood flow restriction training 6:35
4) Eat a higher protein diet 9:04
5) Get effective supplements 10:43

Have a great pump :)


I used to do different days for different body parts. I now do full body training 3 days a weeks, 2 as my cardio. I’ve seen a dramatic increase changing it up and having a higher training Frequency.

Monday - full body, 12 reps of 5 sets
Tuesday - Cardio
Wednesday - Same as Monday
Thursday - Cardio
Friday - Same as Monday
Saturday & Sunday - either have to rest days or the same as Monday but lower weights as you don’t want to wear yourself out when you get to Monday.


I feel like I need to be a scientist to watch this video .


One of the most important things in bodybuilding is shocking the muscles, what I mean is that you shouldn’t be doing the same routine every time, you should change it because your body will adapt and find a way to save more energy and try to build less muscles, but if you change your routine you will shock it, i like to imagine that the first week of a new routine the body gets shocked and assume that it is a one time thing and will never happen again, the second week of the new routine the body will start getting the materials to build the muscles, third week the body actually starts building muscles quickly which is good, in the fourth routine the body has already found a way to save more energy and build less muscles but, by the time it gets used to the routine you will shock it by the new routine and so on.
My advice is to shock it every 4 weeks
Now when I say routine I mean new workouts
Think of it this way the first time cars where made they used a lot of gas and gas was very expensive, years past and we started to adapt cars and guess what it doesn’t use much gas anymore, same thing happens with the body


Just moan really loudly in the room and your proven to grow muscle mass 5x FASTER!


for newbies like me, i guess its important to get our ass to the gym consistently in the first place! isn't it?
this video does provide science backed information indeed! but as it is a fact that every "body" responds differently, i will try them all to see what suites me best! thanks mate!!!


This guy flexed his brain and it's hilarious how many people got lost


By watching this video my brain got so tired i had to take a nap..


Blood flow restriction does not really sound healthy 🤔 Sounds dangerous


This is great. No bullshit or broscience, just researched information that's actually true.


i decided to stop smoking and start work out yesterday, , wish me luck, , 🤘🤘🤘


I got awesome results by following 2 strategies
1. By training each muscle group twice a week
2. Performing each rep extremely slowly, at a count of 5 secs, 5secs hold n 5 secs release, this produces similar effect to restricted blood flow
Just my question is i want to be lean muscular like as im now, so shud i go for progressive overload in terms of weight or just increase the sets or reps?
