Roland Cloud Anthology 1987 review | Roland D50 VST

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Roland have at last released an official VST plugin of their legendary Roland D-50 synthesizer. They call it Anthology 1987. Last time we did an audio shootout with a real vintage D50 but today we will do an in-depth demo and review of the software and I will give you my opinions and final verdict on this exciting release and the Roland Cloud concept.
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I have a Roland D-50: would love to have the VST version, too, but I've no intention of renting their software, no matter how much I want it. You could easily buy a genuine D-50 to own for the equivalent of a 2 year subscription.


Roland Cloud is a "no go" for me! I would buy but never rent !


Being born in the year of the workstations, it was quite hard to tell the difference between software and hardware, but of course, nothing gets close to playing the real thing. It's good that they bring this back, allows us young ones to have a little taste of the 80s.

Another amazing video. 😀


sample playback - sounds nice n all but it's not a synth...would prefer a proper VST synth


Nice detailed description Woody. Im not going to express my opinions on hardware vs software . Whats important here is how you have given me an im sure others, a good insight into what the anthology plugins can offer. 👍👍👍 P.s. D 50 hardware all the way, hehe couldnt help myself .


excellent video Woody, some really cool sounds, well explained, love the tubular bells at the start ! and its great to see your twin brother back in your videos ! . i think the real D50 sounds are much better than plug in, top class demo ! well done Woody ! 😎AK


Thanks for the great review, Woody. You named it, it's just a sample playback engine for the D-50, something in the vein of a Kontakt bank, of good quality.
Maybe Roland is simply trying to test their future buyers for a real & complete VST emulation of the original architecture, never know. :)


dear Roland - Boutique D50 please...same U.I as the D50 with the joystick...that is all !
note NOT a sample library - a ACB type thing - real synth i can mess with - cheers!


Thank you so much for this video!!! not having played the originals i'm really interested. Are the JUNO-106 and JUPITER-8 also sample based or are they emulated??


With Aftertouch and the Physical Access to the sounds ... have you reached out to Roland to ask if they can provide
1/ the feature
2/ physical midi boards/ controls to easily grab them in the physical world for direct recording.

If not, can you ? Thankyou


Hi can I make a patch on the vst and using it on my d50?


Roland have done a good job with the D50 VST. That looks easier to program than a D50 itself.


Excited about a sampled D-50, what is this, 2005?


Interesting video! A bit of a disappointment that Roland didn't make a full emulation, that would have been interesting to see. Never the less, it looks like a fun piece of software.


Hi Woody, you probably already have noticed, but Roland is about to announce a special event on the 9.9.2017 for celebrating the 30th anniversary of the D-50. It is still unknown if it will be a boutique line product or a full keyboard (or a plugout for Sys8), but your thought about the no-use of the brand "D-50" in the Roland Cloud for saving it for a new product was more than correct... Let's see what is coming next week... Wish you a nice and relaxing weekend. Cheers. S.


Isn't that what the System 8 for though instead of making a emulation of the digital engines the system 8 can do all of the previous synths and more or that was my understanding I have the Jupiter 80 and love it and I really like this collection for what it is! Have a great day Woody! Thanks for making these videos they are the reason I found out about the new roland collection


Hey man you're not playing that Tubular Bells part properly, the first few measures are right but then you lapsed into repeating the second half of the right hand part over and over. Seems a pity to have those D-50 sounds but not be able to fool round with them like an actual D-50. If only it were a synthesizor emulator and not just samples of the presets eh ?


I'm not gonna get one of those. I prefer a real VST version. I don't like the fact that you're limited to those 64 patches and you can only hope that Roland will make more of them.
Somebody has spread a rumor about the possibility of a real VST. I hope that it's more than just a rumor. I'd love to get a D-50 plugin. I would even pay for it.


Why is that?No vst of the JD800-900?And this already for years


I'm confused. If I buy a System 8 do I still need to 'rent' plug outs? or are they mine if I buy the hardware
