How much should I eat on a carnivore diet?

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"eat enough to keep out of the junk food" best advice


I found a cat on the side of the road that was on his last leg. I took him to the vet got him checked out, blah blah blah. He weighed 5.5 lbs. She told me to feed him the cat food purina or some shit, because " there is stuff that he needs in the food." I fed him nothing but new york strips for a month. He got up to 12 lbs in a month. I ended up keeping him, He is now a 16 lb hammer cock.


Every time I think I overdid it I look at the scale and I've lost more weight. This diet is fantastic.


Babies should start on animal foods from birth, starting with their mother's milk! It's so beautiful to see this baby enjoying meat without worrying about saturated fat. Or plant-pushing critics!


I tell all my overweight clients, you don't have a weight problem you have an eating problem. Good content Doc!


Actually, with regards starting infants on animal products...the very first mouthful of food an infant takes in is colostrum (assuming breast feeding) which is saturated animal fat. This is present for most feeds. Thereafter mother's milk is over 50% saturated animal fat, and the rest is all made in mother's body - animal product - effectively white blood.
Humans are born carnivore, which is why all kinds of tricks & persuasion/bribery is usually needed to get kids to eat veg.
Give 'em - as in the vid - a meaty bone and the child will happily chow down.


Dr Cywes has a great video on this, basically explaining that we need nutritional recommendations for garbage food because they don't signal your body to stop eating, unlike real foods that do, so we get into this mindset that we need someone else to tell us how much to eat because that's what we've been trained to do. learning how to trust your body when you eat real food is one of the greatest gifts of the diet, it's so liberating. I'm a carb addict, can't control myself around garbage. but not with meat, with meat I can listen to my body and i never over eat. it's amazing for me both physically and mentally. food no longer controls me.


My dear Mr. baker, , ,
you saved my life. i weighed 327lbs at 5' 9" tall a week before fathers day 2020. i was not perfect. I failed often. I back slid. But I kept losing weight because i trusted you (that and meat is freaking delicious and affordable)not just you but others on YouTube. I am down to 265 as of august 5th. I did that. but not without you. DO NOT STOP. don't ever stop. we can't all contribute to your channel monetarily but that oath you took? You're LIVING it. as a military man as a doctor you have not yet betrayed yourself, your patients or your country. you are teaching, healing, and representing your hippocratic oath in ways that SHAME Other so called MDs. YOU SAVED ME. YOU, YOU SAVED me, not the doctor that perscribed me Amphetamines!! NEVER STOP. DON'T EVER STOP!! I pray you see this and it has you bite down hard and stick it to these murderers!!


"Eat enough where you don't eat cupcakes" LOL !!!


I love going past doughnut shops and candy stores, it gives me strength to keep going past and I get stronger by doing so.l'm just the posit. On the carnivore diet I don't and never did like many sweets. I don't crave or want snacks.


Not going to lie, I do not miss my community living days when every shared meal involved loads of bloating, nasty lentils, rice, buckwheat and kale. Aside the fact that all that shit tastes like dirt - or worse - being able to eat one plate of food or less a day and feel WELL and satisfied has been one of the most liberating experiences of my entire adult life.


Thanks for this video. Yesterday, I was craving an oatmeal cookie so much. I was not hungry for meat. I did not feel hungry. I just wanted to binge on oatmeal raisin cookies. I kept remembering the last time I had one, and how good it was. My memory of the last steak I had was overpowered. So, it is important to make sure your meat is cooked and flavored to perfection and hold that memory in your mind.


Great video, I’ve been on carnivore for a month, down 15 pounds. I realized I needed to cut back my eating frequency this week to continue success. I was eating when I wasn’t hungry


So my hiking companion says as I eat a hard-boiled egg, a little cheese, and some beef jerky (my only meal of the day); “well you sure are lucky that you live in a modern time where you have access to such specialized food items.” Meanwhile, she eats a complicated bowl of oatmeal-blueberry-avocado at 7 am, is ravenous at 10 am and eats a big complicated sandwich, at noon needs a complicated energy bar and an apple, at 5 is starving and eats a big, complicated chocolate caramel organic whole grain bar and another apple.... declares it a wonderful healthy dinner... And MY food is “specialized”? 😂


Welcome back! I like that video of the baby chewing on the bone. I recently saw a picture of a dog in front of its food dish with the remains of the leftovers from dinner. The dog ate everything but the carrots and peas. Dogs know that vegetables are not really animal food.


My crash diet is jumping off the kitchen counter crashing into a plate of steaks on the table.


You should really look into getting a bigger Kidding. Thanks for the informative vids.


This child looks like me when I eat a steak or any meat. I had to look twice to see if it was me.


Let's get real. When should a baby start animal based food? Answer: From first feeding. Mothers milk. Even herbivores start on animal based mothers milk.


It is very true I haven't met a kid that likes vegetables, my daughter is 7 and there's no way since she was a born that you could put a vegetable on her plate. She loves eggs, bacon, and meat, once in a while she eats a mango but that's it, and she is in phenomenal shape everytime we take to the doctor for checkups she is perfect. If we hate vegetables as kids that means we don't eat that shit.
