Playing Lt. Dan in 'Forrest Gump' Changed Gary Sinise's Destiny

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Gary Sinise has won a Primetime Emmy Award, a Golden Globe Award, a Tony Award, and four Screen Actors Guild Awards for his on screen performances. He has also received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and was nominated for an Academy Award.Sinise has also received numerous awards and honors for his extensive humanitarian work and involvement with charitable organizations. He is a supporter of various veterans' organizations and founded the Lt. Dan Band, which plays at military bases around the world, and the Gary Sinise Foundation.

Sinise's acting career started on stage with the Steppenwolf Theatre Company in 1983 when he directed and starred in a production of Sam Shepard's True West for which he earned an Obie Award. He would later earn four Tony Award nominations including for his performances in The Grapes of Wrath and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. He earned the Tony Award's Regional Theatre Award alongside the Steppenwolf Theatre Company.

Sinise first starred in the film adaptation of John Steinbeck's classic novel Of Mice and Men which he also directed and produced. Sinise played George Milton alongside John Malkovich who played Lennie. Subsequent roles include Lieutenant Dan Taylor in Forrest Gump (1994) for which he was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor. He also appeared in films such as Ron Howard's Apollo 13 (1995), Ransom (1996), Frank Darabont's The Green Mile (1999) and Impostor (2002).

He is also known for his television performances as Harry S. Truman in Truman (1995), for which he won a Golden Globe, and the title role in the television film George Wallace, for which he received a Primetime Emmy Award. He later had leading roles as Detective Mac Taylor in the CBS series CSI: NY (2004–13); from 2016 to 2017, Sinise starred as Special Agent Jack Garrett in Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders.

Interview recorded on May 29, 2023

Video Credits:
Interviewer - Greg Corombos
Editor - TJ Cooney
Director of Photography - Jon Hambacker

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I’m an Army veteran who received a free suit from the Gary Sinise Foundation/Jos. A. Banks to go job hunting. I hope Gary sees this comment so I can let him know I got the job and I still wear that blue suit all these years later. Thank you Gary!


Passing through LAX airport on a layover with the U.S. Air Force, my buddy and I stopped by the USO at the airport. They were serving a fantastic Thanksgiving meal for the troops. I asked one of the USO workers who could we thank for this nice meal. She said Gary Sinise paid for it. Many thanks Lt. Dan.


Sinise is a great great actor, truly a national treasure


Mr. Sinise, through his foundation, provided a home for my Wounded Warrior son, when he came home from Iraq totally blind and having lost his dominate left arm. My son was EOD and was gravely injured by a roadside bomb. For months we were not sure if he would make it, but being the tough as nails man he is, he did, and he chose life. Today he has a lovely home where he is safe, as it is designed for someone blind to be able to live in, move around in safely, and do things for himself. God Bless Gary Sinise.


One of my clients, a vet, wheelchair bound, regularly meets with this actor. He really lives this life. What a spectacular human.


If Forrest was the face of the film, and Jenny was the heart..Lt. Dan certainly was the soul. Gary Sinise is a wonderful human being, God bless him.


That role has changed my life as well… I am paralyzed and require a wheelchair and love sitting at the end of my dock on the coast. Just about Every time a boat passes you hear someone yelling “look it’s Lt Dan!!!”


My father served in the Vietnam war for three years from 1968 to 1971. During that time he received two silver stars, a bronze star, a purple heart and a Vietnam commendation metal. When he came home, he was addicted to heroin. He went to Germany after coming home, and that is where he was charged for having and using drugs. He went to seven different VA rehabilitation centers, and nothing ever helped. He met my mother in 1976 and I was born in 1978. in January 1981, my father overdosed and committed suicide. I was 2 1/2 years old, and even though I had been told I was the shining light of his eyes, I was extremely angry at him. I remember watching platoon, Apocalypse now and of course Forrest Gump, and thinking if this is true, I can’t believe what these men went through. When I was in high school we talked about different wars and when it came to Vietnam, we pushed through it so fast. We saw the pictures of World War I and World War II veterans coming home and it was such an exciting time. However, I had no idea the treatment that our Vietnam vets received. When I was 22 years old, I was doing a project for a masters class I was in and I needed to resolve issues with my dad. I watched we were soldiers with Mel Gibson. One of the last lines in the movie the cameraman turned soldier discussed, was the hatred that people felt for these soldiers coming home from the war, and that the soldiers had discovered that they weren’t fighting for their country in Vietnam, but they were fighting for each other, to keep each other safe. I spoke to my mom about him and she pulled out all of his medals. That was the first time that I was able to read exactly what my father did in the Vietnam war and how he earned each one. I wish he was still alive so I could thank him for his service. He jumped into a tunnel with a live grenade to save children and women. He ran into a fiery hell storm to stop some Viet Cong, and he saved several of his brothers in arms from sure death, all to come home to a country that didn’t want him didn’t know how to fix him and so he ended it.
I no longer am angry at him, but admire him. I still have his metals to this day, and I share them with anybody who will listen. I named my son after him and told him he embodies the name of a man who had tremendous courage, love for their Country and dedication to his friends.
I wish my dad was still here, but I know I live on through him. I want to thank all our veterans, but especially our Vietnam veterans.


There arent many actors that deserve respect like Gary Sinise.Great person.


In 2007, Lt Dan came by my working place at Hospital in Balad AB, Iraq. I can honestly say I didn't know who Gary Sinise until I saw his name tag the the uniform he wore which was Lt. Dan. He touched my heart just knowing that he visited all the patients in our Tent City Hospital in Balad and deeply care for each one. His eyes got watery at some point and I knew then that his actions were sincere. Thank you, Gary Sinise for recognizing our combat veterans!


As an Army veteran, I've been told by other vets who've met Gary Sinise, that he's humble, compassionate, and listens. A lot of vets don't talk about past experiences, because we're surrounded by folks that don't have these qualities or understand what it means to serve. Mr. Sinise, you are a Patriot, an American treasure and highly appreciated!


Contrast what Sinise does with the self-absorbed lives of most celebrities. He’s a hero.


The world needs more Gary Sinise’s. A great ambassador of healing, hope and happiness. ❤


Gary Sinise is one of those rare celebrities that doesn't selfishly live in his own world and shutout the outside world. He is unselfish and dedicated to putting the needs of others above his own. He should feel extremely proud of what he has accomplished. Never should he stop pushing forward for the countless others still out there deserving of his help. I salute you Mr. Sinise and those brave few like you.


So humble, Gary is more than a actor, he’s a humanitarian. God bless you.


I’ve met a total of 2 celebrities in my life and I’m honored to say this guy was one of them. An absolute sweetheart of a human.


I am a UK military veteran served for 12 years and even in the UK I have heard of the good work Gary does for military veterans. A true gent and doing it out of empathy compassion and kindness. Greg 🇬🇧


My husband was a Vietnam veteran. He said coming home was as devastating as the war. We all talked one day about what actor we would want to meet and he said Gary Sinise because of his dedication to our veterans


Even though we all loved Forrest and his adventures, and friendship with Bubba, and his difficulties with Jenny, it was Lt. Dans' troubled journey that was the heart of the movie. We all were so happy for him, when he found love and seemed at peace with his life. Well done Gary Sinise. My husband was a Vietnam veteran.


Gary Sinise is a GREAT actor. To this day I’ll swear that he SHOULD have won the Academy Award for playing Lt. Dan. He was robbed. But all of that being said, he’s an even greater American and human being.

I’m a Vietnam vet and medically retired police detective. Life has been far from easy. Especially since my forced retirement after 25 years on the job. Due to all of those medical problems I can’t drive and I must use a walker always. I live alone. Money is so very very tight and the VA won’t even talk with me any longer to help with medical expenses.

But, then I see Mr Sinise. Such a good man. God bless you and your family sir. 🇺🇸❤️🙏🏻
