10 Things to NEVER SAY to Someone With Bipolar Disorder!

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If someone has Bipolar Disorder, sometimes saying the wrong thing can be a HUGE trigger - causing devastating results and potentially impacting their overall stability or health!

This video will cover 10 common statements that should never be said to someone with Bipolar Disorder AND WHY. If I missed one, please let me know in the comments so we can help educate others! Together we can help fight the stigmas and social damage inflicted on those with this serious illness. PLEASE help share this video with family and friends so we can help educate others. Help them - help US!

Welcome Polar Warriors! This channel is dedicated to helping individuals, families, and friends who struggle with, or know someone living with Bipolar Disorder. My goal is to provide actual tools, tips, and discuss topics that can potentially help individuals grow to live a more balanced, peaceful, and fulfilling life. I truly hope my videos inspire & educate those interested in knowing more about this serious mental illness. PLEASE remember to subscribe so you don't miss a video that could impact your life in a profound way!

-Rob Whittaker, Polar Warriors: Bipolar Support
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"You don't look bipolar"
What do you want from me? You want me to light somebody's car on fire?


"Just calm down." Literally throws me into a psychotic break.


I fell for a woman with bipolar and I keep coming back to these videos so I can continue to support her, most people in her life never took the time to understand what she is going through so she thinks that I'm going to do the same, but each and everytime I prove to her that I'm there to support her through anything no matter how tough it gets ( it gets really tough at times) but I never give up, so thank you so much for helping me understand how to be there and help


"stop being sad it's effecting everyone, not just you"
"control yourself!"
"stop using it as an excuse"


I really get pissed off when I hear someone tell another person "you're so bipolar".. It's a friggin' insult to people who are bipolar and have to deal with it everyday.


Reading all these comments I realized I'm such an ass. I think I've said 90% of them to my gf in the last few days. Thank you all for showing me the mirror.


As someone who is very religious, I agree. I saw a video of a mom praying away her son's autism and it made me sad. Don't add salt in the wounds of people who already feel rejected by society. We just want to be loved as we are and supported within that.


I'm literally crying because of how accurate this is.
I'm struggling internally, the swings are so hard to manage that I often feel so disoriented and lost.
Having bipolar disorder is so hard and sometimes I really want it to go away.
I hate myself for having this cause I have no control over what I think, feel or do when it's triggered.
A lot of people have told me to "just cheer up" "think of positive thoughts" "be happy" and I wanted nothing more than to just disappear.
When people say shit like that it feels like they're invalidating my disorder and struggles.
It sucks man, it really does.
I hope we all are able to be in a better place.


My husband is bipolar. We've been together for 14 years and it's heaven and hell for the both of us. I've tried to help him for years until I realized that just makes it worse. Now, all I do is hold him when he's sad or rub his back, but trying to "solve the problem" is futile. I don't try to find solutions anymore, and it's made it so much better. He knows he is having an episode and it will pass, so we just wait it out until it does.


Another rule DON'T force someone who is bipolar to be around others


"you just need to get yourself on a schedule"
""why are you so anxious, you have nothing to be worried about"
"are you getting manic again?" (when you finally seem to stabilize and have some genuine happiness and fun)
"nothing i do is good enough/it's impossible to make you happy"
"lots of people in this world have it worse than you"
"how can you be tired., you've been sleeping all day/week"
"you are so smart, how can you make such stupid decisions?"
"in MY day all we did was drink a 6 pack and sucked it up"
"you have too much time on your hands. I don't have time to be depressed"


Sometimes the best way to help is simply to be a great listener. Don’t try and fix them. Just love them and accept them for who they are!!


My favorite is, "are you high?" when I'm manic.


"Why don't you go to bed earlier? If I stayed up all night, I'd also feel bad."


I work in the medical field and I have bipolar 1. It annoys the crap out of me when people say, “oh watch out for patient he’s bipolar.” Or “watch what you do, he/she has bipolar” it makes me cringe. I feel like saying, I have it too, I’ve told a few people and they are shocked that I am bipolar. They have such negative views on us that I want to make invisible illness more visible and let them know we have good days too, especially on our meds and a good psych team.


My mom is undiagnosed bipolar and my older brother is diagnosed bipolar. I’ve gone my whole life trying to figure what was wrong with me, so I’ve been educating myself about mental health and personalities. I’ve struggled with depression, self harm, and lost the best job I’ve ever had due to substance abuse. My toxic behavior was never noticed, because my brother had all the attention. I took it upon myself to make an attempt at getting better, for my little girls sake. Living with my daughters mother was what brought out the worst in me. I am her scapegoat, who will never live up to her unrealistic expectations. She blamed me for everything wrong in our relationship. Drove me back to my toxic habits and then being shunned for not being better even “after all the work she’s put into me”.
Things she’d say that would trigger would be :
•Do better.
•It’s all in my head, i just need to work and get over it
•there’s no such thing as depression I just have to make better choices and stop being lazy.
•stop playing the victim
• happiness is a mindset

I could go on. The thing that drove me to the darkest time I’ve ever been through was when i lost my 401 k career, and as if I wasn’t at my point of break, she added “ I knew it was too good to be true, so i didn’t get my hopes high “.
Sorry for the rant some of its irrelevance, but I feel as if the cloud over my head is clearing. Feels good to vent and to know I’m not alone.


0:30 “Why don’t you just snap out of it?”
1:13 “Are you taking your meds?”
2:15 “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”
3:22 “But you act so normal”
4:22 “It must be your time of the month”
5:13 “Everyone is a little bipolar sometimes”
6:06 “Have you tried going to church’s door praying it away?”
7:29 “Happiness is just a choice”
8:58 “How could you be depressed you are so well off?”
10:39 “Have you ever thought of taking/doing this to get off all those pills?”


this disorder is not an excuse, it's an explanation


People tell me “call me when you’re sad, I can help.” Right! I’m not calling anyone to tell them I’m depressed. Who wants it dumped on them.
