Why is Gen Z Slowly Giving Up?

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I don’t even want to think about how bad things will be in 50 years


The ‘life sucks buy my course’ punchline was gold


I'm glad that people - especially young people like myself - are starting to see how bad social media can be for us. I see this as hope.


moon went from being a critic of online universities to opening his own. I guess its true when they say you either die a hero or live long enough to see yo self become the villain


"It's too expensive in our society." Now pay for my course.


Gen X’rs were barely raised by parents. We were thrown outside and told come in at lunch and dinner. Siblings, friends, neighbors were family. It was tough. Many were abused resulting from parental negligence. We grew up swearing to ourselves when I have kids…, “I will protect them at all costs!”
We babied them, pampered, & protected ad infinitum. But they are now exposed yo every form of filth humanly imaginable. And that has lead to severe mental issues. I’ve never dreamed we would see such a mess.


When my parents were my age (25) they had me, I was 5, they had an apartman, fields, and a house. I have a dog, two cats and depression.


I'm a zoomer with bad parents so what you said at the beginning resonated with me. Being subjected to infinite opinions, beliefs, ideals, etc, without a solid foundation of ideals from family or from growing up, makes it very difficult to form an identity.


"Every generation imagines itself to be more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it." - Orwell


People are struggling with debt and gen Z can't afford to start a family or get a mortgage, but hey, for $99 a month Moon will sort your head out and help you cope with this online hyper reality by letting you into his online "community"


I see some Gen Z kids starting to learn and some even getting into vintage fashion and that makes me happy at 31 and some still have much much to learn but I have tiny bit of hope


Listen kids, Gen X went through this exact thing. A world that didn't want or need us, being middle class seeming impossible and feeling like a failure because of it, cynicism and apathy abounding, and yes, a hell of a lot of just plain giving up, or "slacking" as we called it in the 90's. I wish I had some wonderful advice to give you on how to get through it, but I don't. My generation, um, doesn't exactly specialize in cheerfulness, and now you know why. All I can say is that you WILL get through it. Hang in there, and take your pleasure where you can find it.


Moon: The Economy is in shambles, you have to work for 8 years just to buy a home.
Also Moon: Buy my course for 100$ a month!


The only issue is that the elites don’t want this to change. At all. They’ll make sure my generation, myself included, remains as depressed and anxious as possible. They want us to fight the wrong battles, too distracted to even notice that our lives are being ruined. They want to make sure that the few who do take notice can’t do anything about it, or are even too depressed to even try.

However, it’s all leading up to a point where soon the balloon will pop. You can contain the air you blow in a balloon, it will expand normally and stay fine. But too much air makes the balloon explode, there is too much pressure and it goes from everyone being trapped to everyone being free and aware.

Society will hit a limit where the last domino falls, where the balloon pops, and we all wake up and realize what must be done. Either that, or we will basically become the people in Wall-E


As an old-fashioned traditional Gen Z kid, more and more each day I think disposing myself is the best way to avoid the suffering that’s being stacked on top of my already traumatic childhood and traumatic experiences. I’m 19 and I honestly don’t remember a time when I was truly, genuinely happy to be alive. I’ve been bullied since kindergarten, I’m not the most handsome, athletic, or smartest guy in the room so girls pass me up for the bad boys. I have lots of social anxiety so even approaching people without subconsciously thinking my existence annoys them is practically impossible, and it’s hard to make friends and find friends that actually care about me and my wellbeing.


I can barely fathom the fact that I’ve been on social media for almost 10 years. How many thousands of hours I’ve wasted


Here’s the answer: the same generation that complains about ours being weak is the same generation of parents that wouldn’t let us venture out into the world like they did as a kid. They feel the world is too dangerous for us to handle, and then we grow up and they wonder why


Honestly, I'm scared to think what will become of Gen Alpha more than Gen Z. Yeah, Gen Z has their own charcuterie of issues, but we were born right before technology and social media exploded the way it did in the 2000's. I can recall physically hanging out with people and going over to a friend's house playing video games in elementary school and a good chunk of middle school. Hell, this even stuck around a good bit of high school, but the shift to hyperrealism started taking hold on many. I started noticing it with Instagram, it seemed different from YouTube, FaceBook and MySpace even. It didn't seem like innocent fun anymore.

Gen Alpha though? They were born into this. Gen Z might also be dubbed the iGen, but there was a short-lived time in our lives before the iPhone came to be. Gen Alpha doesn't have that luxury to fondly look back on. Gen Z has a fighting chance to restore its identity, because they have a reference point on life before hyperrealism took over. To Gen Alpha though, this hyperreality may as well be their reality.


I lost my phone about a month ago and it turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to me and I realized that through this channel. It was the video you did on instagram. there was a part in that video explaining how addicted we are to your phones- thats when I decided I wouldn't get another phone. It feels so good not having that thing with me everywhere I go. I came home last night and put my note pad and pens away, plus my coat and hat too then I proceeded to my bedroom but paused for a moment to think if I had my cell phone, then I realized I don't have to do that anymore... I don't have to worry at all times as to where this little thing is, this little devise that is my whole identity and personality, like a demon from that movie the Golden Compass; our cell phones are our souls..


Millennials are slowly giving up…gen z was born given up.
