How To Talk To Your Friends About Carbon Pricing

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Putting a price on carbon? What’s that?

In this video, climate change campaigners Tom Erb and Camila Thorndike answer that question, and share tips about talking to your friends about how carbon pricing can help solve climate change.

Narrated by Nikki Reed.
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I'm surprised that Camila did not promote the only proper and effective way to do carbon pricing, that is the Carbon Fee and Dividend, that's what the best experts in the field recommend, including #1 climate scientist, Jim Hansen. That is not a tax. It is a BIG mistake to conflate carbon emissions with other substances. The carbon fee is placed on the source of emissions not at the retail end, that is way too complicated, a bureaucratic nightmare. And would make it easy for the biggest polluters to escape paying for their emissions. A CF&D rewards the low energy consumers while punishing the wealthy high energy consumers. That is most fair. Google "Carbon Fee and Dividend Policy and FAQs".

The worst thing you can do is carbon trading, or cap & trade, that is just another scam to allow wealthy investors and big banks to pocket $billions in profits from speculating in and manipulating carbon pricing. Does zip to reduce carbon emissions. In fact it does the exact opposite of CF&D, puts the burden primarily on the poor & middle class while rewarding the wealthy, i.e. punishing the victims and rewarding the promoters of runaway fossil consumption.

Even CF&D will be ineffective, if we continue to allow ultra-rich Oil Barons and Banksters to buy our politicians, our institutions, our media and NGO's to blockade the REAL solutions to climate change while promoting nutty Pixie power bait-and-switch scams that will do zip to end our fossil addiction.


Example conversation:
Me - What tax don’t you like?
You - Income.
Me - How about you pay less income tax but pay the exact amount you save in income tax as a carbon tax?
You - I’ll be no better off. What’s the point?
Me - Over time you will save money if you make less carbon intense purchases. Manufacturers will see this change in demand and make less carbon intense products and services. Without having to care or even believe in climate change you will be a change agent for the whole global economy.
You - So your going to rig the system to incentivize less carbon intense consumer behaviour?
Me - Yep...
You - Dope. Any ideas for solving wealth inequality...
Me - Hold my beer...
