10 Morning Habits Genuines Use To Jump Start Their Brain | Jim Kwik

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When you start your morning with the following ten habits Jim Kwik does in his morning routine, information that comes to you will be easier to memorize.

In this informative talk, Jim Kwik explains that your superpower is the ability to learn how to memorize fast and easily by implementing these ten habits into your weekly routine.

In this video,"10 Morning Habits Geniuses Use To Jump Start Their Brain," expert brain coach, Jim Kwik walks you through his morning routine to create a successful week.

From how to create strong neural connections and get more oxygen to your brain. Also, he talks about how to boost your brain power with gratitude and journaling. All in all, Jim Kwik’s teachings will motivate you to focus on having productive days.

Once labeled “the boy with the broken brain,” Jim Kwik is now the world’s leading expert in memory improvement and brain performance. He is a powerful Brain Coach for Hollywood superstars, top universities, Fortune 500 organizations, and big-time entrepreneurs like Richard Branson and Elon Musk.

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