Jesus won’t heal you? The Chosen got it wrong here 💔

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9:50 God told Paul "my grace is sufficient for you" which was God justifying why he didn't need to heal Paul. Do we assume he was healed eventually, or was never healed?

I've personally been healed too many times to count! Several times *as I was ABOUT to ask!* . I know he can and will heal. But there are people who are not healed. It's almost he knew ahead of time that I would ask, and was testing me to see if I would ask him for help.

Once I was healed the first time, I don't remember ever not being healed afterwards. I think he was allowing me in those situations, on purpose, to get my attention. Now I trust him much more than in the past!


God HAS Healed me NUMEROUS TIMES; why my knees are not healed, I don't know, BUT I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that
He Can. In His Timing.
I don't doubt; HE GIVES ME STRENGTH to press on as I need.


The Chosen has literally changed my life and I'm a huge fan and advocate for the show. Its amazing...

That being said, when I watched this in theaters, I was so upset and uncomfortable in my chair. This is really the only scene in the Chosen that has not represented Jesus right in my opinion. So many people trying to use the verse where Paul is talking about his thorn but that's not talking about sickness or diseases. Its so clear when you read the chapter before when he's talking about being persecuted... The reason God says my grace is sufficient is because Paul was asking for God to remove the persecution that he was going through getting beat and whipped and stoned everywhere he goes. But God isn't going to remove that because its promised for ALL Christians to have persecution if you want to live a godly life.(2 Timothy 3:12).

Then in this scene Jesus quotes Job saying the Lord gives and takes away but that is one of the most misused verses. Its simply untrue. The only reason Job is saying that is because Satan made it look like God is the one who is destroying him and that he turned his heart against him...Hes thinking he's under the law of sin and death and that everything that happens is because of God. Its old covenant. Theres no revelation of Satan. Hes just crying out what he thinks....But that doesnt make it true...

There are too many promises for healing in the Bible and its sad that we've made it a "maybe God will heal maybe he wont"... No, all the promises to the believer are yes and amen. God says lay your hands on the sick, and they recover... We say "but not everyone".... Its the same voice that Eve heard in the garden when Satan whispers "Oh your not really gonna die if you eat this"...Its the same bait today and he's whispering making people not believe God and his promises. I understand that not everyone that we pray for and touch in Jesus name is healed... I get that, but my bible says in Ephesians we are supposed to grow up into Jesus. And everyone that jesus touched went away healed. So until that's my reality, then we just have to keep growing and going after it with everything in us. Christians get super offended when the idea that they need more faith... It is quite literally what Jesus says when his disciples fail to heal the kid in Matthew 17... "Becasue of your unbelief." This isnt my theology, its what Jesus says. That doesnt mean that if we pray for someone and they arent healed we say "ooh well if you had more faith then it would You dont say that to someone! You keep going after God believing and standing firm in the faith and GROW up into JESUS who is the perfector of our faith.

'until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, "


In 1967, I was in a car accident that put me in intensive care unconscious and convulsive, but God caused all things to work together for good, Rom 8:28. I give all credit to Him Who saved me. I met Jesus, and His blood covered my sin. I am blessed with a Christian wife for 47 years, praise His holy name!


Another thing to note is he said it was in the Father's will to heal him but doesn't do it. Jesus was always about the fathers will! He came to do the Father's will and the fact that he said it was in the Father's will to heal him and didn't do it isn't biblical!


Jesus heals and he continues to heal me to this day. If Jesus doesn't heal I would have lost hope long ago. Thank you Jesus that you'll never change. You are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and that I put my faith in your hands O Lord 😇😇😇😇😇.


Remember when Jesus said told the man whose son needed healing, he said if you believe and the man said, Lord help my unbelief. If faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains, then doubt the size of a mustard seed can prevent everything.


If you didn't receive healing and deliverance, its because there is spiritual laws, in place like generational curses, soulties, sin etc. We have to live according to Bible laws, you have to understand how the spiritual realm operates, to understand why certain things takes place.


Thank you Shane. I actually just started season two of the chosen, and I really like it. But it’s not the Bible. The Bible is the word of God, not the show.


I loved this scene. I didn’t get that Jesus wouldn’t or couldn’t heal from this scene. Everyone sees things differently I guess😊


Hi Shane, if it’s OK, I would just like to share this true story with you and ask this question?

There’s an individual who was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at birth. At the age of 13, he decided to commit his life to Christ after receiving the truth of the gospel. In the interim of that, he received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This individual has also stood in faith for healing from this sickness. While studying the life and ministry of Jesus, God began to grace this individual to walk in the working of miracles, through words of knowledge and prophecy. People have been greatly impacted as God has decided to work through this individual.

In some incidences, his story has not made sense to Christians. Even he has been challenged by the reality of his situation. He has asked God questions of how, and when, while seeing people with other illnesses be instantly healed before his eyes. However, as he anticipates receiving his miracle in this life, he has chosen to stay committed to Christ. He has not allowed the reality of the situation to hinder the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

My question is, does the reality of his story oppose the truth of scripture?


Wow, this is why I don’t watch the chosen, and much much more confirmation to not watch it.

We must read the scriptures for ourselves. I believe the westernized Christian church has lost radical faith because of so much being said about what Jesus can and can’t do. We limit Him because of our own mindsets being polluted. People in countries where they don’t watch tv and don’t have much, you see much more miracles I believe because they aren’t being polluted with so much false doctrines on healings. They just receive the gospel and believe it! Like children. Child like faith.

I think too the church in America puts more emphasis on US and what we can do, than on Jesus and what He CAN DO! We say oh he didn’t get healed because maybe I didn’t pray enough or didn’t have the right words or I wasn’t fasted, rather than JESUS.


Matthew 6:33 But seak first the kingdom of god and all rightish of heaven will be open to you .


Even though I didn't experience a "falling out" or falling down/back like others in the church... I still believe I was healed in the name of Jesus. I KNOW I was. Only in the name of Jesus.
If your going to a church or praying without using the authority and power in the name of Jesus, then it isn't the right way. This is the ONLY way. ❤


I thought the same thing about this scene when I saw it in the theater. I found it was a lack of faith why we aren't getting healed but that would be a much tougher teaching. On a side note though in Matthew 17 Jesus did say it was their unbelief that was preventing them from casting out the demon, but then he said HOWEVER....THIS kind only comes out by prayer and fasting. And again in Mark 9. It was a reference to some demons only coming out by prayer and fasting, not unbelief. There is nowhere else in the bible that mentions how to get rid of unbelief so it would be silly of Jesus to tell us how to get rid of one kind of unbelief, and not others. He was indeed referring to demons.


thanks Shane, when I first watched that episode I felt it was a bit odd, something didn't sit right in my spirit, like what you've mentioned, I totally get it but Jesus didn't say that. The Bible says in Matthew 8:16 When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick.


Well dang. You're right. I absolutely loved that scene. But you're 💯 right Shane.


It definitely made me feel like I'm wasting my time believing for healing this side of heaven....


One thing I’ve noticed anything from Netflix is not from God or of our Father in Heaven. I noticed anything from “PureFlix” is sketchy but there’s some lessons there.


Yup I would always fall asleep on that part and when I finally watched it, I un-intentionally came into agreement with that lie, now I know for sure Gid was trying to protect my mind
