Why Would Jesus NOT Heal Little James? | Messianic Theologian Reacts

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Watch Sam and Dr. Tom's authentic reaction to @TheChosenSeries portrayal of a conversation between Jesus and Little James. It is a tear jerking scene as they discuss the suffering that all disciples of Yeshua experience today, and why GOD chooses to heal some and not others.


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That scene got me bawling like a baby. I have Lupus and MS. My right eye is blind. My left ear is deaf. My left side refuses to listen to my brain. I live with pain.
I've ve been accused of lacking faith. I'm so thankful for that scene. It's ok... his grace is sufficient for me.


We're crying with you. Beautiful insights. :)


Jonathan and Jordan deserve an Emmy for that scene!


I got to watch this in real life.

In my dad's final years he was in and out of the hospital fairly frequently. A broken ankle that was never set straight and healed crooked. But that didn't cause problems.

He had donated a kidney before l was born so he was left with one. A torn diaphragm that caused him to be on O2. And Type 2 diabetes.

Two or three times he went in for dialysis because his remaining kidney wasn't working so well.

After a couple days he would be out on his merry way. "You have the kidney of a 20 year old, l can't explain it" his doctor said the first time.

Well dad praised the Lord Jesus to anyone and everyone within earshot. I know he lead a few of the nurses and others to faith in his visits. These visits happened over a 5- 7 year period.

When he passed it was not a sad occasion. We all KNEW where dad was. And he was while and healthy and with our Lord and Savior! What a gift.


I’m discouraged and broken hearted. Please pray for me and my children that’s ALL I NEED AND WANT. I get harassed for sharing my testimony and for asking for prayers. I want to give up on my life. But God won’t let me. As a single mother I’m so overwhelmed at times because both of my children are autistic. I’m desperately struggling trying to support them and myself my husband passed years ago I lost my job as a social worker at Forsyth hospital because I declined the vaccine. I declined because of my pre existing health condition lupus and heart disease. I was denied my medical/religious exemption. I wish I could go back to the hospital but the mandate is still in place for hospitals that participate in Medicare and Medicaid all employees must be vaccinated against covid 19. I’m waitressing and I’m so 🙏🏾THANKFUL to be working again, but I’m not making nearly enough to make ends meet. But even as I struggle every month, and even though I’m ashamed because of my situation and ashamed from all the harassment. Compassion is Jesus’s way. I have faith that God will provide. Please pray for me and my children. THATS ALL I want. GOD BLESS!😊 Prayers do work.


The best part of the conversation, “You will be healed.” You will be free. You will have peace. It’s not “if, ” but “when.” When we enter his kingdom, we’ll be complete.


At 5:30, I didn't see that as Jesus comparing. He was making a little joke. Out of compassion, to lighten the moment and to get a little smile out of James to lighten the load, he was simply joking. What a beautifully acted scene that the James actor was easily able to portray that he got it and could take some ribbing for the sake of compassionate levity. They did an amazing job of this difficult scene.


This part really got to me. I’ve dealt with migraines since a pre-teen and I’m well into my 40s now. I e said many prayers for healing and thought it’s something I didn’t do or lack faith. When those thoughts come in my head, I try to remember Paul where he said His grace is sufficient. Then I think of all the others who are other ailments that are worse. God has a plan for everything and I’m not going to question why I still go through my pain. His grace IS sufficient and this is a reminder of that fact. Our pain or ailments doesn’t hinder God to use us. We hinder ourselves when we focus on what He hasn’t healed us from.


Jesus healed every single person who CAME TO Him for healing, no exceptions. And Jesus is the exact representation of our Father (Hebrews 1:3)(John 14:9), who is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8) . So I'm not sure why we base our theology on examples of people "not getting" healed, which is walking by sight. The only example we see of someone not receiving healing/deliverance in the Gospels is when the Disciples prayed for the demonized boy in Mark 9 but could not deliver him. Later Jesus came and delivered the boy. Was it God's will to heal/deliver the boy? Yes! But did it happen when the Disciples prayed? No. Healing is not a yes or no in Jesus. Let God be true and every man a liar. Isaiah 53 says "...Yet He Himself bore our sicknesses, and He carried our pains..."

Paul's thorn in the flesh? That was persecution, not sickness. Thorn in the flesh was always used in the Old Testament to express people being persecuted or having other people come against them, not sickness or disease. (Numbers 33:55)(Judges 2:3)(Joshua 23:13). Paul knew the Old Testament writings very well, and he would have been familiar with the phrase "thorn in the flesh" and its intended meaning. The messenger of Satan that was "Paul's Thorn" was stirring up persecution against Paul. A messenger carries a message, and that messenger of Satan was whispering in the ears of those who hated Paul to stir up even more hatred against Paul.

If you have been accused of lacking faith and were offended, it's time to forgive who said that and get into His word. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God! Read the Gospels and see how Jesus was willing to heal all who came to Him.

Remember, walk by faith not by sight, do not believe what some say about Jesus' willingness to heal or not based on experiences, but rather taste and see who Jesus is in His Word! Sometimes there is mystery, and yes many have died despite having been prayed for (I have experienced this 3 times with close loved ones, including my youth pastor due to cancer), but we cannot afford to base our understanding of God's word on our experiences and disappointments, rather we must persist until God's Word begins to shape our experiences. Remember, He who said "I am willing, be clean" will say the same for you.


Powerful scene. But our Messiah always healed. He never turned anyone down.


I just watched yesterday. I cried and still I cry today. Watching this series has made me understand so much more than all the years and days at church. What a gift the series has been.


I love the comment about Simon's temper! Having dealt with people, tempers are so much harder to deal with than physical disabilities. Plus, "Little James" knew Simon's temper, so it gave a momentary relief from the intensity of his conversation with "Jesus" and allowed him to focus on what he was being told about not being healed, instead of HIS feelings about not being healed. And having gone through the grief of losing my husband, I can tell you those moments of levity make it so much easier for the comforts being offered to come in.


I understand that this scene probably exists for a modern audience that doesn’t see signs and wonders and healings. But Jesus healed all who came to him for healing. While he was on Earth, that was part of his ministry. There’s no way he would not have healed his own disciple. It would be enough of a sign that his disciples could heal in his stead.


This scene literally put me in tears. This was the only scene in the entire show that impacted me so much that I cried. I have CP and I’ve it my entire life. It has been very difficult and literally dictates how I move in each day. I have prayed for healing my entire life, but I think It’s God’s will to show His glory through me just like this. God, May Your will be done. Help me to accomplish the purpose you have for me.


I absolutely love your reaction videos. They reveal your deep, abiding faith and the understanding you have of the Father’s love encourages me greatly. Thank you both.


I've been watching The Chosen since it's come out. The more I watch, the more it speaks to me. This last episode that you show here means the most. For nine years I suffered with degenerative osteoarthritis in both knees. I became so crippled that I needed to be in a wheelchair to go anywhere. I'm raising my grandson and being disabled made it very tough. I asked God many times to heal me. I later had both my knees replaced. It wasn't until after my knee surgeries did I realize why God didn't heal my knees. The night after my first surgery I was able to pray the Salvation prayer with an elderly lady and also pray a prayer of peace over another lady who was so fearful! Several years prior to that, God told me he was going to use me as a conduit and I never understood. After helping that lady find Jesus as Savior, I knew what He meant. I want to be used by God and I'm beginning to realize that His ways are not my ways and it may not come easy! Great episode of The Chosen and Grafted. Peace to all!


Having Cerebral Palsy for 70 years now, I can relate to this scene and even the emotions that were displayed, God has decided NOT to heal me, but it doesn’t make any difference to me. wether he heals me or doesn’t, I still choose to love and serve him. This body we live in, is only temporary anyway.
One of my favorite verses is

Romans 8:10 (NKJV)
And if Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.


I had an NDE in 2003, meet Jesus and was told I will help heal the world. I've been sick and disabled since and God has been preparing me, but I constantly doubt things because how can I heal when being not healed? This scene spoke directly to me and had helped my faith grow stronger, and my health improves every day I just put my faith in God. Love to all. Amen.


This isn’t biblical…. I need to do a reaction video. I understand the sentiment but Jesus never once used this line on anyone. This scene isn’t biblical and neither is the theology


This scene truly touched me personally. My 20 yr old grandson was waiting for a heart transplant that he never got. He suffered even more after a cardiac arrest, he had surgery and lived 3 more days but then he died. This was exactly what I needed to see and hear! Thank you guys for your explaining even further what Jesus was saying 🙏🙏
