💦PROBLEMS With Drip Irrigation & Getting Organized In The Garden || Summer Gardening

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Follow along as I do some organizing in the garden and work on some problems with drip irrigation for my summer gardening.

#dripirrigation #summergardening #problemswithdripirrigation
#shesamadgardener #zone8 #zone8a #texasgarden #texasgardening #cutflowergarden #cutflowerfarm

Music Credit: Epidemic Sounds

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Planting Zone 8a Wylie, Texas

She's a Mad Gardener is a YouTube channel exploring projects in the home including but not limited to home gardening, DIY decorating, holiday decor, easy recipes, and so much more.

"As always, She's A Mad Gardener and a decorator and anything she wants to be."
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My husband doesn't know it yet, but setting up a drip irrigation is our next big project. :D


Love the new organization boxes. Wish my son would organize and label his drip irritation stuff. He does all the lines. I know very little, but he wants me to learn. When I need a new line he tells me to do it. So he tells me what I need and then I have to dig through a big container with a lot of little unmarked plastic baggies. I get confused and just quit. I think I will learn better from your videos. 😊


As much as I love drip because of the low watering maintenance, it is also ongoing maintenance with repairs...lol! I find myself constantly replacing heads and hoses. I still think it's worth it, but definitely need to check your drip on a regular basis!


A couple of weeks ago I figured out from watching you that those single emitters in my pots needed to be replaced with the tubing emitters (which I only know about thanks to you😊). I’m now more inspired from watching you do it. Gotta make it happen!


Thanks for the great info on how to keep the water pressure going. Why is it that we always need to make a change when are plants have gotten so big! 😂 and the weather is so much hotter 😅 I’m always like why didn’t I do this when I planted 😂


I’ve found saucers under pots is very helpful!


I really need to get organized, too. Stuff is everywhere 😂


I love watching organization videos. Sparks ideas to use in different places. Thanks ⚾️


Thank you for helping motivate me to put my watering system out!! Everything looks beautiful!!


Finally ordered 2!! On sala at Harbor Freight just could not pass up. Thanks you for all the great tips with the drip too. I think I can make some major improvements with your tips and demonstrations. Love your channel❤ happy gardening! I'm in Louisiana 9a


I not only loop my 1/4", but almost all of my 1/2" main hose. It causes me to use twice as much hose, but I don't have any bottlenecks, and I have very good pressure. Keep all long zones in a circle. 😊 However, I do have one short zone with a folded end.

I must add, when I bridge the 1/2" tubing under a path, across a patio, or across a driveway, I only use a single line. Once I get into the bed, I will loop the tubing using a "T" connector. I don't have any folded ends on my 1/2" tubing.


The creeping jenny will come back. I have sooo much of it. It looked like yours before I got the drip system set up.


THank you for showing this. I would like to know how to get water to pots


One day I'm going to have drip :D I did set up a soaker hose for the front bed and that has been a tremendous help


Always enjoy the irrigation videos. Lots of work to keep all your beautiful Garden thriving. ☺️ How is your Shade Garden doing? 🤔


Just wanted to share with you…planted pansy seeds after watching your video. Got 24 out of 36! 😊


As always totally jealous of your drip. Unfortunately I’d also have to add another outdoor faucet.


I haven’t tried drip. This is my first year on my new property, and it is all uphill. (North Alabama, 8a, very similar to Texas.) I’ve done so much planting trying to stabilize the hillsides, but watering everything is a nightmare. Water doesn’t run uphill. 😂 I have managed to run soaker hoses downhill (I run the regular hose to the top and attach to the soaker hose there), but more than one soaker hose hooked together loses water pressure. And I can only run one hose at a time. If you drape soaker hoses over a pot, it stops releasing water. All of my pots have to be hand watered. Ugh! My learning curve this year has been something else!


Drip irrigation is i really need to have in my garden.eveytime i water my half acre yard.i spent 3h.and i feel its a waste of my time.😢


My drip system is stored in old tackle boxes except for the tubing. I am redoing my poly tube setup because the tubing with emitters spaced evenly apart doesn't work properly any more. Some emitters spray too much water leaving big puddles and other areas get way too little water. Too many connectors just leave too many areas for them to disconnect and waste way too much water. I am going back to 1/2 in main line and 1/4 in spaghetti lines with the adjustable emitters. They can be swapped out, adjusted and the tops of those buttons can be removed to flush them out if needed. I have a one acre property with at least half of it needing irrigation. And there are two 1/2 in poly tubes with a slight difference in size. 700.00 verses 700.10, that difference means you need different connectors.
