How to Clean Clogged or Blocked Drip Irrigation Emitters.

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How to Clean Blocked or Clogged Drip Irrigation Emitters.

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Great video! I saved a lot of money cleaning my clogged drip equipment. Soap + warm water usually does the job 😂.

Great channel! Love from California.


I’d also recommend adding vinegar to that warm water. Nice channel.


thanks for posting. I installed a 130 mesh screen from my creek pumping to my irrigation lines, but some of my emitters are still getting clogged. when I pull (tear) them out, I noticed the "gunk" blocking the emitter button. Easy to clean, but a pain (messy) to use goof plug (and I have to shut off valve in that line) and it seems the problem comes back every few months or following year. Do you somehow pressure wash the 1/2 inch lines with high pressure water to clean out the lines? I guess Algae grows in the line with the hot temperates and sun. I open up the end of my lines every other time I irrigate to wash out hot water in the lines ( to prevent algae build up) but I still have some problems with "gunk" blocking emitters...


Better to have replacements you can swap out. Collect and replace them all in the field. Then clean the swapped out ones later.


I would add some hydrogen peroxide to the water and also bring a small thing of isopropyl alcohol.
