2 Biggest DIY Drip Tape Mistakes to Avoid

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There are two huge mistakes often made when using Drip Tape that may end up costing a significant amount of time and money to fix.
We sat down with Ed Powers from Irritec, a leading manufacturer of Drip Tape, to tell us more about how to avoid the two biggest mistakes he sees DIY gardeners commonly make when using Drip Tape.
0:00 - Intro
0:42 - Too much Pressure
2:06 - Forgetting to Filter
We sat down with Ed Powers from Irritec, a leading manufacturer of Drip Tape, to tell us more about how to avoid the two biggest mistakes he sees DIY gardeners commonly make when using Drip Tape.
0:00 - Intro
0:42 - Too much Pressure
2:06 - Forgetting to Filter
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