Don't panic it's just a DUI

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If you get a dui! Don’t panic, hire an experienced dui attorney! If there were no accidents where ppl were not injured that’s a plus! Also if you have clean record or minor arrest that’s another plus! There ways to either have a dui case dismissed or charges reduced to a less offense! Again it all depends on the case & the experience lawyer! Stay positive, this is pretty much a wake up call, many ppl I know won their cases or got charged reduced or even dismissed! Never ever plead guilty! Take it a a step at a time...


To anybody here recently with a DUI I can tell you from experience that it will get better, your life will go on and it's not the end of the world. I got a DUI 08/16/19 and of course I felt like many of you, depressed, sad, feeling shame for having a DUI attached to my name, feeling embarrassed anytime I had to utter the words DUI to anyone I had to tell. It's a scary, crappy feeling. But in time it goes away and you hit that stage of just wanting to do what you gotta do and put it behind you. It was a mistake you made that day/night just consider yourself lucky for not hurting anyone or yourself. What's done is done so just move forward and focus on never making that same mistake twice. I got caught ditching a checkpoint and was taken in immediately after submitting to a blood test at the hospital. I got a lawyer to help me through the process and ultimately I had a bac of 0.17 I remember everything that happened when I got pulled over and cooperated to the fullest. I was scared as can be and nervous just thinking about everything I had just screwed up and how I was going to have to tell my family and friends. I did 8 hours in a cell and they let me go home. I never applied for a restricted license even though I was able to, but because I gave my car to my sister afterwards I felt I didn't need the restricted and would just do the full blown suspension of 4 months. Luckily my job wasn't in jeopardy and I live relatively close so it wasn't an issue for me to not have my license immediately. I received 6 months of DUI classes which I attended once a week, I had to go to 22 AA meetings, pay a fine of 1, 100 dollars, attend a MADD class, and do 8 hours community service. As the months went by I started letting up on myself and realized I'm one of many who have a DUI, a lot of us (them) are good people with good intentions, we just messed up one night in our lives. I completed everything I had to complete, got the SR22 insurance and I got my license back. If I can give you some advice get the SR22 INSURANCE immediately even if it's Non-owners, the time you have it starts immediately when you get it. I have to have it for 3 years. I know it seems like a lot but one thing at a time and it will get done. Good luck to you all, no feeling is permanent it's just for the moment.


Lucky you, you had $6000 dollars. Some people have no job or are dead broke after bills that must be paid.


Crazy, I had my first dui last year it was an experience. I felt like I was the worst person in the world, looked down on society. But my friends and family were supportive. I still have a beer every now and than but I always know to call someone or get an uber bc its not worth it. Be safe everyone.


Thanks for sharing your personal experience. Situations like these are truly embarrassing, even for first time offenders. Plus, thanks for your advice and consolation.


Thank you my friend for sharing this video. I just got mine and needed to hear this. Thank you


I just got a dui over the weekend. I’m so depressed and scared. I feel like I ruined my life. Hoping for the best outcome because I can’t calm myself down.


Good luck to everyone going through this process! Stay positive and get you a good lawyer


I have a month left with mine. They really make you learn your lesson. Hardest year of my life. But you’re exactly right. You’ll get through it.


I'm watching this as a recovering alcoholic trying to get sober, you have succeeded in continuing that process, thank you.


Thanks for the video! I got my first a few months ago, I'm about 4 months into having the interlock device. No issues until this morning, as it had been sitting in single digit temps all weekend. These things definitely malfunction in the cold, so find a way to keep the POS warm when you're not driving. After the classes and fines, life does start to go back to normal. I get my device taken out in 8 months, counting down the days.


You’re so helpful and calm and this video has helped me because I’m having a panic attack.


Thank you so much sir, this was something I needed to hear as I meet with my lawyer for the results.


I refused as well. I’m scared, but now I’m feeling a lot better because of your video. Thank you so much for this.


I feel sick and can hardly think.
this is the only thing online that has helped me at all


Thank you so much for this authentic, calming video.


Wonderful - thanks so much for this.  I'll sleep better tonight!




I used to drive drunk consistently for about 6 months a while back, morning to night. I also did several days long road trips while drunk. I had a real problem at that point. Im not proud of it, i know that what i did was awful. And you know what, you have the right to say whatever you want about me, im not proud of it at all. I never had an accident, and i did get pulled over once while i was probably a bit over the legal limit but i luckily acted sober enough and just got the warning for going 5 over. The fact that nothing came of this other than the physical effects of my addiction is honestly a miracle. I got so many second chances here, and i just cant go back to those days, i know how lucky i am right now.


Thank you so much for this. I got my first DUI in NJ this past Thursday. I have been a mess since. I cant sleep. This video is very helpful.
