How I Learned to Code in 6 Months - And Got Into Google

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If you're wondering how to learn to code with zero experience, then my story will be enlightening. In May 2016, when I graduated from college, I had never written a line of code in my life. Roughly 6 months later, I got a job at Google as a Software Engineer. In this video, I dive into how exactly I learned to code in 6 months and then got into Google (what coding bootcamp I attended, what projects I did, etc.).

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What I learned after a year of self thought coding:
1) Don't listen other people too much. Just do it. It might take more than you think, or less, doesn't matter. Everyone is different.
2) Be patience: the field is massive and there are so many thing to learn. Get the basics done and try to find out asap in what branch would you like to focus.
3) Try to find someone like you: having a "coding buddy" can help a lot to keep you motivated. Like having a friend to go to the gym with.
4) code as much as you can: doesn't matter how many books or online courses you have, the thing that you remember the most are the one that you do practically. Doesn't matter how simple the script is. Pick a subject and try to write as much as you can about it.
5) check other people's code: even if they are more advanced scripts, there is always something that you can learn from it.


Keep in mind this man has an Ivy-League math degree. That probably helped him tremendously in getting internships.


Me : print('Hello World ')
Also me : Ok I am ready to send my resume to google


"So I graduated in college with a major in math"
That pretty much sums up why he made it in just 6 months lol


Dude, this guy's a genius. Just look at his Codewars rank. He learned Javascript, React, Node, Python, data structures, algorithms and who knows what else in 7 months.
You should make a video on how to learn more efficiently.


This is financial advice and I never give financial advice: DONT LEAVE DURING THE BEAR. If you don’t want to invest…learn. If you don’t want to learn…build. If you don’t want to build observe. DO SOMETHING…other than leave. There is so much opportunity here. Take advantage!


He's a math major which made him understand algorithms easily. In the end most companies hire you because you know how to solve problems which is what mathematicians do and being able to code algorithms. This man was already a genius before being a software engineer. For mere mortals like us, it's much harder.


Him: "So I graduated in college with a major in math"
Me: Make sense.


step 1: be smart
step2: don't not be smart


Lesson: Rejection from "Lyft" lifts you to "Google". Great Going Clément.


Clem - your hard work is inspirational man! Math or no math. You put in the time and effort and you were CONSISTENT. Happy for you brother.


Bro, you are a math major.. that's almost equivalent to computer science (Problem Solving)..


mathematicians and physicists make great programmers, since programming at its core is problem solving and algorithms, the rest is just syntax


I've been coding with Python for around 6 months now. I guess all I need to do is go back to college for a math degree and then do another 6 months of coding and then maybe I can land my dream job as a data analyst!


Hello, I completed this quick tutorial found on the internet and am now an Engineer.


Math background is immensely helpful. Even knowing what a function is, recursion is immediately known to math majors. Many simple algorithms like findMax(int[] arr), findAvg(int[] arr) are really easy. You know stats, you know numeric algorithms, you know how to analyze algorithmic complexity. How about game programming? Linear algebra... Let alone the entire problems solving framework.


Graduated from one of the best universities in the whole WORLD with major in math, man you already won 80% of battle right there itself. Most would disagree but having solid math major is a serious boon if one wants get into traditional theorotical CS which is nothing but pure math. I have persoanlly met a German math major guy who uses pure python to solve some of the toughest problems in cp that would give TLE even if one uses highly optimized C++, the trick is not language but the logic and this guy is one hell of an ace coder when it comes to applying such logic.


Your python experience has given me confidence kind sir, I moved from c++ to JavaScript . I do c++ in school; but ideally wanted to learn python. Guess I could always believe and go head first into it . That story is just telling me anything is possible


One of the hardest part of being a coder is the math and physics side. Engineering needs math, CS major needs math. So you already were on a pathway into engineering so it's not really zero experience. Having a math major is already miles ahead of someone with truly zero experience.


Only heard this guy talk for 5 seconds and I can already tell this guy is smart enough to do something like this
