how I learned to code personal projects (use tutorials the right way)

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my CS classes never taught me how to build personal projects, so this is how I learned to do it myself.

I had no iOS development experience, so I bought a Udemy course on iOS dev to learn Swift. After struggling a bit due to tutorial hell, I discovered this method and used it to deploy my app on the app store.

1. Follow the tutorial to learn, build alongside, and obtain the final code.
2. Create a similar project with different rules or new features from scratch.
3. Refer to the tutorial or final code when encountering issues, alongside proper use of resources like Google, YouTube, or ChatGPT.
4. Struggle a lot and know that it takes time to get good at this, so don't be too hard on yourself if you don't understand it right away.

0:00 building my first app
0:44 the common mistake people make
1:47 the method I used to build my personal projects

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6 years of experience dev here, the more I try to learn stuff the more I realize that THE BEST way is to just build stuff. Start with trivial and progress. Also learning "as you go" just make more sense as you remember better by coming up with a question and applying new knowledge. It's hard to start learn this way but eventually it becomes a habbit


I really like newer channels like this, they always keep it real


I honestly feel like I wish I learned coding when I was 10 years old. Imagine how good you'd be at code. You'd be a super strong competitor.


A good book to purchase if you want tutorials for beginners is called ‘Get Coding!’ I borrowed the first book at the library and really found it valuable and tried to see if the second book was at my library, but turns out they don’t hold it so I ended up, purchasing the second book on Amazon. The first book focuses on building a website app and game. The second book focuses on just building games. It’s so easy to understand and follow along too!


the timing on this man. I just started summer and have been wasting so much time stuck on tutorial hell, i seriously appreciate this video man and i wish the best for everyone here🕺🕺 we got this guys, internships soon!


at 4:00 you were so casual dropping that fact so i had to pause and think a minute to open a new perspective in me


Hey man, the advice you gave is phenomenal! I was always told to learn by doing projects but if you have absolutely no idea or reference you're just stuck, so building your own project side by side is absolutely golden advice! I'm in my 3rd year of engineering but web development was never taught so I am building a blog site using Flask and was stuck not knowing how to start, for weeks together. Thank you!


Great tips. Something that's been helping me is trying to add to the tutorial. For instance with a full stack app. I created a new slightly different model and tried to save it to the database. Created new get and put routes and a new view following the pattern of the tutorial.


That's a great idea about adding new features and improving the applications!
Recently, I've been reading docs and resources while building my project and it helps me understand better than watching tutorials 😄
Thank you for always sharing your experiences! Also, congratulations on getting new subscribers 😁


@1:04 that result is one of my videos. Glad to see that it helped in driving the point home. Keep it man 👍


i like the steps. I was thinking about it a while ago. this is the way to learn to code, going through all the discomfort of unable to doing things or understanding anything at all, to understanding something - again and again - makes us good coder


I just ran across the video in my recommendations I can relate to a lot . I also graduated with my associates in info technology this month and still debating if I should complete my bachelors next in comp sci . I’m currently building projects and keeping my skills sharp .


great vid. As someone new to programming this video taught me a lot.


Incredible video, please continue to make more!


"The status of your app is developer rejected"
Does that mean that they didn't put it on the app store?
Even if they didn't, you attempted something most of us couldn't do.
Kudos to you bro. This is how you learn and grow.


Mine wasn't with coding, but with Blender and 3D animation. Here is what I did to fix it. I stopped watching tutorials to create projects, but started creating projects to watch tutorials. Let me explain further.

Instead of going on google and searching for how to make this? Or video for beginners or even what to learn first, I would sit down, and imagine I knew what to do already, and would start from there. So imagine, I want to create a beach with a house that explodes.

First, I would go watch a tutorial on making sand. I would follow along, but it's nothing too serious. They weren't hard steps, and the video wouldn't be too long. A short tutorial that is about 2 minutes. Then from there, I'd learn how to model something, and from there I would know how to add texture from the sand tutorial and so forth.

I don't know if coding works like this, but this is how I started learning Blender. After spending about 2 years of wasting time, this was the way that worked for me


Thanks a lot, I'm exactly to the point where I struggle to understand some points in my project in C
It's so stressful and frustrating because I'm feeling so low brain like my brain doesn't want to understand or just recreate my thoughts into code.
Good thing to know that experience will pay at the end


Thanks alot bro I was facing the same issue and in that situation for quite long


wow what a video man
please keep doing videos


I mainly used AI to build project together with tutorials, gave a understanding of what staff was used in which context. And thereafter started building my own project the hard way with the small fundimentals from tutorial hell.
