Am I in Love? | How to Know if You Really Love Someone

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Am I in Love? | How to Know if You Really Love Someone / How do you know if you really love someone? The number one way to find out is to figure out if your motives are coming from love or fear. The fear part of your brain says things like this:

✅I'm worried that…
✅I'm anxious that…
✅I'm rushing because of my biological clock.
✅I've already put in so much time and I don't want to start over.
✅I don't want to be alone.
✅I'm afraid that they're going to end up happy and I'm going to end up with nobody.
✅I'm settling... everybody has to kind of settle a little bit.

If any of the above is your language, if you're worried or anxious or afraid a lot in your relationship, then you're coming from fear, not love. And no relationship was made better by focusing on fear.

You have to be in a love-based part of your brain: compassion, kindness, empathy, attachment, connection, and a lot of confidence to really have a love relationship.




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Hate is not the opposite of love - fear is


“There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.”

1 John 4:18


I agree. But is not only about fear. I believe we need to check also if we also LIKE the person, not only if we love the person. Many people love an incompatible person for them and end up miserable, this can be checked with a simple question "I like him?". If we like the person that means we have compatible PRINCIPLES.AND VALUES


My sister settled, she ended up marrying a wife beater! Myself, I 'm just alone, maybe I 'm better off! Wish everybody good luck, hope you're all happy!👍🏻🙏🏻


Dam this is deep… I learnt something all this while I was thinking it was love. I just realised it was fear 😧


I like it when I find men deserving of my love even if we brake up and he chooses someone else over me. I want him to be truly happy no matter what decisions he takes when it comes to us two. I'm never bitter or afraid of ending up alone. I have enough confidence the right man will come along. I think I've found my love forever.


You just answered a dilemma i've been having for a long time thank you


Focusing on her emotions and giving her stability within your own emotion, if you can't be consistent you're not providing a woman with what she needs. Love is only given without expectation, it's not love otherwise. Do good like Superman and live well...


I feel complicated… I think I do have a fear of losing him, a fear he won’t like me, I have some fear but I also think deep down I really don’t care what happens. It’s okay if we don’t end up together, it’s okay if he doesn’t even need me in his life at all, I just want to know his happy. If he’s happy with someone else and she’s just as good as him that’s okay. I want to know he’s happy. Trust me I’ll be heartbroken and destroyed, and Im absolutely terrified that might happen or I’ll lose him, Im not saying I won’t be, but I’ll never want him to be unhappy for my sake. Nothing really makes me as happy as I get as when he’s happy anyway.

I don’t know what this is… is it fear or love?


This freaked me out.
I thought the wrong motivation was lust.
To think women do it out of fear. 🤯


I don't love him yet. I think I'm holding on to the good him but has shown me more of his true colors.


I’m in love with someone I’ve never met. But I’m wondering weather if it’s good that I can’t describe why I love this person and weather it actually means I love him? I certainly have feelings that no one has ever given me before.


I don’t know how to explain it but I just know that I love him. I’m not really scared but more intrigued and curious if he likes me back, though when I’m feeling extremely sad or put down I am more scared he doesn’t like me back


THANK YOU this kind of advice centers ME and thats what I need as a chronic “nice girl”


Go onto the more positive aspects of Love cause most of this video is just talking about fear & not move until near the end


Fear of losing someone is also love so it goes both ways, I'm 57 years old been with my wife for over 30 years, and we are still going strong, depends on your situation


Honestly, idek if I’m fully capable of proper love. Growing up, I believed that I loved everyone in a romantic way, including close friends, acquaintances, and family members. I was never able to differentiate between a platonic love and romantic love because I was trapped in my room my entire life. Now, when it comes to the feelings of love, I feel null. I don’t feel butterflies in my belly, I don’t feel exceptionally happy around anyone. My boyfriend of 4 1/2 years is the only person I’m comfortable talking to about literally anything, and he loves me very much to the point that he’s willing to change anything for me. I just don’t know if I truly love him back or if I am just settling because of the situation. We came close to breaking up recently, and in that situation I felt so horrible I didn’t even know I could feel that bad. Any suggestions on how to find out if I truly love him or if I’m just wanting to stay in my comfort zone?


Idk, I don’t have any of those fears. I did at one point bc of my issues with abandonment and he did decide he didn’t feel romantically connected to me but in a platonic way but if it takes looking elsewhere for him to find love, I’m fine with that. And there are so many other people in this world that I could connect more with romantically.

I do like him though.


okay but yesss queen! this actually made sense.


I think there is more dynamic than that. Like Fearing Love or Loving Fear
