Dune | Movie Review

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Muad'dib was the name of a little jumping mouse that lived on Arrakis. Also the name of both one of Arrakis's moons and a constellation seen from Arrakis. But not the Fremen word for "messiah." /nerd rant


I remember seeing the David Lynch version in the theater and being handed an 8 1/2 x 11, single spaced, narrow margined, printed on both sides, summary/glossary to explain what I was about to watch.


Hey Gary, just to clarify: Paul Atredies starts out adopting the name Muad'Dib, which means "desert mouse". Later the fremen refer to him as Mahdi, which means "guided one" (eg. messiah) anticipating Paul as the one who will be their savior. They're kind of homonymic so it's easy to miss without reading the source mats.


One thing I was kinda disappointed about is that the Mentat side was mostly overlooked, both the characters of Thufir, Peter, and the fact that Paul was essentially a trained Mentat as well as a Bene Gesserit, which was a fairly important plot point in the novel if I recall. Otherwise most story points that were cut or glossed over from the book seemed well selected.


Just went with my teenager, neither of us have seen or read anything dune. We both quite enjoyed the movie, and hope they do make the next film. I loved the music myself, and I heard my son humming it when we got home


Gary, just imagine if Jodorowsky had come out with his version of a "Dune" film.

Then you wouldn't need drugs.


In 10 years Hollywood can tell the first part of the story yet again.


Muad'dib doesn't mean messiah. It is a species of desert mouse, thought to be "wise in the ways of the desert.
While Paul does have extraordinary abilities from genetic manipulation and training, the point of Dune is that Paul is not a savior. He and his mother use religious beliefs that were inserted in Fremen culture by the Bene Geseret to manipulate the Fremen in order to survive. That ends up starting a war that kills 61 billion people.
The moral of Herbert's Dune, is to put no trust in charismatic leaders, and instead rule yourself.


I had no past Dune experience going into this and was completely blown away. I didn't think modern Hollywood was capable of making a classic hero's journey story in an intriguing sci-fi universe anymore. It may not be the next Star Wars outright, but the franchise has a shot at becoming one of the greats. Watching it again and buying the book.


David Lynch's version's OST that was scored by Toto -- still extremely underrated. Epic soundtrack.


LOTR is a different thing. Everyone knows what a wizard is, or a dwarf, guys with swords, etc.. you don’t necessarily need a specific interest in that story to know what you’re seeing on screen. Dune doesn’t translate the same way, it’s a more specific world that you will either get into or you won’t.


"The exposition didn't feel like exposition, " except perhaps when Paul's projector literally voice-overs a tonne of it.

One of the strengths of the book, although it's also one of the reasons why so many people struggle getting into it, is that there's no heavy headed exposition. You learn what things are as you go along, and you're not gifted with context for a lot of it. It's like being dropped into the deep end of a complex fantasy world, so as you read you feel like you're learning by experience.


In the books, his name translates to “mouse, ” not “messiah, ” but I understand why the film would make this change since it’s a more streamlined and time-saving explanation.


The Cinematic Blueballs are real. Nearly perfect adaptation, only a few minor changes that do little to effect the story. Hope the second part gets made because it ends right where the real meat of the story begins.


I really enjoyed the movie. It is a bit slow paced but honestly after years of fast paced superhero movies that's actually refreshing or at least it was for me. It respected the source material. Everything from production design to sound to effects and visuals and even acting was very good. And hey Legendary just announced the sequel. Now I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they let David Villeneuve do his thing for the sequel as well.


The failure to get the second movie in production is insane and from any other studio would be unthinkable..


5:14 Paul: What do you call the mouse shadow on the second moon?
Stilgar: We call that one, Muad'Dib
Paul: Could I be known as Paul Muad'Dib?
Stilgar: You are Paul Muad'Dib.


My biggest gripe with this film is Baron Harkkonen.

In the books it's quickly established that he is extremely articulate, intelligent and cunning. You get none of that here. His few lines are just grumbled out and the make-up does most of the work.

He says and does nothing to make him seem like a formidable enemy, other than looking creepy and scowling.


The main criticism of the Lynch movie is: that they had to cut out lots of stuff from the books.
Tbf, this was not Lynch's decision, the producer Dino De Laurentis wanted a 2 hrs movie and forced him to chop up the book.
And yet, Lynch managed to make a movie that follows most of the main plot-points, had great production design & amazing soundtrack by Toto and Brian Eno. It's not perfect, but a pretty cool movie overall, even if it's a little bit cheesy for today's standards.
Now, Denis Villeneuve has 2 movies to tell the story properly and he cuts out even more things from the source material!! He literally reduced so many of the characters to background figures and even main characters like the Baron Harkonnen have very little screentime. (The Baron is barely in the movie, maybe 10 minutes tops.) Other major characters, like the Emperor or Feyd doesn't even appear at all!
Major plotpoints are left out, lots of things about how the Dune universe works/factions etc. are left unexplained for viewers who aren't familiar with all this stuff and the pacing is very weird.
First half, the story literally runs through the events at a breakneck pace and the 2nd half the story moves sooo slow.
Instead he dedicates a big chunk of screentime to Zendeya walking around in slow-motion, like it's an advert for a new perfume fragrance.
And then there's the soundtrack by Hans Zimmer which is just constant industrial noise & wailing women, blasting in your ears without a break.


I loved it…haven’t had that type of cinematic experience in ages it feels like. I feel it’s a masterpiece…visuals, soundtrack and action sequences.
Actually surprised you’re low key and pessimistic on this one ..part 2 happening is a no brainer.
