5 things I HATE about living in GERMANY

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"Kunde droht mit Auftrag", oder schlimmer: "Kunde droht mit Geld"


"Germans are terrible at customer service":
Have a trip to Vienna and visit a "Kaffeehaus" or "Kaffee" (after Corona of course). Hier finden sie die charmanteste Unhöflichkeit und Ignoranz gegenüber Kunden!


Germans aren't arrogant. They just know that they are good.


Digitalisation? I could cry about this topic! 😢😣😦😩😣😭


Wichtigste Regel für den Umgang mit schwierigen Kunden: nicken, lächeln, "Arschloch" denken. Der Kunde ist zwar König, aber er benimmt sich nicht immer königlich. Und so manches Mal muss man Leute bedienen, mit denen man als Kind nicht hätte spielen dürfen.


In my region I had rarely problems with bad customer service at the local retail but if I had it was almost each time in big stores belonging to big trade chains. In other regions and especially in some big cities however I did experience unwelcoming or unfriendly behavior more often. Our local town hall is not really up to date regarding online services, but they are personally friendly and obliging - not so much in the district office. Could that be a pattern?
14:00 The "Rechts-vor-Links" rule is mainly a thing in residential areas and mostly it does work there. But there also the 30 km/h zones: There are many rules for them to make it harder to install them. One of them is to remove all give way signs as well as all zebra crossings. And if one of the involved streets is a former main road now reduced to residential street it will still look like a priority road, and some minor roads now getting the right of way if coming from the right will make 'blind' junctions.


I think that the 'right before left' rule takes some getting used to, but in the long term it serves its purpose, in that it makes all drivers more careful and alert and forces them to slow down in residential areas. It doesn't necessarily make driving easier but it helps avoid accidents. You are quite spot-on on all the other points, though.


Yeah, we germans are very direct, which can be seen as rude.

I am working for a Swiss company for a few years now, and in the beginning, when my wife got asked about the biggest change this had on the Family, she spontaneously said, that I'm a lot more polite than before^^


Wir "gönnen dem nicht das Schwarze unter den Fingernägeln"....gönnen können wir Deutschen wirklich nicht gut. Service ist in den letzten Jahren ist besser geworden, ja. Rechts vor links funktioniert doch, der mit dem "dicksten" Karren bzw. der Daimler hat Vorfahrt.


I own my drivinglincent for over 40 years now and never expected a Cross road were 4 cars appear at the same time. I think even if u try it would me very difficult and u have to practice it


A thing that I do not hate, but that I find incredibly awkward, is this: You enter a doctor´s waiting room and calculate which chair is farthest away from everyone, for fear of making others uncomfortable. You then sit down and avoid eye contact at all costs, in deadly silence. But when it finally is your turn and you get up, you say "Tschüss", as if you just had the friendliest chat ever. After 12 years in the very chatty US, this just seems very strange to me now, even though I am German.


The square fried egg sounds real funny to me - I always call it the sunny side up sign :-)


Have you ever been to the GDR or Socialist Czechoslovakia. Service in Socialism was funny.


"Rechts vor Links" ist bei uns, in der Provinz, ganz normal. In der "Zone 30" gilt das auch allgemein. Kreisverkehre sind hier das "Neuland", erst mal warten, bis kein Auto mehr 'drin ist dann blinken und vorsichtig hineintasten. Im Kreisverkehr: links Blinken nicht vergessen!


Rechts vor links. Your example works in no scenario. Neither in who comes first goes first. Ever thought of that? That even fall apart if only 2 come - whilst Rechts vor Links works in that case ;-)

Oh, and if they are not streets of the same rank, the higher rank street always has the right of way. So, could you explain what you mean? There needs to be a way to determine who can go first - because if there is an accident, someone was wrong.


Unfortunately for the Germans you have made valid points. Yes, there are Germans with an "Hausmeister " attitude and will tell you when you're doing something wrong. Also on holiday in Britain I had to feel ashamed for my fellow German on a regular basis. Germans can't queue! As a teacher digitalisation is a valid point. Our school is well equipped and pupils could borrow a tablet, but we should have faster broadband by now. The corona crisis helped to speed things up. The right before left traffic rule is stupid and causes accidents. It should be abolished. Enjoyed your video as always. You says you can't criticise Germans just because you like living here.


Fehlende Digitalisierung mit der Selbstzufriedenheit - dass man das ja nicht braucht. Dies ist eine Form der Arroganz die sich mittlerweile in eine Technik wie Wissenschaftsfeidlichkeit entwickelt hat.


Rechts vor links? hatte noch nie ein Problem damit in über 35 Jahren
In den US der erste darf zuerst 🙈, da gibt´s auch lustige Vids


Richie, I am driving my car through german cities since 1999 and only ONCE I encountered the "4 cars on a crossroad" situation, so I strongly disagree with you on that point :)
The other four items are absolutely valid though ...


Ähmmmm. I'm sorry, but there' s also a rule if "right before left" meets a trafic from 4 directions. The rule is FIFO - first in first out. The rest ist right brfore left. 😙
