What if Dr.Doom Recruited Thrawn and Became Emperor ?

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What if Dr.Doom Recruited Thrawn and Became Emperor? Let's explore the depths of this scenario in the video.

On Lothal, the New Republic leadership gathers to discuss a troubling development. Over the last few weeks, there have been a series of attacks on former Jedi and Sith Temples by Imperial remnants. While there are still dozens of holdouts, these attacks seem coordinated as they exclusively attack these places instead of military or political targets. This has resulted in the capture of multiple Jedi artifacts.

Worse, there have been rumors that someone is trying to unite the remaining imperial factions. The council tries to figure out what is happening and how to respond, but they don't have intelligence about who is leading this new faction. Rumors abound of the leader's identity from a resurgent warlord to even Darth Vader come to light .

As the republic discusses plans, a report arrives that an imperial shuttle is trying to land. Hera hurries to the landing pad with a squad of rebel troopers.

When the shuttle lands and opens its door, a single stormtrooper arrives and raises his hands over his head.

The two embrace as the rebel troopers lower their weapons. For a moment they forget about the attacks until Hera asks what happened to him. Ezra's smile fades as he gives them troubling news.

The rumors of a resurgent leader are true and it's none other than Grand Admiral Thrawn. Ezra explains that after they sent him into another galaxy, he found an ally who agreed to help him return here in exchange for an alliance. This ally is a powerful sorcerer and inventor called Dr. Doom. Ezra managed to stow away on the Chimera when it returned here to warn them. Unfortunately, he has no idea what their plan is.

All he knows is that they are attacking ancient temples and ruins. But what Ezra does bring is help. He gestures for someone onboard the ship and a group of people arrive. Three of them appear human, but another is a hulking figure that seems to be made out of stone. Ezra introduces them as the Fantastic Four, the sworn enemies of Dr. Doom.

The Rebel Alliance are happy for any help they can get and they begin trying to figure out their next step. Reed Richards, the leader of the Fantastic Four recommends mapping out the recent attacks to look for patterns. They list all the known attacks and send scouts to find other potential locations. Mr. Fantastic works closely with Luke, trying to predict their next attack. Eventually, they managed to narrow it down to a handful of locations and send troops to try and protect them.

Among them, the largest temple is protected by Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Ezra Bridger, the Thing, and the Human Torch along with a group of Rebel troopers. They fortify the place as best they can and prepare for the incoming battle.

Han Solo: I've got a bad feeling about this.

The Thing: Don't worry. Just let 'em come. I'll show these night troopers what happens when they mess with the best."

Ezra Bridger: Something doesn't feel right… It's too quiet."

The Human Torch: Don't jinx it, kid. They'll show."

The quiet is shattered as artillery rains down on them. The rebels dive for cover and hear the sound of hundreds of footsteps mixed in with the hum of machines. From the forest, the night troopers emerged, their once-white armor splattered with much dirt. They are led by Captain Enoch, who strides confidently at the front and raises his vibrosword.

Captain Enoch: Attack! Leave no one alive!

The night troopers charge forward, blasters firing. Luke moves out of cover and deflects the attacks, his lightsaber a blur of motion but it allows the others to get some cover and return fire. Ezra joins him and helps watch the temple doors. Han and Chewbacca organize the rebel troops and get them into position.

The Human Torch joins them and fires a barrage of heat , sending the entire front ranks stumbling back as the ground goes up in flames. The Thing takes advantage of the chaos, rushing at the nighttroopers.

Han Solo: Not so tough now, huh?

Ezra: I'm not so sure about that!

Although they initially keep the night troopers back, these veterans soon rally and begin to counterattack. As the Thing makes a deep gap into the enemy lines, several night troopers discard their blasters in favor of stun batons. They rush at the hero and begin battering him with these weapons, sending shocks running across his body.

This slowly brings his momentum to a stop, allowing the night troopers to surround him. The Human Torch swoops down on them, blasting them back as he tries to save his friend. He blasts aside the first wave of night troopers, but others keep back and open fire with blasters. A squad of them flank the Human Torch and fire an electrified net gun that knocks him off the ground.

Luke: Ezra, Han go and help them!

00:00 Intro
00:15 What if Dr.Doom and Grand Admiral Thrawn Formed an Alliance
23:47 Outro

#starwars #starwarswhatif #starwarstheory
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Doom and Thrawn are the two biggest characters I inspire to be and model after.

To see this video and story come into creation is a dream come true.


Wow this was good. Luke: "Hey Auntie(Ahsoka)" the Zillo Beast was a good addition to this theory as well. I hope this gets a Part 2🙏🏽


Love how rdj is already doom even tho no movies come out yet


What if Grand Admiral Thrawn had a twin brother who led the rebel alliance who was just as much as a tactical genius as Thrawn?


I already know you're about to cook my guy, the only question is how much?

I do also like the little detail of having RDJ as Dr. Doom in the thumbnail since he's the new actor for the character.


I disagree with how this one went. Doom is on a whole other level with magic, but in this its just lightning and robots.


IF theres anyone that can decipher the force rather quickly it's definitely Doctor Doom.


What if Carnage bonded with Darth Maul? (Day 2)


I maintain that while the return of RDJ to the MCU as Doctor Doom is weird, it can be a great thing IF done right. Such as the Avengers getting a Tony Stark from an alternate dimension back to their universe, only to realize too late this Alt. Tony Stark became Doctor Doom and not Iron Man.

One Avengers movie about a conflict in an alternate dimension that ends with Alt. Tony Stark coming with the Avengers back to the MCU dimension, an after credits scene that implies the true nature of this Tony Stark and another Avengers movie that introduce Doctor Doom properly.


6:10 when I heard the voice acting of chewie I laugh up a storm


Can you please make what if luke time traveled to the time where obi dog said HELLO THERE


Love how thrawn called them rebel scum. It just reminded og battlefront 2 (2005)


I love your what if crossover with starwars videos, I feel like you could make a what if Kronika was in the starwars universe video, just imagine Kronika gathering different starwars characters from different timelines 👀


Speaking of doctors, here's a possible idea, what if Doctor Strange was a Jedi master. A lot of Marvel and DC crossovers with Star Wars.


I will say this...A Galactic Empire ran by Doctor Doom may actually be an improvement for the galaxy at large. I definitely think Doom would be a far more capable & better emperor than Palpatine. He definitely would allow more aliens like Thrawn join the Empire and disregard the whole humans only crap. I can't see him wanting a death star around because in Doom's eyes a weapon like that is just overkill & it creates only more problems than it solves. His strength wouldn't just come from himself or his imperial army but also from the people of the galaxy. He would rally them to his cause & show them how different he is compared to Palpatine and why being dominated by him would actually be a better choice. He would expand his Empire's reaches to the outer rim territories and end slavery (it helps with his image if he's going around freeing slaves & showing the common people of the galaxy that unlike the previous emperor, he will fight for their interest but at the same time serving his own)

Don't get me wrong, Doom is a dictator & would not tolerate anyone opposing him (such as the Rebels, New Republic, Jedi, Sith, Imperials that were loyal to Palpatine & the Crime Syndicates of the Outer Rim) but Doom's leadership would benefit the galaxy as a whole. Just my opinion.


"What if Dr Doom and Grand Admiral Thrawn Formed an ALLIANCE"

None could prevail against them.


Do an Outlast / Star Wars crossover where Murkoff helps Sidious with Project Necromancer


one problem, sabine isnt in this galaxy currently
neither is ahsoka


The New Republic gets a taste of the deadly "FOOT DIVE!"


As we know darth vader was a natural engineer and could use mechaguru or whatever so what if he used skill to create nanobots to repair his lungs and burns while also making limbs that could conduct the force to make lightning. This could relate to inquisitor baris as she used nanobots in the bomb and he may remember nanobots and their uses. He could could also conduct experiments diguised as torture to fool sidious, learning to heal wounds, make force sensitive droids/limbs and using nano bots to manipulate mididclorians to strip or enhance the force in individuals.
What I was thinking was that he used nanobots to remove scar tissue especially around the lungs and he would be dipped in bacta or bacta would be applied this would allow him breath which means he can meditate more deeply. And for the limbs, it is possible to make material force sensitive and I was thinking he make limbs skeletal looking like in attack of the clones but would then cover the we either grafed flesh from his body or flesh made from his blood and other ingredients like perhaps kyber crystal this would make the force flow from him easier and perhaps with the sith alchemy in the limbs making his force lightning more powerful. Basically an uber vader who is perhaps stronger than full potential anakin.
