Is that empathy or is it judgment? 🤔 #relatablemom #skits #momlife

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I. Did. Everything!! My supply was never enough for my babies. I am SO thankful for formula giving me three strong, healthy, smart kids!


It’s so inappropriate to comment on how a baby is fed. If you’re close enough to know that mom intended to breastfeed, but not close enough for her to tell you (without asking) why it didn’t happen, it’s not your business and you shouldn’t ask. Just be grateful that baby is growing and mom is satisfied with that.


Literally had the same issue, and SAME comments. Spot on.


I felt this in my soul. My poor baby was so thin at just before 6 months and I didn’t know it was my supply. She grew leaps and bounds when we started to use formula. I felt HORRIBLE because I didn’t know she wasn’t getting enough from me for so long. Fed is best.


I remember hearing all of these and my favorite "maybe your just not trying hard enough. You need to care more about your baby".... Turns out all the stress from online moms and internalized crap stressed me out and affected my supply. . Lol the second time was much easier.

A fed and healthy (relative to the baby's needs) baby is the best way to parent


Without formula, my sisters surviving twin wouldnt have survived. She tried so hard and i gave her my excess breast milk due to the blessings the gods bestowed on me. She felt weird about it but i was more than happy to help. They blessed me for a reason and the fact we were pregnant at the same time, i feel it was a sign. I love that little baby like they were my own ❤ i will always be an auntie to the most perfect premie ever!


Best thing - when my son was loosing weight and pumping and drugs (awful) did nothing to increase my supply - a nurse said to me when I was despairing 'there is more to having a baby than feeding a baby. You have to start enjoying him'. From that day we did comp bottles. Little bit of breastfeeding followed by bottles. We managed that for six months. Made all the difference.


Best thing my pediatrician said to me when I had struggled and struggled and was at the two week check up in tears, “Mom, formula is not poison, ya know.” I felt immediate relief, switched to totally bottle fed and my time with my baby was blissful and no longer stressful.


The judgements don't stop even when you do nurse! I had two lactation specialists give me shit for using those silicon nipple shields because my son was having a hard time latching without them. "You should really wean him off of those." And they never could provide a reason why. Whelp, I never did, and he got pumped milk and milk fresh from the udders for a solid ten months before I stopped producing. I transitioned into formula for the last few months with no shame. I fed my baby to the best of my abilities, and I'm proud.


FED IS BEST! My mom tried to nurse me for like two ish weeks and I was not taking to it and when I would I would puke it up. She felt so guilty until my grandma took her to a new parents clinic where they told my mom to just give me formula because I was allergic to her milk. She felt like a bad mom, and softly started sobbing and handed me to my grandma and left the room to gather herself, my grandma handed me to the doctor and ran out after her. My mom cried to my grandma that she (grandma) nursed all 5 of her kids no problem, what kind of mom would she be if she didn’t even nurse one?

My grandma took my moms face in her hands and said “honey if any of you had been allergic to my milk it would have been a no brainer. Using formula does not mean you are a bad mom.


I’d always cry at home later after these conversations


I was DESPERATE to breast feed… then my milk just never came down. Starving baby and chewed nipples for a couple of days I went onto formula. Baby and I thrived. She now 5’ 9”, got her 1st in psychology and is smashing it. We are so so lucky to have formula Milk for our babies. Historically these were the babies who didn’t survive.


Fed is best. I wasn’t able to nurse my NICU toaster oven baby but got a good couple month of pumping. And let me tell you the sadness my heart gets when I’d hear the other moms cry because nothing is working is devastating. Fed babies are amazing. Formula is a gift.


As a Mom who formula fed two VERY PREMATURE BABIES, (1lb.9oz., 3lbs), this is everything. I had my son at 25 weeks, my body didn’t get the memo that I needed milk yet. A nurse SHAMED ME INTO 24 hr Pumping attempts. After getting nothing but blood, I stopped. Formula saved both our lives. And this short made me cry, 23 years later.


This was me. I tried really hard. I cried about it. It took years to have my baby. I didn't get the delivery I wanted. I couldn't produce enough milk. I felt like a failure.
But so many of my friends who already had kids comforted me and assured me it wasn't my fault.
We do the best we can with what we have.
She is a happy and healthy 7y/o.


I'm so blessed I never experienced any judgement for exclusively formula feeding my kid. Everyone either kept their opinions to themselves or were very supportive. I always told people "yeah these are for fun only!"


I’m so glad I was a healthy happy formula baby. Knowing that really took the pressure off and allowed me to supplement as needed without feeling any guilt.


Yes!!! 🙌🏼 finally this healed a little part of me ❤. Even you you don’t have any issues and just decide you don’t want to do it, formula is still perfectly fine!


We were foster parents and got comments like these, like seriously 🫥


My mother in law was a lactation consultant and by God she was going to get me nursing! Yes, I had a very traumatic birth that I nearly died during, and was on opioid painkillers for years afterwards - but in her mind I HAD to nurse. In the end I did manage to nurse - for several years in fact - turns out trying to quit nursing while on opioids is very hard! I wished I had spoken up to her and said that I was thankful formulas existed, and using them would have allowed my husband to also be a part of feeding the baby. Breastfeeding was great - but I think in many ways it would have made the first few months much easier if we’d given in to formula feedings.
