I Quit My Job (Without Having a Back Up)

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In 2021, I quit my job without another job lined up. I did a few things to prepare for this big decision and to set myself up for success. Hear my story and advice if you’re considering making this decision too.

Note: I do not own the rights to the music you hear in this video.

Music: Forever
Musician: Anno Domini Beats
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I also quit my job at 52 year old. Saved 650k and moved to Spain. Life is too short, now living the dream.


I did the same thing. Quit my job, moved to another state where I didn’t know anyone with no back up. After I moved and got settled in I prayed and I think it was the next day I got a phone call to schedule an interview. Now I work in accounting which I thought I would never do. You just never know


I quit my high paying tech job and my last day is Friday. No back up and no friends or parents to move in with. However, I couldn’t power through the mental and physical health issues the job was causing any longer. Funny thing is that I’d been complaining to leadership that it was overwhelming for months. Within 24 hours of me putting in my notice they found THREE people to take the workload. Further confirmation I made the right choice. I know something better will come soon. Thank you for sharing your story. It’s comforting during this time of transition and uncertainty.


There’s SO many things I can say about how Black women are asked to carry the load with little to no pay, but I won’t. What I will say is I loved how you prepared by seeing all the doctors before your benefits ran out. I feel like that’s something most people would forget. Especially if they’re in a toxic work environment. Thanks for sharing your story!!


Girl I quit my job I was on for 15 years with no notice. It was the best decision I could of made. God get me and will lead me to success. ❤❤


I gave my two weeks notice today at my FT job I've been at for 5.5 years. Im 46 yrs old, no kids, or S.O. don't have another job lined up, in graduate school and working FT was too much. I decided to put myself and my education first. I am freaking out a lil bit in my head, but have inner peace, GODS Peace, in my heart. My job burned me out! I worked for 6 months doing 2 peoples job and did it well! But realized I was taken for granted and my work environment was dysfunctional. I felt like i had to carry the load i was carrying, when really i didn't have to! Took lots of prayers and therapy sessions to put in my resignation notice today. Stepping out on faith to a new path into purpose ❤️🙏🏽💯


I’ve got a handful of life chapters like this. Half the time, the grass IS greener on the other side. Just gotta have faith and put some effort into the faith.❤ your story.


I came from a toxic work environment. New employees would quit their first day. Sometimes would clockout for lunch an never come back😂. Usually it had to do with management's attitude not being clear about the job description.


This is literally my story right now. I am currently considering an exit strategy with Thao. Job lined up when I leave. I’m already looking to leave in the next month. Wish me luck.


I needed this coz I just have 4 days left and I'll be done, like done done, praying to God for a more fulfilling job


Just submitted my resignation letter this morning leaving the end of the month. Fortunately I can take some time off and figure out next steps. 🤞🏽


Wow!!! We have a very similar story however, I move from Miami to Atlanta for an opportunity that turned out to be toxic. After 2.5 years I walked as well. Blessings to you and thanks for sharing your story tomorrow will make one month that I’ve been gone and feeling so much better mentally and physically! I use to wake up every day at 4:30am for my long commute from Northeast Ga to midtown Atlanta! So happy that I’m free from it all and faithful for the next door God will open. Currently working my gift of hair for now


This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my YouTube channel 7 months ago about self development. Now I have 696 subs and > 100 hours of watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so many lessons that I could haven’t learned without getting started in the 1st place.

This channel also inspired me to upload my recent videos to share my opinions about the main things that truly impacted the way I live. They're a couple of my most vulnerable videos that I've been hesitant to post for many months because of the fear of being misunderstood but I finally decided to overcome that fear so others can learn from my experience so we can all grow together. They're packed with valuable information about the relationship between a job and happiness.


The title is misleading. You may have quit without a job lined up, but you did have resources that supported that decision...a backup.


I admire your bravery and thank you for sharing your journey. I remember working in a toxic office environment. I understand completely. New subbie ❤


Congrats on having the courage to quit. I too decided to move to Texas. After only visiting Houston for the first time a month prior. On the second visit I brought a house( unlike Florida where they had no inventory or it would be delays after delays to finish a house). They actually had new construction inventory waiting to be brought. It’s been seven months so far and it’s been positive. Had to adjust a little being that it’s a different state and culture. But I’m good here for now. Hope everything is going well for you. Had to quit another job here because of one of the reasons you stated, that damn commute smh…Houston is just too damn big. At this point I feel like just taking a damn gap year from work lol.


I think you’re smart and confident! All the matters is what you think 💪🏼 you’re an inspiration


I have found my passion and sadly it’s not at my current job even though my job is a blessing. I am in the midst of starting my own business and that’s all I think about while at work. It’s scary because I’m assuming this is how people feel when they want to quit to pursue their passion. I also hate the traffic going to work and coming home. It’s draining. I’m glad you stepped out on your faith 😊


Yes I enjoyed it, awww thank you for sharing. Useful tips, this is insightful.


Yes girl I'm planning on quitting my job pretty soon my boss been micromanaging me for 2 years, It seems like they have a personal problem with me because nobody else isn't being micromanaged but me. I would of quit 2 years ago if it wasn't for covid pandemic shutdown.😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
