Jon Stewart rails against Pat Toomey, other Senate Republicans over stalled burn pits legislation

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Jon Stewart said it was a "gut punch" to the veterans who had come to Capitol Hill to celebrate the legislation.
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They should have passed the bill. Simple as that


Stewart crystallized the shamefullness of Toomey & his cronies. How can they be all about the military, yet ignore the soldiers in it ? How can they be all about Police enforcement, but not back them for doing it at the capital. My hats off to Stewart's commitment to all those who suffered thru 9-11 & are still suffering while our brothers, sisters & husbands & wives in green face illnesses from the battlefield for all of us. Our familys pay politicians to represent us. We trust them with our hard earned income to do the right thing, but they don't. All they do block & delay any support for their own supporters.


What's wrong with healthcare for veterans being mandatory instead of discretionary?


Why do we need legislation for the burn pitts? Didn't they put in all our medical records?


Why they ain’t crying when they sent millions of money that was for they veterans that were wounded in the US. Instead they send it to Ukraine were one knows what happened to that money.


Pat Toomey is on television, once again, speaking to Pennsylvanians who could not care less what he thinks. Veteran and former law enforcement here. Myself and a huge majority of my brothers and sisters who wore those uniforms know how worthless Toomey had been over his years in office. He would say one thing and do the complete opposite. Toomey has the nerve to speak about John Fetterman not debating Mehmet Oz ... as Toomey has seldom had anything to say about so many things over the years. Pennsylvanians already know the hard work John has done here in Pennsylvania, both as a Mayor and as a Lieutenant Governor ... we are more than fine with John. Oz is as much a liar and deceiver as Toomey has been Toomey has disappeared for much of his time in office ... only to resurface when he needed to "vote as he was told to vote" to destroy every single thing that might have helped Pennsylvania's working families. Please do not make the mistake of voting for Mehmet Oz ... even with his millions he had run into legalities concerning things he was making money on ... that were bad for people. . He did not put those folks first then ... and would never put Pennsylvanians ahead of his own selfish concerns. PLEASE ... DO NOT VOTE FOR MEHMET OZ!


CBS, NBC and ABC…what’s the difference?


Mad love and respect to Mr Stewart. He at least has balls. Which is more then I can say for some of these politicians.


Yet the military wonders why their recruitment numbers are so low


My goodness what is happening in the USA. My heart breaks for the veterans, who are just trying to do their duty. Sheesh


Funny, I thought you Liberals loved Toomey for being a Trump hater. You should be standing up for him.


NTU recognizes the good intentions of supporters of the Honoring our PACT Act, and applauds bipartisan efforts to improve veterans’ health outcomes. Like most Americans, we believe that U.S. taxpayers are obligated to support the health care needs of those who sustained injuries, diseases, or other medical conditions as a result of their sacrifices to our nation. It is up to Congress, though, to find a fiscally responsible path to providing for our nation’s veterans, and there is no shortage of wasteful spending Congress could cut to pay for new spending in the Honoring our PACT Act. 

Unfortunately, neither chamber has contemplated even a modest effort to offset new spending. As NTU has outlined previously, the House version of the Honoring our PACT Act would not offset any new spending. The Senate version of the bill contains no offsets either. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that the Senate substitute could increase deficits by around $285 billion over 10 years. This legislation’s deficit impact is almost as large as that of the Build Back Better Act, and is larger than that of the bipartisan infrastructure law passed last year.


A corrupt politician? Shocking! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Toomey’s opposition to the bill comes from a separate section of the package that “would authorize $400 billion over the next 10 years of existing spending … to be switched from discretionary to mandatory.”

“And the reason for that, is to create a $40 billion annual hole in discretionary spending under the cap, ” Toomey said. “And allow all kinds of spending on who knows what.”

-Pulse ncpolicy watch

Because he knows how sneaky and underhanded Congress members are...


Well spoken Jon. Our well paid, underperforming politicians have NEVER truly cared about the lives nor welfare of America's Veterans. To Republicans - America's Veterans are for a show and not about substance.


An what have u done Jon have u donated to vets did do anything


"Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) today spoke on the Senate floor about his effort to fix a flaw in the PACT Act. As currently written, the bill would enable $400 billion over the next 10 years in spending completely unrelated to veterans. Senator Toomey’s technical fix does not reduce spending on veterans by even $1 or affect the expansion of care and benefits in the underlying bill."


Thanks for speaking up for the Veterans. We can use all the help we can get. The Lie from our elected congress to our Vets is the Big Lie.


What else was in the bill ? Wasn’t that simple .


Imagine caring what Jon Stewart thought about anything!
