How China Reinvented The Space Station!

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I wonder if any more people saying its "made in China" comment here😂. One thing people forgot to think is, China capable of making quality products. Just dont pay cheap. You get what you paid for. You pay shit, you get shit 😂


To be fair, i grew up in an aerospace engineer family in China in 1960-1980s when my parents worked for a highly classified aerospace industry base, the west completely closed its door to Chinese aerospace industry, however chinese aerospace industry grew from zero to success. I remember when I was kid, I spent sometime at my dad s office, he did not have computer that time (1970s), all he had is a lot pencils, and all sorts of blueprints he drew. Every time when new satellites or rockets were launched, my parents were really happy. I m very proud of my parents. Btw, china sent its first satellite to space in the early 1970 when china was completely isolated from outside world.


While China was sending the lander to the moon, the United States and its allies were sending their weapons to Ukraine and Israel. Then they say China has military aims!


it's like comparing the NYC subway with the Shanghai subway


On China side, there is no space race like in 1960s, it is just progressing its space exploration program based on road map set 15-20 years ago =)


US : we ban china to enter ISS
China : okay, we just make a better space station !


Any video about China will never lack hate speech in comments


To the United States the word international means national plus allies


it is simple, the Chinese space station grow like this: 1. 上,2. 工,3. 土,4. 王,5. 田,6,囍


Could you argue that China being prohibited from the ISS has meant increased technological advancement for the Chinese since they’re forced to use their own tech


The story of the Chinese space station illustrates that technological blockade is only effective against countries that lack scientific research foundation. For big countries, technological blockade can only have a short-term effect, because in the long term, technological blockade will increase the country's motivation to upgrade technology in disguise. Their original backward technology has no advantage compared with foreign countries. If it can be purchased, they usually will not choose to develop it themselves (economically uneconomical). However, after the technology blockade, the cost of purchasing advanced technology exceeds that of their own research and development. which will stimulate their home markets to upgrade technology. In other words, technological blockade makes their research and development cost-effective.


I think the only thing you didn’t mention is that it’s propulsion is based on ion propulsion not chemical. Much more efficient to boost orbit.


And you forgot to mention that Chinese space station only costs about 8 billion dollars and ISS costs around 110 billion dollars and it’s was in the early 90s and early 2000s. Imagine how much more money would it be for NASA to build one today.


Love how the Chinese gave their space station such a mythic vibe with mythical names " Heavenly Palace, " "Heavenly Quest".


What’s interesting is that I usually notice a lot of people from the west be like “China didn’t build their technology! They stole it from us!”, trying to claim the credit for technology developed by China. I mean how can China steal something you don’t even have😂


China: "Okay, then we'll just do it ourselves, and do it better."
America: wait that wasn't the goal thou-
China: "Too late."


China will definitely expand Tiangong because the components for expansion have actually been built. They are actually backups of the current space station, originally intended as replacements in case the first component failed. In fact, this is the tradition of CNSA. For example, China’s second artificial satellite is the backup of the first, the second lunar probe is the backup of the first, the second spacecraft is the backup of the first, etc.


Tiangong is the first space station that owned by a single country in human history.


The Americans said the Chinese can't join the ISS, so China made a better one.


this is like when some kid try to join project with Bullies but got rejected then that kid try make their own better than Bullies
