What is the Probability of Life Arising Purely by Chance?

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The probability that organisms could have evolved the complex, purposeful codes for life would be a question evolutionists should be asked, since it's their argument. But there is no science behind that argument. /And so it goes...


We have designed by a great designer and only that person can create everything when there was nothing that's God Almighty because he created the time there is nothing like him he doesn't require anything but everything requires him


You guys who are pro evolution and want to defend your claim. You must know that "Time" is not on your side and that there are many more factors that are not included here.

In evolution it assumes that the primordial pool came to be. Yet there is no evidence and many scientist have tried, but failed to recreate such an idea.

2. Evolutionist assume that the right elements stayed together long enough to create life, even though the world was in chaos.

3. Evolutionist assume that the conditions in the primordial pool would remain untouched for billions and millions of years, yet there is a higher probability the pools condition would degrade, become distorted in a negative way by the surrounding environment and new elements could kill a delicate condition.

4. Evolutionist assume that one spark of life lasted long enough to duplicate itself. That by no means such a life could of died in seconds. Some assume it lasted billions of years.

5. Evolutionist assume that some how information came to be.

6. Evolutionist assume that in a magical way for information to be created. (No scientific evidence for the mechanism that creates new information)

7. Evolutionist assume that the first living thing learned to multiply itself already. From Iron to a Robot in one day.

8. Evolutionist assume that a living organism will survive a change in mutation, yet they believe that the organisms mutation will be passed on. It believes that mutated living organism will live long enough to be able to replicate and yet that a second of its kind will do the same.

9. Evolutionist fight scientific experiments in control scenarios that contradict evolution. Such as creating information by bombarding RNA with proteins. Such an experiment was done and no new information was created, the RNA did nothing.

10: Evolutonist believe in a comparison that a computer showered with computer parts and no OS program added to it, it will create its own program somehow in a billions of years and it will replicate and create others.

All this assumptions are blind faith, untested, unseen and when tried to replicate in a control scenario even with cheats, it fails miserably.

We know that it takes a brilliant designer to create beautiful and sophisticated cars.

We know it takes an engineer to build an industrial factory.

We know it takes many smart designers to create a highly complex jetliner.

How can we by faith then turn a blind eye to science and believe in evolution? There is less faith to believe in a God and actually no faith if you study the complexity of the world, for all creation points toward God! Jesus Christ is the Creator of all things!

Jesus Christ is not an American religion, Jesus Christ and his coming is the oldest and most advance intelligent message on the creation of the world and all things that dates the origin of the earth and explains exactly what has happened to the earth with great accuracy.


Actually the odds for the puzzle are 1 in 6x6x6, or 1 in 216, not 6x6x6x6. But the point still stands. Intelligent Design is the most probable reason for the creation of life.


Given enough "TIME"...the evolutionist might evolve some common sense. Just hasn't happened yet!


Curious! --Combinatorials also argues against clumsy "evolution."


everything has to be just right for life to exist or life would be everywhere, if matter existed everywhere life could not exist you need empty space.if space and matter were the complete oppisites i dont know if life could exist, tough question,


I'm not a theologian or a physicist but Common Sense tells you that nothing happens by chance, there is a cause for everything, something can't evolve out of nothing gradually . Darwin's ideas simply explained why a species can change over time or adapt but it does not explain how life was created to begin with for our consciousness


two different areas: intuitive mathematics X biology interactions. Abstract X physical


Confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus (our intelligent designer). Believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead and you will be saved!


Evolution is a slippery term and needs clarification prior to the debate.

Types of evolution that are demonstrably false:

Cosmic: Nothing comes from nothing - the faithful experts claim there was no space and time prior to the spinning and big bang, nothing can be said to spin without space/time, plus there is no way anything exploded because velocity cannot exist without distance and time. Also, projectiles emanating from an explosion decelerate over distance/time;  but the universe's expansion is accelerating in direct conflict with established laws of physics in the big bang model. Finally, the galaxies are not obeying the law of conservation of angular momentum having been produced by a quickly spinning infinitesimal region.

Chemical: The big bang claims everything started with Hydrogen and the rest of the elements were created by fusion - but you cannot fuse past iron.

Galactic: Violates Boyles Gas Law.

Stellar: Violates Boyles Gas Law.

Planetary: See Chemical above.

Organic: Cannot be even remotely simulated in a lab full of intelligent designers.

Macro: Never been proven or demonstrated - EVER.

Micro: Occurs, but never results in a different kind of life.

Silly evolutionists just want to worship themselves - major fail.


First question: did Big Bang happen by chance? I'm not a creationist!


"What is the Probability of Life Arising Purely by Chance?"

Impossible to answer this question until we are able to show how life came into existence. There is no scientific theory for how life began, so far all we have are hypotheses for how life might have come into existence.


Shut down any evolutionist by asking 1 simple question...

Explain the thousands of symbiotic relationships found in nature...

They had to have been created at the same time. It's that simple


Jeremiah 29:13 King James Version (KJV)
"13 And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

A simple equation here- referring to this Jeremiah Biblical Scripture, and for the purpose of searching to find G-d. Which I can promise atheists they will sincerely find G-d- if they sincerely do as is instructed in this Jeremiah Scripture I show here.
Though it is very critical/vital that a person must search for G-d/Yeshua with "all their heart." Otherwise they are not sincerely searching to find G-d, will NOT find G-d/Yeshua, and this world will continue to own you (of which I am not talking about a globe or a flat earth).


It doesn't matter whether evolution has "purpose" or not, it has been proved to be the way that all living species form. Doe weather have a "purpose?" Does plate tectonics have one? Does the formation of stars have a "purpose?" That is irrelevant to understanding how these processes work.


I don't believe life was create by chance, but his premise is seriously flawed. The Universe is 13 billion years old. If the students picked those letter randomly like that or that long they are going to spell millions of recognizable words.


Entrenched Darwinist Franklin M. Harold wrote in The Way of the Cell, _"...we must concede that there are presently no detailed Darwinian accounts of the evolution of any biochemical system, only a variety of wishful speculations.”_ Woohoo! Darwinism has been proven by irrefutable wishful speculations. Color me convinced.


It is certainly an interesting question about the probability of life emerging. As a balance I would like to see the probability of an intelligent designer appearing from nothing.


This is a misdirection. Evolution was NOT trying to spell the word "human". Evolution doesn't want to get to a specific word such as "human". Evolution is working from the bottom up, not the top down (as in knowing the end goal of a specific word). More accurately evolution keeps going and whatever bunch of letters evolves, "zsuaet" that is the human of that outcome. Therefore if the odds of coming up "human" is 10x74 power and it comes up 10x73 power there would be a different universe with a bunch of Zsuaets sitting around discussing this subject.
