Brahms : Concerto pour violon (Hilary Hahn / Orchestre philharmonique de Radio France)

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Hilary Hahn interprète le Concerto pour violon en ré majeur op. 77 avec l'Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France sous la direction de Mikko Franck. Concert enregistré le 21 avril 2023 à la Maison de la Radio et de la Musique.

0:00 1er mouvement - Allegro ma non troppo
24:41 2e mouvement - Adagio
34:03 3e mouvement - Allegro giocoso, ma non troppo vivace

C’est en mai 1853, à vingt ans, que Johannes Brahms fait la connaissance à Hanovre du célèbre Joseph Joachim. Violoniste de deux ans son aîné, ancien élève de Mendelssohn, prodige admiré par Berlioz, Liszt, Robert et Clara Schumann, Joachim allait devenir l’un des plus grands interprètes de son temps. Entre les deux jeunes gens s’instaure une complicité musicale fraternelle. Joachim nota à propos de la rencontre de 1853 : « Johannes, tendre idéaliste… lorsqu’il me joua les mouvements de sa Sonate, je la trouvai d’une force et d’une originalité inimaginable, à la fois noble et inspirée ».

Cimentée par l’affection qui les unit, l’un comme l’autre, aux Schumann, l’amitié de Brahms et Joachim durera plus de quarante ans en dépit d’une brouille. On doit à cette amitié deux concertos pour violon : le Concerto hongrois, opus 11 de Joachim (1860), dédié à Brahms, oublié aujourd’hui, et le Concerto en ré majeur de Brahms dédié à Joachim. Solidité et puissance symphonique caractérisent cette partition où se succèdent vaillance, lyrisme, élans héroïques, virtuosité époustouflante.

Brahms a terminé son Concerto au cours de l’été 1878 à Pörtschach, petite ville autrichienne sur les rives du lac de Wörthersee en Carinthie, avant d’en retravailler en septembre la partie de violon avec Joachim. « Il y a quelque excuse à ce que ce concerto porte ton nom, écrivit-il ensuite à son ami, puisque tu es plus ou moins responsable de la partie du violon. » L’Allegro ma non troppo initial a la particularité de commencer par une vaste exposition dans laquelle l’orchestre expose le matériau thématique, avant l’entrée énergique du soliste.

Des épisodes virtuoses alternent alors avec de longs moments mélodiques. Brahms a laissé la place de la cadence vide, laissant le soin à ses interprètes de la réaliser comme ils l’entendent. Le paisible Adagio s’ouvre, lui aussi, par une page orchestrale, fameuse pour la belle mélodie de hautbois qui s’y déploie et que reprend le violon. Le violoniste Pablo de Sarasate, qui refusa de jouer le concerto au prétexte qu’il ne mettait pas assez en valeur son instrument, avait déclaré au sujet de cette mélodie, qu’elle était la seule qui soit réussie dans l’œuvre. Un Allegro giocoso, non troppo vivace, aux accents hongrois, aussi exubérant qu’énergique, incroyablement virtuose, referme la partition.

L’œuvre fut créée à Leipzig par Joachim avec l’orchestre du Gewandhaus sous la direction du compositeur le 1er janvier 1879. « En faisant hommage à son ami d’une œuvre qui est parfaitement digne du grand talent de Joachim, écrit Dörfel, critique au Leipziger Nachrichten, Brahms s’est mesuré à une tâche où il égale les deux chefs-d’œuvre du genre, Beethoven et Mendelssohn. Nous avouerons que nous avons attendu l’épreuve avec quelques battements de cœur (...) ; mais quelle joie nous éprouvâmes ». Les deux amis redonnèrent le Concerto à Budapest et à Vienne, avant que Joachim ne s’en fasse le défenseur à travers l’Europe.

#Violon #Brahms #HilaryHahn #OrchestrePhilharmoniquedeRadiofrance #MikkoFranck


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I had the privilege of listening to her play this 2 weeks ago in Cologne. After the performance, she went on to listen to the Schostakovich symphony 5 which was played after. She sat in the row in front of me and only about 6 seats to the right. Not many soloists of that caliber take the time to enjoy the rest of the concert like that.


Let's none of us lose sight of what a blessing it is to live in a time when we can hear and see music such as this performed by artists such as these. It is a marvel, undreamt of when I was young.


Everything she does with Radio France orchestra and Mikko Frank is magical. Their Paris CD, Sibelius, now this...


Hilary is such a goddess, queen of the violin!!


Best version of Hilary Hahn playing Brahms! Her playing matured so nicely: longer phrasing, fearless strokes, unstoppable intensity, powerful projection. Packed with emotion. Technicality at the best serve of the dynamics. Without mentioning the impeccable intonation... I am so glad this video is available, not being able to make to the concert.


I'm a simple man, I see Hilary Hahn and Maestro Franck, I click.


Hilary is nowadays taking bigger risks about dynamics and intensive, almost harsh playing, combinened with exquisite lyricisms. Thats why I love her playing in this consert. She has matured wonderfully regarding this music. From perfect to even better.


Hillary Hahn may be the most elegant being on earth.


This conductor really knows how to make the soloist’s part be heard. Thanks always to the sound technicians.


I see many comments under this video that “something which was already perfect became even better”. Indeed Hilary has always been one of the most preeminent violinists of our times, but she has always continued to grow. And that’s actually unique: when a child prodigy becomes a really Great Musician after >30 years of continuous fame. Honestly I don’t know any other examples of such a resistance towards fame temptation in the present times: several Hilary’s colleagues, also very gifted musicians by nature, swirled in the whirlpool of popularity and did not reach the level of true greatness. But Hilary… having gotten 3 Grammy awards (!!!) and lots of other prizes and “recognition symbols”, having made recordings of almost complete violin repertoire with the best orchestras and best studios in the whole world, always hearing rave reviews of her genius and crowds of fans as if she was a pop/rock star and/or a Hollywood star, having given birth to two daughters in a marriage with her husband and looking now stunningly beautiful, like 25-27 years old (max)… and she’s playing now at completely different level in comparison even with herself 15-20 years ago. I even read in those days that she was called a genius, “the Menuhin and Stern of our day”, etc., but then I could not fully agree with this, to be honest. She was obviously great, but it would be difficult for me then to call her a genius. And now, after this rendition of Brahms, a truly grandiose discovery has happened to me: Hilary Hahn IS indeed one of the greatest musicians of all times. She’s not a child prodigy any more… she’s not the one with purest and most beautiful violin tone any more… she’s not a phenomenal and preeminent master of violin any more… she’s a truly Great violinist and Great Musician, because in her playing one can feel the breath of eternity and immortality. Now it became obvious to me that she is one of those people on whom our fragile world actually rests. THANK YOU! ❤


People need to realize that this young lady is right alongside the greatest artists of all times


It's not just the perfect intonation, tonal quality, musicality and projection. Just look at her hands to realise that even more than before she has perfected the art of making a beautiful sound with the minimum effort. Any aspiring violinists could watch this for hours to pick up tips about how to get the most exquisite vibrato with such economy of movement. And that's just her left hand. Look at the bow arm to see such mastery of bow control, projection and articulation. She is still up there with the greatest of all time.


Comparing this recording to her recording with the Frankfurt radio symphony in 2014, you can tell that she has really grown as a musician in 9 years. She is so much more expressive and I feel that she really lets go a lot more nowadays while being technically flawless, even more so than before. This just goes to show that even the best musicians can improve beyond their current ability!


wow!!! this reminds me of her playing the sibelius a couple of years ago. It just blew me away. Just when you forget how awesome HH is, you get to hear this and then you're reminded of why she is so famous. i love her powerful tone, crystal clear intonation, and nuanced structure. thank you HH for performing for us. and thank you to the orchestra and conductor. Nice


Her emotional range is becoming wider. Her sound is smoother than ever. Hilary keeps amazing me with all the possibilities she made possible (of course, all with the phenomenal Mikko and orchestra). Bravo Hilary, Mikko, Orchestre philharmonique de Radio France!


Hilary + Mikko = le meilleur concerto de Brahms jamais entendu. Bravo et merci à tous.


Jesus Christ -- only Hilary Hahn can bring justice to this concerto. It is beautiful -- it is a masterpiece. But everything has to be in place, played, controlled structure and chaos -- only Hilary can summon the Spirit of Brahms from the graves and bring him to life. It is truly humbling to witness the very heights of humanity. Makes me tear up just realizing how good this was...


After listening about one hour to this, I think Hilarys playing is better than ever in this Brahms Violin Consert. Something that is perfect has been even better. Truly amazing!


The solo at the end of the first movement was perfect and very moving. Here plays a violinist who has reached full maturity and perfectly interprets the spirit of this concerto in addition to a perfect technique. The sympathetic conductor physically transfers the deep feelings of this concerto to the orchestra. Thank you very much for this video. An incredibly pleasant experience.


Wow! She has absolute and total control over that instrument. Very rare to see.
