Dissociation Explained: Symptoms, Triggers, and Treatment

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Ever zoned out while driving or felt like you were watching your life from outside your body? You're not alone. This video explains dissociation, a common but often misunderstood experience.

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I 'depersonalised' a lot when I was a kid and regularly felt like I was hovering above my physical self, observing


I disassociate often, and I can say that exercising has helped. Additionally, having my little stress ball keeps me grounded. Mental health is a lifelong journey, and I wish everyone out there peace and kindness. 💛⭐️


I love to dissociate when people around me engage in small talk and petty gossip. I also dissociate when the people I'm talking to are unimaginative, closed minded, have nothing original to bring to to the table while wasting my time. To me dissociation feels like an act of self preservation on the part of my mind.


I believe this is becoming even more common given the ever increasing reliance on technology and screen time.


There's something really lovable about this lady. I bet it would be great to be her neighbour, go around for a chat and drink tea or something.


Many years ago, I was walking home from the grocery store, when all of a sudden, I had no idea where I was. Instead of panicking, I decided to keep walking until something looked familiar. I walked half a block PAST my house, before I realized where I was. That incident was very alarming and it made me wonder of it was a precursor for Alzheimer's.

Lately, I have trouble concentrating. I used to absorb info very quickly. Now, I often have to read things more than once or rewind a video, to make sure I didn't miss something, because I often zone out. Sometimes, my thoughts are a like a boat with no oars and no engine.


I tend to daydream and zone out a lot but not an out of body kind of thing. I do this a lot when I'm in a lot of stress and it seems like something I do to help deal with the stress.


Thank you Dr Marks for covering this little understood condition.

I have c-ptsd with severe dissociative episodes. I 'lose' huge chunks of memory whenever I get overly stressed, as far as I can tell-that time is just gone. People don't 'get' it, and most personal relationships fall apart after they live through it with me a time or two. I am lucky enough to have a good mental health team. But I'm exhausted. And I'm lonely.


Not outside my body but certainly I feel alienated and aloof from my surroundings


As someone that experiences psychosis, Psychosis feels real but everything is not real, Dissosation is when you feel like nothing is real but is real


I didn't know this was dissociation. I've been doing this my entire life.


The spectrum of dissociation is fascinating. When I was younger I had a very active imagination and would zone out a lot. That never bothered me at all. Then I developed DR and DP and that was literal hell.


I ws diagnosed with ADHD first, and then once we dug deeper I was diganosed with a dissociative disorder. I dissociate about 90% of the time.


Dissociation is a significant part of my PTSD diagnosis


Yes. When my doctor prescribed gabapentin, I felt as though I was standing next to myself, watching.


2022 was a very bad year and i went through alot. Since then, i have never been able to fully associate again. I am in this constant state of anxiety, even when relaxed.. almost like the trauma is in a pressure cooker and i have to keep it closed.. So i disassociate. I'm glad to know it's a thing.


Thank you, Dr. Marks.

I suffer fairly significant dissociations, and frequently. I'm working with my doctors to overcome these things. It's been a long long fight, and I'm very tired.


I went through a very traumatic experience and dissociation was how I survived. As a therapist I always saw it as a bad thing but when I went through it, it became clear to me that it was necessary for my survival. I honestly don’t know if I could have gotten through it without the experience. Thanks for sharing this experience with the community.


I have derealization/ depersonalization brought on by weed and social anxiety/panic attacks. I got stuck like this for 24 years.. I'm not sure I'll ever be free from it and to feel like myself, from 24 years ago, is scary now. It's hard to feel emotion. I'm stuck on high alert and have trust issues because I cannot connect to myself and others. It's hard to explain. Emdr seems like the answer, but a lot of therapists are afraid to try it on me. So maybe talk therapy for now, and grounding.. But that's scary. Thank you Dr. As always I appreciate your videos, experience and ability to explain these disorders in an easy way.💙
