Atheist Asks TOUGH Question About Hell

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An atheist and a skeptic ask Frank Turek tough questions on hell and the justice/goodness of God. Frank gives gives valuable responses and I elaborate on them. At the end of the video, I explain how you can avoid hell for yourself.

My name's Ollie J, and my goal is to help you better understand the Gospel so you can more confidently live out your walk with Jesus. My secondary goal is to get Jesus back into the cultural conversation, so if you wanna help me on that mission, then smash the subscribe button & turn on notifications so you don’t miss the next one. However, if you're not yet a Christian and are currently exploring the faith, then this channel exists to educate and edify you on your journey. God bless you in Jesus glorious name.

0:00 - Intro
0:27 - Part 1: Why Would God Let Anyone Burn In Hell? (Frank's Answer)
7:36 - Short Commentary
8:53 - Part 2: Why Would God Create Humans KNOWING Some Would Go To Hell (Frank's Answer)
12:13 - How You Can Avoid Hell
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Great Video. It sounds like Ollie has been watching Ray Comfort with his witnessing style at the end 👌


Free will is an excuse people use to give a pass to their favorite imaginary god. It is also an admission that this "all powerful" god actually isn't. Is it possible for this tri-omni god to create a world in which there is free will and yet no sin?


This wasn't a tough question at all. To use Frank's analogy, God is a pushy boyfriend that if you don't love him back he throws you into the fire that he started. Frank says God doesn't force you to love him, but giving an ultimatum of "love me or burn for eternity in a fire I created just for you" is in practice the same thing. Frank's answer was very disingenuous and ignores the overarching fact that the god he believes in is an insecure sociopath.


I'm not an atheist, nor am I a subscriber of any mainstream religion.

I'll use Judeo-Christian language to describe my beliefs surrounding an entity I (allegedly) encountered and call God;

I believe that "Yahweh" and "Satan" are one in the same. Two ends of a magnetic pole.

On one hand, kind, merciful and compassionate. On the other, sadistic, voracious and vengeful.

For in the bible, it is stated, "First there was nothing. Then, God said..."

A question, how can something be created from nothing? I do not believe that nothing exists and so must assume that everything was made in Gods image (not just man, I'd say it takes a lot of self importance to suggest that Man was the only thing made in its image).

I'll add that I don't believe that God is male. I believe its a hermaphroditic entity, in a sense. Neither solely human or inhuman. Neither solely good or evil.


Nice job with the video and thank you for the content!


God does not simply let his children perish, instead the cross is providing a way to eternal life thru Jesus Christ.


9:20 A god could create a universe where people all believe it exists and still have free will to follow or not. All the god has to do is come out of hiding, show itself to everyone (as clearly as any being can show itself to you, not just through feelings and mystical ways), tell everyone what its all about and allow people to choose to follow or not


There is no Hell on earth till Jesus comes to cleanse the earth and the heavens. No God doesn't keep people in Hell. He's not a sadist, like Satan is.


I'd rather be forced to follow GOD... rather than follow my own way, ending up in hell


Great video and a hard question! Everyone knows deep down there is a God, as Ecclesiastes states eternity is written on the heart of man. But if people keep rejecting Him, the more darker their heart becomes to the truth as a result of their own doing. God loves every man and he wishes that all shall come to repentance and that non should perish, but it they don’t love him, well, they will receive the punishment for breaking Gods law.


How is this just if the only unforgettable sin is to not believe. How is this love to punish your own creation for eternity for something he very well knew I will do anyway and still create me broken. Its sad what religion does to perfectly working human brain.


He claims if I keep saying ‘no’ to god he will leave me alone, ok fine. But what about all those how prey for a friend or relative to be cured of cancer, only for their prayers to go unanswered?


Gods love is in Christ if a man or woman are not in Christ they have not the love of God


Keep making videos and trying to save souls


Why would God let anyone burn in hell?

John 14:6 is the answer...

In John 14:6, Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Let try to understand what's being stated.

Jesus is claiming to be the exclusive means of salvation and the only way to have a personal relationship with God the Father. He is not just a teacher or a prophet, but the very way to God. This statement is a declaration of His divine identity and mission.

The Way

Jesus is not just a moral teacher or a guide, but the actual path to God. He is the one who has come to reconcile humanity to God and to provide the way for people to have a personal relationship with God.

The Truth

Jesus is not just a teacher of truth, but the very embodiment of truth. He is the one who has come to reveal God’s character and nature to humanity.

The Life

Jesus is not just a moral teacher or a guide, but the source of life. He is the one who has come to give life to those who believe in Him and to give them eternal life.

No One Comes to the Father Except Through Me

Jesus is emphasizing that there is no other way to have a personal relationship with God the Father except through Him. He is the only mediator between God and humanity, and He is the only way to have eternal life.

In summary, Jesus’ statement in John 14:6 is a declaration of His divine identity and mission, emphasizing that He is the exclusive means of salvation and the only way to have a personal relationship with God the Father.

It's all based on choice. When the young man poses the question to Frank of "Why would God let anyone burn in hell?" The answer is to that is that Jesus has already warned humanity about Heaven and Hell. It's not about "letting anyone burn in hell" or even not "forcing them" from going there. It's about the option, the freedom to choose. We're all adults. We're way past the "Age of Contention". We all have heard of Jesus at this point in human history. There's no excuse anymore.

One path takes us to Heaven and eventually the New Heaven and New Earth. The other path leads us to Hell. It's up to each of us to decide where we want to be when we die. That's the beauty of Jesus. That's the beauty of free will, It's our own choice in this matter will either save us or doom us. But remember, it's a limited-time you get until the very last second of your life to decide. For some it's as long as 100 years for others it might be so much less.

Essentially John 14:6 is the answer and the question at the same time. It's Jesus looking you right in your eyes and asking you; "What do you want?"


Jesus is GOD and Real
I encountered him


God doesn't send people to hell . We send ourselves because we choose to disobey and live our lives the way we choose. Jesus came and gave his life so we can have everlasting life. satan came to steal kill and to destroy. The bible says what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and to lose his soul.


he is great at deflecting the core of a question.

first question regarding love, hes analogy is way off.

a father/mother in theyr right mind, would never leave the childs side, even if the child pushed them away, they would still protect, in the background, from a far, never letting that child into a firepit without sacrifising themself first.

comparing a partner in love, to the unconditional love for obes child is not a good comparison.
and gods love is supposed to be unconditional.


Read "That All Shall be Saved" by David Bentley Hart for some deeper answers.


god ain't a boyfriend. he is your maker, your father. and just like with family, there ain't no choice. terrible argument. so either god has the same value as some random stalker or your argument i false. love is not a choice.
also, god forces people to do things all the time, against their will, against their active plea. he even r0ped his own adolescent mother. Three times did Mary beg not to, but he made her pregnant anyway...
the rest of his diatribe is based on a whole lot of ad hoc and presuppositions he can not proof. until he does, none of the things he claims exist, actually exist. Afterlife? has not been demonstrated, all the data shows that it's nonsense. Our conscious is an emerging property of out brains, and once that no longer works, we cease to exist. Afterlife is the exact same as Prelife.
and last but not least... if god is all about forgiveness, and is sup[posed to be like a loving parent... should he not forgive us all anyway and love us unconditionally regardless? If I were a parent, no matter what my child did, I would still try my best to be a parent and love and forgive them. So basically god is a really bad parent who should not have kids?

In the bible (if you would actually read it), god is an incredibly insecure and vindictive bad tempered egomaniac, who demands and requires the adoration of his creation. And if you think hell is bad (neither hell, the devil or angels existed in the bible prior to the 12th century) what awaits the most faithful is not the sunday school stories of a heaven when you are reunited with all the people you love and live in a paradise where you can do whatever you want... nope. it is eternal bliss, without knowledge or awareness of your previous life or the people in it, you spend the rest of eternity at the feet of god in endless worship, feeding he ego for all time to come. talking about stone cold narcissistic self absorption.

torment and torture are synonyms. "severe physical or mental suffering", which makes it better than "severe pain or suffering" how? The real difference between the words? torture usually implies punishment for something, and being inflicted by someone on someone. so what was it again? "just" torment?
it's amazing how these people twist words to force them to fit their narrative. it is called an apologist for a reason.
hades is Greek, and it originates, like most Mediterranean cultures, it a derivative of Babylonian myth.

not having a believe in your specific deity and version of the judeo-christian god does not equate to hate. do i find the amalgamation of proto-semitic gods, depicted as a single character in the bible, despicable? absolutely. child murder, genocide, pro slavery, pro r0pe? i would not even worship that spiteful creature if i had evidence for its existence, not because of hate, but because of disgust. the things that your specific deity pulls? and the many absolute insane nonsense he goes through, or lets other go through, just to fix his own clerical errors, while demanding to be seen as infallible?

And sorry man, unless you can pray to 3000+ gods at the same time without offending any of them, you can't be sure either.
This "you better believe in god, because at best he does not exist, but at worst he does and then what?" is called "Pascal's wager" and has been debunked for almost as long as it exists. The problem here is that you are convinced that your god is the right one. But you forget that there are billions of people throughout history who have claimed the same for their god. There is no logical reason to believe yours is the real one. It could be some god long forgotten and we all end up in hell anyway... just think how different all the Abrahamic religions are. it's all the same god, but distinctly different. For most of them, Jesus is not even a thing at all (and that person did not exist, there is not a shred of historic evidence for such a claim). So which of them is right? And even if you stick to your own. Have you read the bible? Wanna bet that you did a hundred things just last week to offend god? Mixed fabric? Did you do anything on sabbath? how about shellfish? Some ham? Do you wash your feet and the feet of your elders the correct way? Did you kill any heathens as you are commanded?
What makes you think that you got the right version out of the more than 45, 000!! different christian denominations?

And the free will argument is also false. Either god is all knowing and all powerful, in which case free will does not exist, as all is predetermined through the pre-existing knowledge of god. Or we really have free will, in which case god knows not what we do and he can not judge us. Also, how much free will exist in the thing you create? He made them. What free will means is defined by god, which makes the "free" element redundant.
Last but not least, if you have the choice between eternal bliss and eternal "torment", how much free will is there? I am giving you the choice between literal heaven and hell, but it is my choice? What nonsense!

Your murder analogy is a loaded question. but to answer your question, yes, these things can make a difference in the sentencing. If you are a serial criminal, has prior convictions for violence and then go to trial for cold blooded murder because of greed; versus you being a good and upstanding citizen with not even a parking ticket and you kill the guy who has r0ped your 12 year old daughter in a fit of rage, the act may be similar, but both, a jury of your peers, as well as the judge will evaluate both crimes differently. If all god would want from us is to be loving and kind, he would not have to threaten us with eternal torment for not wearing some very specific hat.

and just to reiterate what Jesus was (aside from made up):
God made man, let them live in paradise. told them they could have all, except for the fruit of two trees; KNOWING that the two humans, like the little innocent kids they were mentally, did not understand the meaning of his warning nor the consequences, and it's not like god told them. Then humans get tempted being naive and gullible, just as god has made them, falling for the lies of a serpent. For eating the fruit that removes the naivete and the gullibility, they are forced out of paradise and cursed with ancestral sin. And so humans become what god made them. A whole lot of sinners. When there are too many of those sinners, god rains fire and brimstone, and then floods the place, except for noah, who then repopulates the world.
fast forward a few hundred years of genocide and political squabbles, god one day, out of nowhere, as there is a considerable gap of direct interaction with his chosen people, decides to fix this whole inherited sin affair...
How? he starts with forcing a fourteen year old girl to commit sin (according to god's law, adultery is always the woman's fault). he r0pes her, forces her to bear his child, telling her in advance that he will die in front of her eyes. then he makes some very localised political trouble between romans and jews, and then gets put on a cross for it, a procedure many survived for weeks, and dies in just a few hours... none of the things that get him on the cross have anything to do with his message really, other than that the jewish priesthood is a little bit bothered by his speeches... in a time where religious preachers and prophets and messengers of gods where as plentiful and common as weirdos on NY time square. And I still don't understand how his "sacrifice", which was actually as lawful sentencing, and according to your own argument, justified, can cancel out my sins? How does that work? What kind of magic is happening there exactly? The conviction which which religious people say things as if it was the most logical things, when there is zero sense involved in mind boggling.

Oh and fyi: the first person to call Kristos by name was Saul, who was a conman, paid to infiltrate local christian sects to sell them out to the authorities. when he got shipwrecked on malta, a refuge for christians, he probably had to make up a good story to save his own skin... so he became their leader; as any good conman would...
