New Zealand's Chest Pain Crisis: What's Going On?

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In this critical video, we delve into New Zealand's alarming chest pain crisis that has been affecting countless individuals across the nation.

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What are the underlying causes, and how are healthcare providers responding to this growing concern?

Dr McMillan's Health & Wellness: McMillan and Members Session 3

We will discuss the symptoms of chest pain, the importance of timely medical intervention, and how this crisis is impacting the healthcare system in New Zealand.

Vaccine-Induced Abnormal Heart Physiology - Potential Mechanisms

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NZ’s data is EXTREMELY important…. that’s why they AREN’T treating it as


It's the depopulation program running successfully, Dr, and nobody will speak loud because they are involved, or have fear or fear the responsibility. Tha wasn't an error, that was on porpouse to kill as many of us as possible.


I'm in NZ, ambulances busy all the time, work college this week told me about his Pericarditis, and another died of a heart attack in his to see here...Jabcinda


New Zealand and Australia were particularly tyrannized. Definitely seemed that the powers that be were using it as a an isolated testing environment out there in the middle of the Pacific ocean. They even had covid camps in Australia which is absolutely egregious. But staying quiet about it is very cowardly and a very bad idea. At least up here in Canada although we did have a lot of sheep we also had the trucker protest and people stood up finally to put their foot down and say no we're not going to take it anymore. And now the liberal government is about to get ejected as it should be. I know many Canadians who will never tolerate another scam like this one.


The bigger issue for me is, false data, false advertising, results of previous research, the formula, career Bureaucrats, if you've been onto it from the start you can see the entire deal is very sinister.


I'm a New Zeakander, no one talks about it, almost taboo. I wonder if people fear being labeled a Conspiracy theorist if they question it, so just keep quiet. I've been well aware from the get go but just relatively remain quiet, as I don't want to cause any upsets. It's very frustrating. Thank you Dr McMillan for raising this.


People are inherently reluctant to admit that they’ve fallen for a scheme. They turn to criticizing those that did not. It’s their coping mechanism.


I aint got no chest pain....I aint got no jabs. I aint got no worries. UK, 72...PURE BLOOD !


I still hear "safe and effective" at least 3 times a day.


Thanks to all the Whistleblower doctors, embalmers and scientists. Thanks also to nurses, soldiers; and law enforcement officers who lost everything by saying no.


In New Zealand there are now highly visible defibrillators all over the place including schools, even small train station, gyms, sports centres, work places, malls - weren’t sighted before Covid. And while out & about you can’t help but notice how common the flashing lights of ambulances are - regularly see two or three ambulances while out for an hours walk


Remember, there's no such thing as 'mild' myocarditis.


I've noticed people talking about living more in 'the now', taking more vacations etc., now they see people in their fifties dropping dead. I fear when this elephant grows so big it leaves no room for anything else people still will not be connecting any dots. They just don't care enough.


I'm extremely anti-vax but I think everyone needs to remember that the hundreds of thousands of cell towers went up during the same vaccine rollout timeframe. EMF damages smooth muscle, which lines all our arteries and blood vessels. Inflammation not only causes an increase in cholesterol, but also causes the blood vessels to constrict. Constriction reduces blood flow and raises blood pressure. I think way too many people are overlooking this. As well, since EMF stiffens smooth muscle (and skeletal muscle for that matter) it could also stiffen the heart...and all the blood vessels within organs...such as the colon. Colon cancer is skyrocketing. Could it be associated with the endothelial layer being damaged by EMF? The endothelial layer is intertwined with smooth muscle. ...and this could lead to a cascade of runaway damage and hypoxia.


The best part of being a "conspiracy theorist" is not suddenly developing myocaditis, T-cell exhaustion, turbo cancer, Bell's palsy, lupis, POTS, autoimmune conditions, transverse myelitis, amyloidosis, chronic vertigo, Guillain-Barré syndrome, tinnitus, paralysis, sharp decrease in platelet levels, increased risk of mental disorders, thrombosis from strange long blood clots that look like white vien worms, vien spiders or grape jelly. On top of that contracting covid repeatedly with every single symptom increased. Metastasized Cancer. Lymphoma, Pancreatic, Lung and Skin all increasing and Turbo cancers.

Even chain smoking, binge drinking and heavy drug addiction combined would take much longer to do much less damage to a healthy human body. The year elementary school children needed a pediatrician as well as a cardiologist and healthy athletes started collapsing on the field was the year the media should have been asking questions.


Thanks Dr McMillan for featuring New Zealand we have been subject to experimental research in this country for too long now but still the people here are keeping quiet about it strange eh??


Think I will share this excellent video to Facebook, then see how many friends delete me as they would rather not face the truth of what they have done to themselves.


recently i went to the doctor here in New Zealand and during the initial questions i was asked if im jabbed and as soon as i said no the doctor became less friendly and diagnosed me as probably having white coat syndrome and ignored what i said from that moment on. The thing that made me goto the doctor remained untreated.


New Zealanders are jabbed out the wazoo.
(BTW, so glad I'm still in the control group.)


know exactly what is happening! It’s the quackzeeene
